Mel Robbins' secret to beating the fear of public speaking

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If you hate speaking in front of other people, this one is for YOU. The thing about fear and nerves is the more you try to beat them, the more they will take up space in your mind.

In this video, I'll explain the trick I use to turn any sort of nervous body sensations that happen before speaking in front of audience (bubbly stomach, blushing, losing my train of thought) into a positive acknowledgement for my mind.

This one "flip" has changed how I view my own insecurities and doubts, and I know it'll do the same for you.

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I used to be terrified about speaking in public and now I'm a professional actor.

I remember when I was doing Law School and had to do a presentation in front of the class. Mouth dry, shaking like a grip on a storm, hands sweaty. One thing to do in order to overcome this fear is indeed to just do it. The more you do it, the more your brain will realize that this situation is not dangerous. A tip that might help too: always think about later. That after the speech you're going home to watch some series, eat popcorn, whatever. The idea is that the speech is not the end of the world, life WILL continue afterwards. Takes away some of the pressure of the moment.


You gotta do it! Your dreams depend on it


Both Mel Robbins and Simon Sinek say this same point. The sensations of being nervous and excited are the same. If you can change the associations to the feelings, you feel more confident in taking action.

Loved reading about this in the book (5 second rule)


I gave a speech today and had a panic attack in the middle of it. My new job requires weekly presentations I will remember this next time. Thank you!


Mel I’ve used your “I’m not nervous I’m excited” so many times this year. It’s got me 2 promotions and I ran 10kms - TWICE! Thank you (genuinely with a lot of gratitude) for opening me up to all the things I was holding myself back from.
Mhairin, 24, Australia


Oh my god!! It's my biggest challenge in my life. I'm an introverted person. It's hard for me to speak up because i'm afraid i'm gonna stumble my words. I dreamt to be confident before but my biggest hurdle is finding my voice. I feel like i'm the worst person who is hidin from anything, Not seen by anyone. And more.. i make a lot of excuses to myself. It's so hard that i couldn't get rid of this anxiety and depression. But when i got this advice from mel, she made me realize that there is still hope for me to live. I hope i could get rid for the better next time.


Now honestly, that works. I started doing it and with each time my fear got less, now I just had to do a presentation and I nearly no fear.


Mel Robbins is honestly the only one who can really reach me besides Simon Sinek, cuz they both KNOW what they are talking about, and you can feel it.


Great lesson! And it is always some great music at the end.


Did sky diving last week, had all the jitters and irrational "what if" thoughts. Just had to say "I'm excited" to change my frame of mind. Renaming the feeling was my simple trick.


Wow it is amazing. I have done this while giving a presentation that I had to give. However, was not aware of the exact procedure.


Yeah. This video is 4years old

But very encouraging. I love your works and personality Mel 👏🥳


I really needed this .. thanks for this Mel made my day...😊🙏🌍♥️😍😘


Nice psychology. Reframing something differently in your mind. Reminds me of something Tony Robbins shared. Thank you, Mel.


This is amazing. I always wanted to be a YouTuber but I have a fear of public speaking😰 I do know that people can overcome social anxiety. Even tho it is never easy. It’s very difficult.


Thanks for being so vulnerable. You can change the world. The ability to speak is a powerful gift. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights (ultimately). The best gift ever given to mankind is the Living Word Which became flesh and died for so that we might have everlasting life. When we wait on His love, our fears our cast away and we gain control over ourselves. Thus our voice will have a wonderful influence on those who hear us. Blessings


I love you Mel. This is so true! I remember that video that you said it before. "I am not nervous, though, I am excited" and also the reaffirmations to ourselves: Why am I ready to do it?. I learned with you. Please, send me a 5SecJournal! :D Love yoooou.


The same technic I'm using tomorrow for playing the piano love ya melll


Mel, read your book and honestly you’re my guru. I wish I could have you there with me helping me to turn my dreams into a reality. Need to and get myself up and doing what I need to do. Can you talk about the best way to decide what is best for you?


Thank you. Giving a 5 min speech on Saturday!! Ahhhh i’m nervous! Getting ready to talk 😏😏😏
