How to Run A Laravel Project On A Localhost [Easy method] - Laravel Tutorial - Running on Localhost

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How to Run A Laravel Project On A Localhost [Easy method] - Laravel Tutorial - Running on Localhost

Running laravel project on localhost, laravel, laracast, localhost, xampp, wampp, upload, laravel app, laravel website, php laravel, laravel website, running website on localhost, html, css, php, Laravel 5.5, laravel 5.4, laravel 5, php framework, laravel tutorial for begineers, laravel localhost, laravel localhost not working, laravel localhost to server

Audio: St Francis by Josh Lippi & The Overtimers

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hey i have follow your tutorial, when i rename server.php to index.php and after that i get the error
Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required in Unknown on line 0
can you suggest solutionfor this?


i am gettin the route error even my routes are fine but when i search it on my broweser is shows me 404| not foudn even though i have search alot for solution but nothing seems to work for me


Now I have the next issue: I can't load the css files from my app.blade.php. Any sugestion. I have tried this: <link rel="stylesheet" But I didn't work. all the css styles are in public folder. Any suggestion??


Hello webpage load on localhost but its jquery is not functioning


It opens only one page .. After that i shows error.
