Jiddu Krishnamurti - Find Your Talent
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It’s an insane world. You understand? In the political world. In the religious world. Right? In the economic world there is no sanity. Don’t be corrupt. Inside. Don’t seek vanity. Pride. Don’t say I’m superior to somebody else. You know, you learn a great deal when there is humility. You know the word humility? You learn a great deal if you are really humble. But if you are merely seeking success. Money, money, money. Power. Position. Status. You understand? Then you are beginning with corruption. You might be poor - be poor, who cares! That’s why it is important for you, for all of you, to find your own talent, and stick to it, even if it doesn’t bring you success, fame and all that. Which is all nonsense anyhow, because we are all going to die! You understand, old boy? You understand, old boy? While you live, live, not with all the rubbish that is going on. S: Sir, why don't people realize this? K: Because they don't think, they don't feel, they are thinking about themselves all the time, their job, their administration, their work. You understand? They are not interested in this. Very few are...