Disgraced Hillsong Church Pastor | Carl Lentz Case Analysis

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This video answers the question: Can I analyze the case of Carl Lentz?

Dr. Grande’s book Harm Reduction:


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Any church that feels more like entertainment and a money grab with just a twist of Christianity needs to be avoided at all costs.


"He dressed in clothing HE considered to be stylish." Sometimes it's the subtle shade that cuts the deepest.


As an Aussie, I'm so disgusted with Hillsong. As a person I'm disgusted with Hillsong!
Jesus isn't in flashing lights and huge band sets, he came to serve the least of us.


It is truly amazing how many people go in for this weird “spiritual Ponzi”. These people are all about money, property, and prestige, and the people in them are not interested in God or spirituality.


I read a study that was done in Canada, where Pastors volunteered to be tested to determine if they were narcissists. The test results showed that over 45% of the pastors were narcissists. Pastoral positions attract narcissists, especially because they are admired by the congregation and can control the congregation. I have found that young Christians lack discernment, and fall for these kinds of pastors or leaders. Also, if a person has a background where there was narcissistic abuse in their family, they are vulnerable to narcissistic pastors. But I also find that they are vulnerable to propaganda in social media. They don't even seek out references to test for falsehoods in these statements.


Dr. Grande’s Worst Nightmare: Being driven in a rusty 2000 Kia Rio to New Jersey for his epic surprise birthday party, where he is forced to wear uncollared shirts and be serenaded by Justin Bieber at a table, sharing vegan plates and superficial chitchat with Oprah, Carl Lentz, and Dr. Phil. 🥳


I’ve been to the Hillsong church in Brisbane, Australia to attend a funeral. At every entrance, to my great surprise, were cash machines. The ushers actually nodded and pointed to the machines as I walked in. My immediate thought was, in your dreams mate, you aren’t getting money out of me.


The way you break these cases down for us and sprinkle in your caustic wit is absolutely amazing. 🤣 Excellent story. I'mma change out of my church clothes now. 😜


Thank you Dr. Grande for this analysis. As a Christian, it helped me understand the truth behind the disgrace as well as insight into why this happens. We can't assume that every church or church leader that claims to live and/or preach the truth of the Bible is doing so in reality.


I have been praying for this analysis Dr. Grande! The Bible has a lot to say about false prophets. Any 'church' that preaches or teaches wealth and beauty before kindness and compassion is a church to avoid, kind of like parts of New Jersey.


We have one in Chattanooga named Tavner Smith! Caught cheating on his wife with his staff, lying about it, threatening former staff members, making them sign ND agreements, spending untold $$$$ on gucci, cars, 3 houses, and his shoe fetish. He's in his 40s and dresses like my 14 year old nephew just like this guy, it's quite ridiculous. He aspires to be just like this. Venue Church is NO church.


"Carl’s relationship with Justin Bieber gave him even more confidence; Carl believed that he could pretend to be a great pastor, just like Justin Bieber pretends to be a great singer." Wow, double burn, and justifiably so!🔥🔥 Right, back to the chocolate Easter Eggs!


I love when Dr. Grande calmly throws bits of shade in. "After all he received credits for running errands for church leaders..." LMAO


When everyone was flocking to Hillsong in those days, I kept away from it. I sensed a certain danger to following a church/worship group that concentrated too much on the senses to attract followers. I much prefer a small intimate church whose heart is for the individual child of God and not susceptible to the glitter of gold.


I was criticised for speaking out about all that you have said about not just him but other pastors and tv evangelists. Finally, not just Hillsong, but other churches have been exposed and many of the congregational members have left in droves but those churches will never be exposed as they are small time in comparison. My father told me 35 yrs ago that there would be a rise in these types of churches and that many would get bewitched by these places but many would leave the back door. My father was a minister with a doctorate's degree in theology. We moved to America where he attended the Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC, not these poorly educated mass so called pastors of today. It's such a joke! We lived poorly, he was given the privilege of writing and speaking at Martin Luther King's second funeral service, he was the first white man to visit the African Americans along the Potomac River in West Virginia and approached the Municipality to construct proper roads and street signs into their community. He worked with the youth of African Americans, Cubananos and Puerto Ricans during the 60's riots. They never had money to entertain, go to see a movie, a restaurant etc etc. They were beautiful genuine people, not like so many today.


I've been meaning to comment for a while now. Your videos are just terrific. As a psychiatrist, I find them so informative and professionally done but I have to say they are also just deliciously entertaining!!


I saw the fall of Hillsong church a decade ago. They were far too concerned with image over the real business of a church. And that is only one of many reasons that I suspected that things were not as they appeared at Hillsong.


Listen, there's a lot going on here right... but the escaping New Jersey joke was freaking hilarious 😂


I love how Dr. Grande takes every possible opportunity to throw shade at the wonderful state of New Jersey.


This case reminds me of when, a man old enough to be my grandfather, who is in a high position in a Catholic institution called me "judgmental" for pointing out that his attempts at having an affair with me was immoral.
