Freestyle - Catch-Up Catch

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Talk about a quick drill, here's one. This drill can be done during a kick set, or as a stand alone drill.
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this is the best drill I have found.. really focuses what you need to do to minimise drag and maintain a more streamlined position. Thanks so much! Your videos are the best for a lot of us who have no access to coaches or others with expertise.


@RadioJoke - Hey... nice sarcasm. Obviously, with nearly 400 videos here on YouTube, there will be drills that focus on rotation, and drills that focus on isolating the catch. Obviously, if you're working on your rotation, and that's where you're having your troubles, this probably wouldn't be the drill. You and I are about the same age, so I guess I would have figured you'd understand, one drill won't complete the stroke. Hope you don't use just one drill for your swimmers. (Not sarcasm)


Very nice demonstration, just one question: how do you alternate between each breath?


This question is adressed to any experienced swimmers. I'm an ex-short course middle distance swimmer looking to move to long distance open water swimming. I've been told that the total immersion is perect for this. However total immersion doesn't bother with e.v.f snce it says most people can'tdo it properly, but i became retively accomplished at. Basically my question is should i keep my old pool middle distance stroke and just build endurance or swith to a specialised open water one? Thanks!


자유형 - 따라잡으며 물 걸기

간단한 부분 훈련을 말하자면, 여기 하나를 소개합니다. 이 부분 훈련은 단독 부분 훈련으로 해도 되고, 차기 세트 도중에 해도 됩니다.

왜 할까요:
이 작은 부분 훈련으로 당신은 너무 많이 생각할 필요 없이 이른 물 걸기(early catch)와 들린 팔꿈치(high elbow)에 집중할 시간을 가질 수 있습니다. 이 부분 훈련에는 진짜로 단 하나의 주안점만 있습니다.

어떻게 할까요:
1. 얼굴을 물에 담근 자세에서 팔랑 차기(flutter kick, 플러터 킥)를 하면서 이 부분 훈련을 시작하겠습니다. 양손을 앞으로 뻗어, 두 엄지손가락을 서로 거세요. 완벽한 흐름선(streamline, 스트림라인) 자세는 아닙니다, 그렇다고 두 팔이 서로 너무 떨어져 있지도 않습니다.
2. 한 팔로 당기고, 그 팔을 되돌리고, 잠시 기다리고, 그런 다음 다른 쪽 팔로 당기기를 하십시오. "요점"에 집중할 수 있도록 당기는 중간에 몇 번 차십시오.
3. 이 부분 훈련의 요령은 팔을 당길 때, 팔꿈치가 수면에 걸치도록 유지하는 것입니다. 그렇게 쉽지는 않습니다, 그러니 팔 당기기 숫자는 세지 마세요.

어떻게 하면 진짜로 잘할까요 (요점):
그 주안점을 3단계에서 방금 다루지 않았나요? 정말로 집중하고 싶다면, 자신이 무엇을 하고 있는지 생각하는 데 더 많은 시간을 보낼 수 있도록 숨대롱(snorkel, 스노클)을 착용하세요, 또는 계속 움직이기 위해 오리발(fin, 핀)을 신으십시오.

날마다 새로운 동영상을 보내드립니다.
오늘 무료 계정을 만드세요!


Nice flat free with no roll - that's what we should all be going for! (for slow times anyway)


@giveyouashot Read below. This drill has nothing to do with rotation.


Please answer... Thats the way I do it like the shape of a guitar I feel comfortable that way instead of.the straight arm or a really high elbow.. I also rotate the body. My question is how eficient is this drill I really feel is the best as I can swim 800 meters nonstop with no problem bit I want to train for a Sprint triathlon and I'm really worried about if I should learn another stroke that maybe is more eficient? I really wonder about this..
