The Gospels Misrepresent The Hebrew Bible! | Rabbi Tovia Singer

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Singer keeps claiming "radical monotheism" for Judaism, and implies that is true of the older Hebrew scriptures. But as has been pointed out by many, the older Hebrew scriptures appear to arise out of a polytheistic culture (Canaanite), and the Judahites were henotheists, and only later became monotheists.


Great questions Jacob ❤ love learning from this man's wisdom - one of my favorite regular guests


Rabbi Singer will often mirror my reactions on Christianity. He will state that he doesn't get the religions views on many things that I don't get either. My story is that I read the Five Books of Moses translation by Robert Alter and couldn't wrap my head around how Christianity followed. I'm thinking how can they break the laws laid out in the Torah so much and think they are being devout? I asked one Christian this and his answer was that Jesus was the new Covenant. I thought "WHAT?" How absurd. Then I learned about Paul. He must have been very charismatic because I think that is a huge stretch.

I don't believe any religion, so I'm not Jewish or Hindu, or anything.
I'm no scholar of the scriptures either, so hearing Rabbi Singer's thoughts on Christianity makes me feel like I'm not so crazy.


Every time a Christian cites Isaiah 52 or 53 to me as being about Jesus, I just say:

"You've never actually read all of Isaiah, now have you?"


Virginity is important in the book of Numbers because apparently Yaweh likes virgins always demanding his share of captured virgins, that's so cringy, that a god demanded his share of the little girls captured by wandering marauders.


The authors in the NT weren't drawing from the Hebrew Bible. They were drawing from the Septuigent. Regarding Mary being a "virgin", that had slightly different meaning in the Greco-Roman culture. Mary was a temple "virgin", meaning she was dedicated to the diety of the temple she was a part of and would have been expected to remain a virgin, that is, dedicated to the deity, see Gospel of James. There are several myths and stories of temple virgins having intercorse with deities in Greek/Roman literature, eg, Medusa disciple of Athena/Minerva (Ovid), for which she was punished by being transformed. In this context, the birth narrative of Jesus makes more sense imo.


58:17 great answer. If you want to wake up as a Christian, try to extract James the brother of Jesus from The Christian Bible. This is very hard to do since Christianity has become all Paul, and paul crept in to most of the writings we have now. Metaphorically take the shirt of an orthodox Jew but dont try to rush in to converting, just humble yourself to Torah and begin to study. Then you can begin to see how Jesus taught us on how to fulfill Torah.

I listen to messianic Jews and evangelicals speak sermons these days that on the surface appear to be pro Israel but actually they’re doing violence to the law. More Christians need to rise up to challenge them to help them.


"There was a great light that came out from the darkness and the darkness could not comprehend it."
If you meet Jesus in spirit you would not question his divinity. Believers have had such an experience like Paul.


Judaism is not monotheistic. It acknowledges other gods with it's edicts not to worship them.
Judaism is polytheism with amnesia.


Is this the same guy who was destroyed in a televised debate with Christian apologist Dr Michael Brown?


Yahshua did not teach Judaism nor Christianity. He was the prophesied "Teacher of Righteousness" that would spring out of Judah. Luke 4:18 quotes Esaias 61 [LXX] The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me; he has sent me to preach glad tidings to the poor, to heal the broken in heart, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind; Isaiah 9:6 is connected to the birth of The Messiah. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given" According to James Charlesworth the word "Son" is interchangeable with "Priest". Israel went into captivity because they rejected their King and under Jeroboam they were led into the worship of Baal. They were reckoned among the nations. Only a remnant from Israel remained under the Kingdom of Judah. Judah was allowed to return after 70 years from the Babylonian Captivity but Israel were left in their captivity where they were at.
Israel never wanted The Messiah to rule over them. Isaiah mentions this in his prayer (Chapter 63). He says "Israel does not acknowledge us" meaning that Israel never recognized the authority given to The Tribe of Judah to rule in power over them. The sons of David are the only true heirs to The Throne of David and not Israel for Israel and Judah are still two separate nations. The capital of Judah will always be Jerusalem forever! Samaria is the capital of Israel.


I think Marcion was right is referring to a totally different God


Joseph had two fathers is a very simple genealogy. Where on Earth is Mary?


Regarding the nativity of Jesus, Sura 19:30 Maryam indicates that Jesus was self-aware at birth, It, alon with Sura Maryyam 19:19 refute the corruption of Sura 4:157 that anybody buy Jesus was crucified.

Here;s the thing that perplexes me: how is it any circumcised person, regarless of their natal origins who is publically and thuroughly executed and is up an around and shucking and jiving with his peeps tree days later not a irreducalbe validation of the Hebrew God Hypothesis that antimates the Hebrew Bible ? The only strait jacket Harry Houdini couldn't escape was death and we have the unsolicited testimony of a disinterested third party, the Roman governor and his Chief of Staff, reproting to the Emperor Tiberius that this Jesus of Nazareth Hebrew had done exactly that.

And your best rebuttaal is taht us Jews didn't see it coming before the fact and, 2000 years after the entire global calender has been turned on its head to signify when that confirmation of Genesis 1:1 occurred to the satisfaction of the entire Roman army, your complaint is that the peopel of the ground at the time didn't dot their jots and cross their tittles,

YOur shit is pretty weak, Rabbi. Before Jesus, the anidah had only 18 stanzas. After Jesus, the 19th stanza was added as a mechanism to flush Jesus Followers out of the congregatgions, but when Jesus said He would fulfill the Law. the Standing Praryer still has the 19th Blessin g of Jesus that the Koran celebrates with Sura 74L30: And aove it is nineteen,

19 is the alpha and omega of the mind of Genesis 1:1. YOu dont even understand your own sacrements and you're preaching to Christians?


The whole idea of the “second coming” is the biggest problem in Christianity imo.


Your problem is that you think people are "wicked". That's not compatible with true justice. Justice is blind to us because justice belongs to God alone. So yes a good person can choose with their free will to stand up for a "guilty" person. Jesus was a sacrifice according to the scriptures for Christians, but he was also guilty of many crimes of the day. If he was willing to die for what he thought was right and I shared that dream, I wouldn't hesitate to die with him if I thought that what he said was true, if I was convinced it was for the world for us all? I'm not alone in that thought process many people would die for the ones they love. It's a matter of faith, to go into the dark with your soul mate or for your friend or mother or brother or nation. Israel is at war no? Soldiers are giving their lives for Israel as we speak Rabbi? Right? It doesn't matter what we want if it's God's plan.
