What Happened To Jar Jar Binks After Return of the Jedi? (Canon) - Star Wars Explained

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Jar Jar Binks, one of the most hated creatures in Star Wars. We first saw him in The Phantom Menace with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. However, what happened to him not only after Revenge of the Sith, but after Return of the Jedi?

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He's actually acting like this to lure in kids hoping that one will be force sensitive so he can take them under his wing to be a sith apprentice


I didn’t actually * hate * Jar-Jar. I just found him annoying. He would’ve made a really good Sith Lord, though.


I wish Rey had been revealed to be Jar Jar's granddaughter


I feel bad for the actor he almost killed himself because jar jar was so hated


Imagine if Jar Jar showed up in The Mandalorian as a bounty 😂


You know, a lot of people talk about how "sad" and "pathetic" Jar Jar's final chapter is, but I actually see a certain quiet dignity in his later years.

When you think about it, Jar Jar is the most bullied character in all of Star Wars (both by people in his universe and by the fans). Fans constantly make fun of him, joke about all the ways they want him to die, and generally take joy in hating him.

It's not much better in the Star Wars universe either. The adults of Naboo also hate and openly ostracize Jar Jar, presumably because they blame him for allowing the Emperor to rise to power.

Which is completely hypocritical. Let's not forget: before he was Emperor, Palpatine was a NABOO SENATOR -- meaning the Naboo adults who hate Jar Jar so much are the same people who helped give Palpatine his political start in the first place.

Even worse, Naboo's beloved Queen Amidala was the politician who called for a "vote of no confidence" which allowed Senator Palpatine to become Supreme Chancellor Palpatine -- but because she happened to be popular with the people, no one wants to acknowledge HER role in helping the Empire.

Instead, the entire blame is dumped on Jar Jar -- who is very much aware that he is hated and ostracized by the very people he thought he was helping by getting a clone army to defend the Republic.

Faced with this level of bullying, most victims would become shut-ins, start drinking, or even commit suicide.

So what does Jar Jar decide to do with his final years?


Think about that for a second. Jar Jar KNOWS that every time he steps into public, the adults will sneer, scorn, and make fun of him -- but he still chooses to go out every day and cheer up war orphans -- possibly because he knows how hard it is to make your way in a cruel world without someone to cheer you up.

Personally, I'd like to believe that by Episode VII (when the children Jar Jar is currently entertaining have grown to be adults) Jar Jar will be remembered not as an annoying dunce nor a traitor to the Republic, but as a kind clown who helped many refugees through some of the most difficult days of their lives.

That would be a nice legacy to have, wouldn't it?


Lady: who are you
Rey: Rey..
Lady : Rey who?
Rey: Rey Rey Binks


Honestly I’d prefer this to be how he spent out the rest of years & it’s the modesty I respect the most. Not tearing apart the Empire or Jedi, just bringing what joy he can to a world he felt he’d wronged.


Two things star wars fans want: Yoda's backstory and jar jar as the Sith Lord


Redemption of Jar Jar Binks 2029 a Star Wars Story.


It does make me kinda sad knowing that all of Jar Jar friends died.


A rather pathetic end for the greatest Sith Lord that was “killed off” by the fans’ rage...


In a way, the writers were trying to send the Star Wars Universe a message. A significant amount of hatred followed since the debut of Jar Jar and the writers are basically showing us how the real life hatred lead to his position. I honestly feel guilty and sorry even though I didn't mind the character. The Star Wars Universe were too harsh on the prequels.


I never hated jar jar in the first place this is actually kind of depressing I'd like to see him redeemed honestly seriously I want to walk over and give him a hug


I'm not a fan of Jar Jar but I don't hate him. Here's the thing, yes he gave the emergency powers to Palpatine but on the other hand, there's hardly anyone that wasn't duped/manipulated by palpatine. Jar Jar was just another well intended albeit, clumsy person to be betrayed.


Jar jar is a legacy to Star Wars without him, the movie is nothing


I can't think of a better ending for him. Beautiful, yet melancolic. Preforms to the children in the appearance of a simple-minded jester. But he went into wars and made big decisions in the senate. I love it.


I'm going to say it

I feel bad for jar jar


I thought jar jar died of heart break when he heard anikikan turned to the dark side and heard padme died as we see him burst in to tears in episode 3


At the end of rise of skywalker person:”who are you” Rey:”misa Rey binks Edit: thanks for so many likes
