New Scientific Discovery Challenges Established Human Evolutionary Theory

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In this video, we're excited to announce a historic scientific discovery that has changed Human Evolutionary Theory! This discovery has changed the way we perceive the origins of our species and has sparked a new debate about the ancestral origins of human populations. Watch this video to learn more about this amazing discovery and what it means for the way we think about our origins!

Forget everything you thought you knew about human evolution. For more than 30 years, population geneticists have accepted the Out of Africa concept as truth, despite early reservations among phylo-geneticists with expertise beyond the Human genus. The paleontological basis for the theory is likewise unclear, a situation that has been more pronounced in recent decades as the Eurasian paleontological record has grown.

It is widely assumed that the first individuals of the Homo sapiens species resided in Africa, and that Homo sapiens sapiens emerged on the same continent. The majority of experts feel that only the precise timing of our sub-species' origin has to be determined. This assumption may be incorrect though, because highly compelling new evidence reveals that the Homo sapiens sapiens subspecies likely originated in Eurasia.

Рекомендации по теме

The reversal of human phylogeny: Homo left Africa as erectus, came back as sapiens


Would be fascinating to see world climate and natural disaster events over the last 1 million years overlaid into the genome and DNA divergences for the same period. Might help to support some of these new speculative conclusions.


I think I would call this a modification of the Out Of Africa model rather than a disruption of that model, as no one has challenged that Erectus did migrate from Africa.


Wow, this really changes everything. I started following "physical" anthropology in the 60s when the National Geographic TV specials came out chronicling the Leakey's work in Africa. Took some physical anthropology classes in college just out of interest, totally unrelated to my major. This has been an amazing journey of discovery over the decades.


I didn't see where it addressed the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon


New Sub i like your content...
Where did the hss arrive in Eurasia from ?

Out of Australis !!!


I don't think I remember such a rocking background music on any of these caught me off guard and I thought it was a mt. Dew commercial for a second


Excellent presentation. I enjoyed your ideas about who was the donor and who was the recipient. It makes sense.


This correlates with recent attempts to place an earlier arrival date for humans in Australia.

The lack of Neanderthal in Africa however brings into question why the hybridisation of HSN and HSS occurred so late when they were sharing a continent for so long.


is it possible that erectus left Africa, created Neanderthals, Heidelbergensis, denisovans and sapiens, then sapiens returned to Africa then a group of sapiens left Africa and kinda took over the world?


Interesting. Thank you.
Science needs to be able to stand up to scrutiny, and hypotheses need to reflect and incorporate new information rather than have that information forced into a preconceived model or ignored.
I noticed one of the other commenters here claiming that the evidence is buried under the ocean. Imaginary or hypothetical evidence is no evidence at all. You have to work with tangible facts.


The reason why mainstream anthropology rejects Arnason's OOE hypothesis is because he created a separate PPA methodology to calculate phylogenetic relationships rather than using the standard Bayesian statistical model scientists employ. Not only that, but his recent study repeatedly cites his prior OOE papers using the same unproven PPA method which manipulates and skews data. It's no small wonder why mainstream academia continues to reject his OOE hypothesis.

In addition, the notion H. antecessor is a founding lineage to H. sapiens sapiens is not supported by the fossil record. H. antecessor has a cranial capacity of 1000cc well below Heidelbergensis at 1200cc. The evidence is more suggestive H. antecessor's 1000cc brain evolved from the H. erectus 950cc brain, or at best were sister species both dating from the mid-Pleistocene epoch. Finally, the proteins from H. antecessor's tooth enamel are not even a close match to H. sapiens.

This study conveniently ignored the linguistic evidence of ancient click-speaking African language not to mention several African haplogroups date far older than Eurasian haplogroups. Arnason remarks throughout this paper how OOA proponents disregard certain evidence when he in fact does the very same thing to draw his conclusions. Now with that out of the way, let's have the channel review a recent phylogenetic study that supports OOA so both hypotheses are equally and fairly represented. DONE!


This is interesting, but looking at the chromosomal studies, that strongly suggest that Homo sapiens Y-chromosome, and mitochondrial chromosomes, which will come from the mother, all originated, and have the highest concentration in Africa, not Eurasia


The fact is the story is still being uncovered.


Makes sense. A species that left it's area of origin and spreads to basically the other side of the planet would mutate and be different from it's original ancestors. This probably happened multiple times.


In the timeline you sleek of the land masses we totally different there was far less water on the earth. Land masses were subducted or just plain collapsed and dropped into deep valleys then covered in water or dropped into existing oceans. Polar shifts cause so many as yet not understood shifts in the surface crust. What needs to b examined and understood is the existing variances in blood types and what types existed before now


Whole problem is that not all of us came from Africa. Far from that


I really enjoy the information you present...However i wish you would just present it with normal sentence structure and emphasis. Sometimes it sounds like you are reading a script without fullstops...or something. Very interesting information though.


I started imagining a few years ago that there were different species of humans (e.g. Neanderthals) that didn't come from Africa, but I never thought I might be right. If anything, I thought humans and Neanderthals were migrating back and forth, but Neanderthals never making it all tbe way South for some reason.


Great video, thank you very much, note to self(nts) watched all of it 12:49
