Another Hillsong Pastor Steps Down

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Hillsong Church seems to have a never ending list of problems that are happening in various locations around the world. This is reason for concern!

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#HillsongChurch #Hillsong #BrianHouston #Nar #NewApostolicReformation #FalseTeachers #FalseProphets #ProsperityGospel
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Being unequally yoked was the least of the problem with the LentZ scandal. He cheated .


I like how you said hillsong is a business. So sad but true .


“For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
‭‭I Peter‬ ‭4:17‬


You place a guy like John MacArthur or Steve Lawson to pastor a Hillsong congregation and people will stop attending.


At this point I’m not surprised. Let’s pray for these people


*I would prefer what they call "Boring" church over any loud, dark, purply, musically church. I want to hear pure biblical preaching.* ❤️


👍God alone is bringing this false church down. All glory to Him!


Why are we not surprised? Probably because we know there’s been worldliness stirring in Hillsong for years now. If carnal means are being employed, then we can expect carnal people to be involved. Blessings.


As much as I like Christian contemporary music, it really has no place in a church. I should not have to wonder or worry about getting my hearing destroyed because the pastor decided to have a “Christian Led Zeppelin” perform for the Sunday worship service.
Church is a place to go to hear good Bible preaching, pray as a congregation and sing hymns that praise the Lord.


It’s really sad though. I don’t support false teachings or heresy or the like. But to a non Christian we all look and sound the same. Which is not true but this hurts us all. These leaders need to repent for sure and we need to pray for true restoration of these lost people. Am I upset? Yes! But there for the grace of God go you and I.


I absolutely love and support leaders like Pastor Charles Lawson. The Word of God is good enough on its own. There's no need for all the extravagant glamour and worldly influences to reach others.


This is what happen when it’s about fame not the father


We need to ask ourselves if our worship and depth of faith would sustain us in times of real trials.
I think Christians in Africa, the Near, Middle, Far East and elsewhere have a faith that has been tempered like steel through hard and perilous times, who have refused to deny Christ even on pain of death.
What's more, they CELEBRATE it, consider it a blessing to suffer for Christ. Too many American Christians only want an emotional high, a feel good fix, rather than a real relationship


Imagine the burden of receiving that photo?? Very uncomfortable and stressful. Shame on him for doing that.


Hill song is coming down now praying people deceived by their false gospel finds a TRUE church


Left this prosperity gospel preaching church long time ago. Best decision . Now Iam liberated from their false teachings.


Brian Houston never said that... show me a quote where he says that... dude get your facts right before accusing on social media 👍


People who go to churches like Hillsong want to have the world and God at the same time. And hillsong gives them the world in the church.


Congratulations with 30K Subscribers, Sean! Peace of Christ be with you


Wow! This just gets deeper and deeper, doesn't it? That's crazy... There are a few songs I still have on my worship list, but only because they genuinely do glorify God. I'm so glad I didn't get caught up in this nonsense in my early days. I watched some of their sermons back in 2008-2010ish but was never actually present since I live in Wisconsin. My current church is all about the Bible and what IT says, what GOD says, and our music varies but I haven't come across one single song that doesn't glorify God.

I feel like maybe someone needs to see this, so here goes: I agree with 15 of my church's 16 "doctrines", all of which are Bible based. The one I disagree with isn't enough to cause me to search for a different church because ultimately, every single "denomination" (which itself is a problem with Christianity as a whole) is going to have something I likely disagree with, based on scripture. In my case, the church believes that being baptized in the Holy Spirit will always be accompanied by speaking in tongues. I don't disagree that it has happened that way because the book of Acts tells me it did. However, it only mentioned it a few times. Others were baptized and "spoke the Word of God boldly", also found in Acts. And that's what happened to me before I even knew what, or WHO the Holy Spirit was! I believe it is a spiritual gift and some people have it and use it, but I also believe it's not God's intention for everyone who believes to be walking around talking or praying in tongues. Within the church itself, the scriptures are clear- there must be an interpreter. And that has only happened once in the 12 years I've been with this church. Even so, because that's the only thing I think they have wrong, based on scripture, I'm ok with disagreeing. Why? Because I know the importance of fellowship with other believers. Even if we disagree on one topic, we still need each other to help live a godly life in this insanely ungodly world. We need to encourage each other, share in each other's pain and victories. We need to be fed God's Word regularly but also need to be feeding it to ourselves every single day. All of the things I need the church for far outweigh the single disagreement about our interpretation, or rightly dividing the Word, regarding tongues and spiritual baptism. In addition, this church is the most loving, welcoming family of believers I've ever come across in my life, and I've been to dozens of churches over the years. It's a "come as you are" kind of place- no dress code, no judgement, just genuine love for every human that walks through the door. And despite the pandemic, we have started small groups again. We call them life groups. It's literally just spending time with fellow believers. In one of them, we are studying spiritual warfare, in another it's just a biweekly bike ride. Maybe scriptures come up in conversation, maybe not, it's meant to be a bonding experience. Anyway, if you made it this far, THANK YOU! I didn't write this in vain. Then again, even if no one makes it this far, it still felt nice to just get it out there... Be blessed, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! Stay strong because we are definitely in the end times and it's only going to get harder from here. We need each other now more than ever before in order to remain on the narrow road.... ✝️✝️✝️
