'Believe it or Not' (2024) Full Bigfoot Video

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Hear first hand from the believers in Bigfoot. This Bigfoot video was produced by Penford media. The footage is from Bigfoot Days in West Branch, MI. Daniel Perez stars in this new Bigfoot video alongside, Erick Szylagyi and Ken Gerhard. Do you believe in Bigfoot? Let us know in the comments below.
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I grew up in Eastern PA, about 60 miles from New Jersey. Very rural area. My graduating class in HS had less than 300 people.

I took walks at night, several times a week, from around age 16 to 19. I'd walk a couple miles every time, down gravel roads, sometimes through creeks or through unplanted fields. I did this for years, and I was very familiar with the area.

I will never forget the night I was walking along a creek bed, and I heard a noise I never heard before. I grew up around horses, zebras, llamas, goats, chickens, turkeys and pigs.

I followed the creek towards the sound, thinking someone's animal might have escaped. But when I found it - when I saw the source of the sound - I was literally paralyzed with fear for a few seconds. I couldn't move.

About 350ft ahead of me, on the other side of a bridge, I saw something that shouldn't exist. It was standing still, in the shallow water. I saw it, but it hadn't seen me.

I was frozen with fear, I couldn't move my body or look away. Then I saw it move it's head, and make that noise I had been following.

As soon as I overcame my shock, I climbed up the embankment, and out of the creek. I made my way towards the bridge, which was part of a roadway. And that's when I got a really good look at it.

Skinny legs like a crane, with a body about twice the size. The thickness of the neck was way out of proportion, so much thicker than the legs. And the head looked like that of a camel, with flared nostrils and large lips.

My brain couldn't make sense of what I was seeing. No way this "thing" could be standing upright. Impossible.

If this thing was real, it should be laying flat on it's face. All the mass was in the head and neck. No way it was real.

Yet I stood there and watched it for a good 2-3 minutes, and I saw it move, bend, walk, and drink.

My brain couldn't take any more of it, so I continued my walk away from that thing. Most disturbing experience of my life.

Later on, I heard about the jersey devil - and that fits the description of what I saw.

I walked that area several times a week for 3 YEARS and only saw that thing one time.

I know what I saw. I remember it vividly.

I've never seen a Bigfoot, or come across any evidence of one - but there's no way I'll ever say Bigfoot isn't real.

I saw something I can't explain almost 20 years ago.

If these people say they saw something, I believe them.


Funny, I was born in 64 and also saw The legend of boggy creek in a theater and was equally fascinated. Funny too, back then things were very different. My dad DROPPED ME OFF to meet a friend to watch it! I was 9! Lol. Been hooked on cryptids ever since.


I’m in Michigan. Raised in Macomb County and currently live in St.Clair County.
It really is amazing how woodland animals or birds will alert the woods that we are present. A lot of times you are not sneaking around anywhere.
Sometimes I think to myself🤔…maybe it would be easier if I just said loudly…I’m here lol
I got growled at around 5 years ago on a trail. Well ofcourse I googled what animals would growl at me in the woods in Michigan….Sasquatch came up in my search and I have been on the Sasquatch journey ever since. The place I was hiking was known to have a lot of coyotes and I do believe that day that was what growled at me. Ofcourse I will never know for sure. In any case the Sasquatch bug has bites me hard!
I got a cute story about animals warning other animals of your presence in the woods ….
So I was out looking for mushrooms and a bird was tweeting at me and I was tweeting back. We just kept going back and forth and then a couple more birds joined in. It was fun so I just kept tweeting . Well within 5 min maybe less I had what seemed to be 20 little birds around me in the trees just whistling away. It got so loud that I started to laugh. It was truly a bird symphony I was experiencing. Super cool!


Im Mark from MI and i have had 2 experiences i can only attribute to BIG FOOT .
My first was in 1997 on the Manistee National forest i was hunting solo backpacking in about 7mi hunted the first 2 days seen nothing that night after i made some food and went to sleep in a light rain i heard pebble's hitting my tent thinking it was hail paid mo attention. i had to relive myself grabbed my 44 pistol went outside did my business and as i turned to go to my tent i saw a massive head n shoulder's hiding behind a tree not believing what i seen i just went into my tent.
Things escalating to having to defend my camp untill morning with my guns paking up and being chased out to my truck.
He wanted me gone but could have hurt me if he truly wanted to.


Any movie with Daniel Perez is definitely worth watching, hes a legend 👍👌


My first exposure to sasquatch was seeing The Legend of Boggy Creek when I was 8 followed a few years later with the Mysterious Monsters a couple years later. I read everything I could about it at the library. Some things helped convince me: the Albert Ostman story, the Patterson/Gimlin film, all the thousands of reports of encounters and the fact that every North American tribe has a word for it in their own languages. I've never seen one myself but I hope to one day.


I don't think sasquatch exists.
I know they do. I've seen some.


I do believe that they do exist and they are all over the place 💯🙉🙉


Yep, I’m 63 when I was 10 went to a Saturday matinee about undiscovered animals. Started a life long interest on the subject. Don’t go to events or bang on trees. Just read, listen and absorb information.


A very sweet friend of mine was an original witness to the Boggy Creek Bigfoot, he was 18 .


Some Bigfoot investigators don't realize that most of us are there to hear about Bigfoot, and not so much about them, the investigators. This should be the most important thing to consider when putting their program together. Remember, the attention span of the average American is short. Not being rude, just offering advice from a viewer.


I heard an unusual, unidentifiable vocalization in very cold weather (18 degrees) at 2AM in Dec 1980 in a remote area of East Oklahoma. Back then I had never heard the words "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch". I was oblivious. It was somewhat human - more so than animal - but it's range, control and power were NOT human. I and my girl friend were petrified and did not move for 3 hours. We never heard another vocalization NOR any sound of movement. Yet the two vocalizations we did hear were maybe 30 feet to the right of our tent and the entire ground was frozen grass, twigs, some snow and ice. The vocalizations also had "height" - it came from higher than us laying down. So I assumed then that it was tall because there were NO trees and no hills - we were in a huge grass field maybe 50 acres. And one could not walk on that ground without crunching noises. So for 3 hours we thought that whatever creature made those two vocalizations was "right there" apparently watching our tent. When sun came up, unfortunately not knowing of Bigfoot, we made no attempt to look for footprints which would have been fairly obvious with the frozen ground. 44 years later, it's still scary to think of what could have happened. I imagine, what if I had gotten out of the tent only to see an 8' or 9" or.... 12' hairy humanoid creature standing 30 feet away. Would I have passed out? Would I have had a nervous breakdown? Or panicked and started running or jumped into the car and left my girl friend in the tent? Who knows.


This series has been great. Interesting anecdotes from lots of interesting folks.


A Sasquatch can hear a human coming way before you know it I’m sure. That’s probably why they are hard to get picture/video of.


I'm glad I found this. Enjoyed this alot.


I have experienced tree shaking, branch breaking, rock throwing, rock clacking, screaming, found a huge poop. Found one track, heard two talking to each other in the woods, ive also had gifting, twice. Now it gets weird. .. ive also experienced telepathy, psychic visions, poking and tapping at home and while camping. Ive also felt a buzzing vibe (goose bumps and skin shivers) when close to them. I think they are doing that psychically, not infrasound. Lastly, i had a close encounter sighting in 2013 while camping in a wild area.


I heard a voice in my head in 2018, and believe it was a sasquatch. His name was Kamooh, he introduced himself as an elder sasquatch. He said,
"We need your help"
"Sasquatch might not survive the anthropocene extinction"
"We want you to be an ambassador and share what you know about us, with your people"
"To be a great man, you must be a good boy first"
"Keep your thoughts pure and true"
"Pray, meditate, eat good food, drink good water, wake up early, work your body, wash your clothes by hand"
"Star people watch you"
"Stay humble, calm and focused"
"Stay kind"
"Female sasquatch move territory, males stay in the same area"
"We use lithography"
"We dont eat humans"
"We are not nephilim"
"Patty is still alive"
"No guns"
"Dont burn the forest"
"Stop smoking"
"We love you"
And a few other things.

Kamooh introduced me to another sasquatch named Rashanti.

I was able to ask a few questions;

- Why did you choose me?
Kamooh answered, "People will find your story touching"

- How many sasquatch are there?
Kamooh answered, "There are about 40, 000 sasquatch in north america".

- How do sasquatch differ from humans?
Rashanti answered, "Penis is longer"

- Were your people created or did you evolve?
I was shown a vision of the earth from space and a rainbow shining down to earth. It was in color and quite vivid. Space rainbow? Does that mean they were created by ET's?

- How are you speaking to me right now?
Kamooh answered, "Rashanti will teach you how to breathe, when you are ready".
Then Kamooh said, "focus here" and I was immediately tapped on the center of my forehead.

Wish I could have asked more questions, but that's it.

Another point Kamooh mentioned was,

"We have some things for your people"

Then proceeded to tell me this:

Before the burning of the library of Alexandria, select ancient scrolls were taken in an attempt to save them. Egyptians took those ancient scrolls to the americas. Eventually a colony of egyptians made it to the grand canyon. At one point there was a meeting between the egyptians and the sasquatch. Those ancient scrolls were given to the sasquatch to keep them safe. Sasquatch took the scrolls to caves in nova Scotia, then later to caves in Ontario.

I heard this all very clearly in my head, what can I say.

Good luck on your search for truth.


Bigfoot are not apes. Their hair covered people who live outside on the fringe of society. They have their own language and are not monsters.🇨🇦👍✌️


This isn't a documentary, its just a bunch of speakers.


My brother and i would go through the tv guide looking to see if the legend of boggy creek was on. Usually it was late night fri or sat and the it would be dead air, remember that ?
