Best Engine Antifreeze/Coolant To Use In Your Vehicle

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This is all about engine antifreeze or coolant and what is the best choice for your vehicle. Youtube is not the best place to get advice on anything most times and coolant is no different. Watching some person on youtube talk about coolant is great but what credentials do they have - absolutely none most times. Don't guess what coolant goes in your vehicle and look at the owner's manual for your vehicle and get the correct one . Lots of youtubers putting in links to their favorite coolant and getting paid well in doing so but is it right for you and your vehicle - are you willing to take the chance . In my opinion the coolant you chose should be the coolant the manufacturer recommends not some person on youtube trying to sell you a jug . Just my opinion . Cheers
The videos on my channel are for entertainment purposes only. I do not assume any responsibility for anything shown or mentioned on this channel. I recommend you always consult a professional.
The videos on my channel are for entertainment purposes only. I do not assume any responsibility for anything shown or mentioned on this channel. I recommend you always consult a professional.