How NOT to screw up your diet

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Most of us freak out when we make mistakes, especially while on a weight loss diet! We assume we've ruined everything when we overeat, or eat off plan, and at this point we'll either quit our diet completely OR we'll make it worse by eating more out of guilt and shame..

Whether you feel like your weakness is weekends, holidays, events, eating out, or just stress or emotions in general - you need to be able to navigate these times without quitting or "falling off the wagon".

Mistakes are part of the process, and it's not possible to be successful in anything, especially weight loss, without things not going according to plan!

The mistake isn't the real problem, it's the thoughts and meaning we assign to the mistake.

Mistakes WILL happen, so how are you going to approach them? In this video I've covered 4 detailed steps on exactly how you can NOT screw up your diet or weight loss efforts next time you make a mistake :)


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