What is a Conservative?

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Informative and unbiased.
A rare bird these days.


I don't sense bias in your vids. That's nice.


In my long life I have noticed that most are totally confused about political ideology. So you get both "conservatives" and "liberals" who don't actually understand their OWN ideology...much less the opposing ideology.


Destroy all labels. You don't need a team name to be a good person.


I seem to be an economic conservative and closer to the mid-line on social issues.
I wish those further on the left would understand that conservatives shouldn't be painted with a broad brush. I think more and more conservatives are moving toward the middle. Of course the loudest voices always come from the fringe.
You aren't all socialists and we aren't all bigots. Let's try to respect the spectrum in both groups.


Its always nice to see a non-biased video. Been looking at a lot of left wing biased definitions and they have gotten very annoying. so thanks.


A 2020 update to the video: "Social Conservatives" as defined in the video (Cause the terms have changed) have taken the name "Common-Good Conservatives", A social conservative now is simply someone who holds to tradional cultural ideals, not one that believe's in federal enforcement of those values.


I used to identify as a liberal, now as more conservative. I don't fear intellectualism, there is a huge bias towards those of us who hold our faith however to automatically call us bigots. I am an intellectual. I'm just able to rationalize my religion and belief in science simultaneously. People in general often feel things are black or white.


Conservatives are the ones that believe in equal opportunity, liberals believe in equal outcome.


+Keith Hughes

This videos are great. Thanks so much for all the work making them.


Constitutional conservative here and I'm an atheist. People think everyone that is "conservative" is religious and it's just not so and actually the idea of an atheist claiming to be conservative could empower the movement in the sense of embracing Free thinkers. That's the main thing I hear from people when you mention conservativism, they automatically think your a Christian or practice some religion in general and it's just not so!


Such a simple sentence, yet so truthful : where the attention goes, energy flows


Conservatives believes in Family Values and are against Abortion. Conservatives cherish Life. Conservatives believes in the Constitution and believes that America was founded in Christian principles by our founding fathers. Conservatives honors the American flag and the brave men and women who have died for our freedoms. Conservatives are hard working Americans who works hard for their families.


Just learned I’m more libertarian than I thought lol thank you for this video. Informative, fun, and unbiased. 🤙🏽


Conservatism is easy to explain. Liberals look to Washington for answers. Conservatives look in the mirror.


Im a Conservative.
I believe Gov. Should
Be FOR THE PEOPLE, By THE PEOPLE, and Gov. Should work in the best interests of THE PEOPLE.


This is just a question from an 18 year old trying to learn more about politics before I vote: Why do I see racism usually coming from the right side of the spectrum more than the left? And is it true that a lot of right-sided people have implicit biases towards minority groups based on a few people that they see and what they see on social media and the news from that specific minority group? Once again take it easy I’m just trying to educate myself, it seems like a lot of hate and prejudices come from the right side more than the left.


I would just like to quickly point out that this new ideology 101 series is freaking awesome.


That chart (drawn up by a libertarian, btw) has a weakness or a missing scale, in that conservatives come out being conservative (right) on the economic scale but pretty much in the center between authoritarianism and anarchy, as we believe in both liberty AND law and order. So the missing element is the social conservatism scale, the belief in morality, tradition, religion, etc. The social conservative right isn't really represented in that chart. And it really is the area in which libertarians are most like liberals.


I think that Conservatives would agree 100% with this description. I think the libertarian and liberal videos were also 100% from the point of view of those who identify with those ideologies. Now here's a challenge for you. Can you describe Naziism in such a way that a 1930s Nazi would be 100%... that is a description without leaking any criticism into it? I'll bet you come close.  As a historian you strive to be as dispassionate as you can. I've never had that constraint so I'd miss it by a mile.
