Why Aren't More Developers Using Unreal Engine 5 Hardware RT Lumen?

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Software lumen runs faster despite hardware acceleration unless you have much lower poly models, seems like that is the big reason and yet not mentioned


Saw this asked about satisfactory and its recent change to EU5. They said that the cost of Hardware Lumen is massive when you have a large factory. Early game it would be fine. But it does not scale well with the factory buildings and stuff. Shame because RT would be something that would make it look much better due to its dynamic time of day and objects.


In the ue public roadmap they mentioned on bringing performance of hardware RT closer to software.


“Unreal Engine 5 Hardware RT Lumen Global Illumination” - Just rolls off the tongue. 😂


I thought one of the reasons was GPU budget. You can’t put all the other effects plus hardware GI on the GPU shoulders and expect it to run the same.


Hi, i'm a indie developer from Brazil and we are doing a sequel for our most successful game yet, Damned 2, and we are embracing lumen and all cool rendering features with the exception of Nanite. Nanite is cool, but there is a expensive price in terms of performance that you have to pay once you enable it.


Because Lumen is a PITA to work with compared to regular lighting and butchers performance in larger scenes.


Because hardware would only run well with Nvidia cards. Xbox, PS5 and AMD powered PCs would get the shaft.


It is possible to make lumen Performance friendly. But you have to use it without Nanite and without Virtual shadow Maps. When Running it on directX 11 and shader model sm5


Makes sense if you don’t have 40 series card.


Looking forward to games like next Mass Effect and Witcher 4 on UE5. They'll be on latest versions of UE5 by the time they launch. Current UE5 games have been pretty lackluster. Especially Jedi Survivors performance.


I wanna know why devs aren't cramming their new games filled to the brim with Nanite. I would have thought if you had told devs "you can put as high of a poly models into your game as you like, it'll still run great" they would have been tripping over themselves to replace their game-ready models with the high-poly source models.


I guess that's because PC Games are mainly ports of their console counterparts, so Hardware RT runs much slower in those consoles because it's AMD powered, that's why they sacrifice hardware RT and stick to software RT


Don't think it helps that UE5 is constantly getting updates and major changes it's great an all but not if your 3 years in to developing your game


Starting to seem like the engine won’t be properly used until next gen.


Might be a bit of a controversial thing to say, but it's for the same reason UE games keep shipping with Vert- scaling (so cropping with anything wider than 16:9, which is not only just ultrawide monitors but most game viewports in the editor even at 16:9) and shader comp stutter by default. It's hidden away in the project settings, and we rarely ever see those settings being manually adjusted by the developer. Really it would be up to Epic to make it a default before we start seeing games use it. Any self respecting developer would take a look around the project settings to better tune things, but I digress.

That's the reason why certain developers pillarbox/letterbox their game cameras rather than ticking off two checkboxes, as the same behavior applies when you're testing the game in the editor. Epic's documentation is either not clear enough (Explains the amount of people using Blueprints over C++), or the amount of amateurs working in the engine is astronomical.


One more thing. It is very hard to do baked lighting in UE5. Used to be very easy in UE4


The Majority of gamers (Consumers) are casual gamer playing on $500 consoles .
4k with RT is not happening for $500.
RT is getting a bit ridiculous, In real life you never see so many shiny polished floors and walls .
The Janitors with floor polishing machines are in every building now .

Casual console and mid range PC gamers buy more $70 AAA games than serious High End PC gamers will ever do .
It all about sales numbers to game developers .


Simple answer amd.

Not in there interest to show scalability which their hw struggles with.

Just like that new avatar game with sw quality rtgi.

Looks like the near future is gonna be fake screen spaced tricks especially anything they have had their paws in
