What Does God Want Us To Eat? | Q&A 54: Bible Diet For Health

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How does the Bible diet for health work? Learn more about the Bible diet, what it does for you and why you should start eating the Biblical way.

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Today’s Q & A questions are all about the Bible diet for health... How you can achieve excellent health, God's way!

1. My husband and I still struggle with the idea of clean and unclean foods. And if those laws really apply to non Jews, now our pastor says that passages in the New Testament imply that they don't. Are there any resources that would help with that? - Rebecca

Now, remember, the law was written to give guidance to a clean life and better living? God was defining what would be best for the people that he loved the most. All right, and that's the Israelites. Yes, 99% of pastors will disagree with me. And I'm fine with that. And they also say the Sabbath was changed after the resurrection. And I don't agree with that either. So it's okay to disagree, I can still worship with them, I can still eat with them. And I can still enjoy what they are going to teach me. But always take whatever you are taught anything, I say anything, anyone else says back to God's word, and make sure it's what you honestly believe. And not just because your pastor said it, or someone else said it, I need you to verify in your heart and in your mind, what is God telling you. And so we have several videos about this topic.

2. Is fermenting foods a healthy biblical option? - Aaron

Most definitely. That's it. It is an ancient way of serving and preserving foods. Now we're gonna be doing a deep dive into this later on this channel. So make sure you're subscribed and we are going to share with you many delicious recipes.

3. How fast could I lose weight and lower my high blood pressure on this course? - Elizabeth

What if I told you, it's more important to realize that you won't gain it back? What we learn actually, through this biblical study is how to change our beliefs. When we learn why we turn to food, food no longer is going to have a hold on you. When we learn how to believe God's word as truth, no area in your life will ever be stymied. Again, there's no date that you're going to reach your goal. Yet following these biblicl diet principles, or meaning that you're going to have victorious days from day one. And there is no going back to the person you used to be there just why you see this bracelet on me all the time. That's not me anymore. controlled by food drawn to food for comfort and eating, and eating foods that harm the body. That's not you anymore. Instead, you're going to be set free from the bondage of the marketers or the desserts are most importantly, you're going to be set free from the guilt and putting yourself down over and over and over for gaining it back. That is the liberty that God brings when we see him as our ultimate Redeemer on our life transformation.

So when we focus on doing things God's way, the results come? Can I tell you how quickly they come? No, because I don't know how you are with your relationship with God. But ultimately, results come when you live your life according to God's design. This is guaranteed and it will happen!
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Hi there! Lifelong Christian here. I’m under the impression that God’s will is for us to take care of our bodies. We read in 1 Corinthians 12:26, “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.” Food is connected to body, and body is connected to spirit. For we also know that God is not only external, but WITHIN us, He is all things, beyond our understanding. God has given us the power to discover nutrition, and how to nurture our bodies. It’s not just what you eat, either. It’s enjoying the food(spiritual), the people we share food with, and the people we feed. God channels his incredible grace through us when we feed others. Graciously giving us the means to nurture each other, body and spirit, in His name. The most important thing we have under God is our love and compassion for each other. It is His will.


I'm a Vegan Catholic, and most follow Christians regard that with contempt and prejudice. They say Jesus ate lambs, and fish, animals are here for us to use. But biblical speaking, God's ideal design in Genesis was a vegan paradise without carnage, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food." (Genesis 1:29, Garden of Eden).

And all that changed after sin when man was exiled and cursed to labor all the days of their lives. Genesis 6 God expresses grief and resentment about all of humanity, chapter titled "Wickedness of Mankind", Genesis 9 God flooded the world. Meat eating was part of this post-sin world as with r*pe (2 Samuel 13:14), i*cest (Genesis 19:30–36), g*nocide (1 Samuel 15:3), and sl*very (Leviticus 25:44–46).

God's plan for the new heaven is also a vegan paradise free from all forms of carnage as in Isaiah 11, and animals are brought up in revelations 8 times, singing praises to God.

The earth gives us everything we need: All protein exclusively comes from plants, all B12 exclusively comes from cobalt eating bacteria in the soil (since we don't eat from soil or drink from rivers we don't get much, nor do factory farmed animals), All DHA - Omega 3 elusively comes from Algae / Seaweed / Nori. There's no nutritional necessity to eat meat.

Additionally what we do to animals is appalling, like grinding up all male chicks alive as waste... or artificially inseminating cows to discard / exploit the calf and steal their milk. God said not a single sparrow is forgotten before God. In Genesis 9 God formed a covenant with all the animals too, not just Noah.

In Ecclesiastes, God proclaims, “For people and animals share the same fate—both breathe (ie: The same 'Breath of Life') and both must die. So people have no real advantage over the animals” (3:19). He continues, “For who can prove that the human spirit goes up and the spirit of animals goes down into the earth?” (3:21).

But yet even though the Bible says this, I feel so outcast among my fellow believers. I can't believe in my heart that I can feel more compassionate towards animals, than the most compassionate God in the universe & the Prince of Peace. He must feel it so much more grieved than I do. I just discovered this channel, and it's nice to see another Christian with so many plant based meals here. I look forward to watching more of your videos, and maybe find some answers / and perhaps some solace here. Thank you for your content!


Amen! I've been trying to get people to search out the Scriptures for themselves instead of just believing everything a pastor, etc tells them. Wolves will be in sheep's clothes to deceive the elect in these last days.


So happy God just led me to your channel ❤️


Thank You Our Blessing Sister For Your Love Keep Up The Good Work You Are Doing For God Almighty, God Bless And Shalom Our Blessing Sister... 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤


Beautiful tips and great points. Thank u.


That 100, 000 subs looks pretty awesome!!!
Thank you for teaching truth! Old and new Testament walk hand in hand! Yahweh knows best and he wants the best for his children. Blessings and Shalom


Nice video Annette. Blessings from Nana 🙏🌷


Thank you for sharing what God put on youre heart to share i agree with you it brings a smile on my face to hear i am not alone in this .✋📖♥️💪🙏🕊️🗺️


My kids and I would love to live near you!


I love the Lord. I was hoping to learn of the foods to eat. Catch you on the net one


I have the same outdoor table and chairs set . I love them so easy to keep clean and nice .So many churches are teaching religion instead of the bible . Religion and the bible are so far apart .
I watch church online and I follow with scripture .


I so appreciate you speaking the truth… the ways of the Kingdom are eternal.. Yeshua would not have nailed the ways of His kingdom to the cross..we seek Him and His Kingdom..when He called the disciples out of the boat they left behind the religious system they grew up with..same when the children of Israel left Egypt.. His calling is the same today.. come out from among them and be separate..… the priesthood changed…but the calling is the same as it was to the Hebrews and the mixed multitude..He is calling a people to be His holy nation a royal priesthood after Messiah who is now High Priest forever by the order of Melchizedek….to honor Him and His ways…(for when He returns He will rule by them) so we are learning to walk out from the world.. to walk in covenant… and that includes leaving behind the foods of the world which have been making us sick… I appreciate you Annette teaching us and shining a light toward the narrow path that leads to life… Shalom sister… in the Name of our Messiah and coming King..


I agree with you totally Annette in regards to the sabbath, clean and unclean and food that's an abomination to God. I also read God's Word to know what to do as much as I can. Shalom


There is so much confusion about what to eat. Now, we have a war between the vegans and the carnivores. Vegetables in the book of Genesis and meat in the book of Leviticus. God gave us both. I think when people make a choices of what to eat, should be their own business.
But I chose to eat clean meat according to the book of Leviticus and certain veggies. I stay away from seed oils and processed foods. It is sad when some vegans want the taste of chicken and eat plant base chicken. My sister is a vegan and eat plant base chicken. That's her choice. To me, it's fake food. I thank my God for my 78 yrs of life. Thank God for the truth.


Sorry no Facebook for Me forever There Must be a better way


God is the same yesterday, today and forever; but He has changed his ways of dealing with man from time-to-time. Checkout "The Mystery" by Joel Finck and/or "Things That Differ" by Cornelius Stam to understand this better.


I seen a video where they were saying that things are being sprayed on our fruits at the stores that can cause cancer. I know God wants us to grow our own foods but what about those who are not able to do so? Please give me your take on this


Hi I'm a born Hindu but Christian by faith . I want to ask. Do God wants me to be healthy. I mean in Christianity it's like diseases will be allowed by God to humble ourselves etc.. so whenever I'm not fine and always it's like may be I should not ask God for complete Healthy life. May be I'm selfish one to ask for that.. elders please tell me..


You said that there is but one covenant, but the Bible says there is a new covenant in Jesus, Matt 26:28.
