How To Make Your Own Butter #SHORTS

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And all you need is heavy cream.

#Shorts #Butter #BiggerBolderBaking
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I love the way she talks. And her recipes ♥️🍩


I remember making butter by putting in cream and yellow food coloring in a baby food jar and shaking it up for a few minutes in 1st grade.

Good times.


Dear Gemma, the churned butter can be put into a sauce pan and heated until the butter becomes golden liquid once done the same shud be put thru a sieve and stored. It's called clarified butter or ghee. It can be used instead of oil for cooking and also be applied on indian flat breads and consumed.


Sara Moulton stated that if the whey isn't thoroughly washed out of the butter, you'll have a stink develop in a day or two.... like she had happen. I've seen vids of people running cold water over the butter in a bowl in the sink while kneading it just like bread dough, until the whey completely extracts and the water is clear.


Hi, Gemma I used to do butter like this many years ago, but it's really a collosal waste of time and energy (as you would need to do a lot of washing up after that as well!) Simply find good quality fresh butter at farmers' maket or in your area, it would save you tons of work, the thing is this kind of butter is reverse engineering as you try to separate the butter from the cream, when the cream was already made as mixture of milk and certain amount of butterfat, so why not buy the original butter made from the full fat milk? I buy freshly made butter from a farmer and it's always as good as that if not better. No mess at home with butter everywhere.Try :)


You can also use a mason jar and shake until it turns to butter. That’s of course if you don’t have a food processor. It’ll be some fun for the kids to do while watching a movie.
Takes about 20 mins.


Great job dear and the way u pronounce butter is also lovely👍🏻❤


It's SO GOOD!!! I cannot believe some people don't know this. We made butter when I was in kindergarten. We sat in a circle and took turns to shake a jar of whipping cream while the teacher reads a story. It was so fun! And I see why unsalted butter is called "sweet butter". Now for some freshly baked bread 🍞


This is what Indian mothers do while making ghee they keep some of that butter for breakfast 🤤 Love it with sweet buns or toast ( adding black pepper & black salt while having it elevates the taste). I love your channel it always gives me joy ❤️✨


First time i made butter it was with a wire whisk. I squeezed it but didn't rinse it (didn't know I had to), but it was still good and it hardly had any liquid. Homemade butter is awesome.


Just shake vigorously in a canning jar with lid and pour the whey off. No need to touch it until you are ready to form it.


Hey, Gemma! I like how you explain important points in your videos, really helps me understand the basic science since I'm vegan and constantly looking for the underlying logic of every ingredient. Therefore (also and now that I've seen this video of yours) I thought I'd ask for a vegan version. Do you think you could share a video on it? I'm specifically asking for a non-hydrogenerated one. Thanks so much!


Is this also good butter to use for baking? And how long does it stay fresh in the fridge? Thanks for sharing, love!😊👍🏽🥳


In India we separate cream from the milk that is bought daily for household purpose.The cream collected is stored in a vessel and refrigerated.After around two weeks it is churned for butter or sometimes stored as ghee.


Can I use cheese cloth to help drain or will it make a bigger mess? I'm thinking the latter but I wanted to ask to be sure.


You can whip it also you don't need a food processor for those who don't have a food processor


This is great! I wonder if it can work with powdered milk & cream? Or, maybe you can do a margarine also? I'm just trying to learn how to do things, since things got so iffy in the pandemic. Want to learn more skills👍


Hi Gemma. Luv ur videos. Cld I use a blender for this as dont have a processor. I have a big blender and one of the smaller ones too. Thamks x


Initially when pour cream into the food processor, add half a cup hot water for better results


Does this taste different then store bought butter? Cheaper?
