Is Jar Jar Binks A Sith Lord?

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Is Jar Jar Bink’s Actually a Sith Lord?
For years now, there has been a lot of speculation that this clumsy oaf is actually a Sith Lord. From George Lucas referring to Jar Jar as a key in the Skywalker saga to Ahmed best alluding to hidden meanings behind Jar Jar, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that Binks is indeed a Sith, both in universe and out. The most obvious piece of evidence is that he was the one to grant Palpatine his emergency powers that ultimately doomed the republic. Second, the gun gun was extremely lucky, taking out hordes of enemies through sheer clumsiness. And as Obi Wan says, there is no such thing as luck. There are also other details that support the Darth Jar Jar Theory, such as his habit of waving his hands about when he wants something, a possible use of a mind trick.
#darthjarjar #sith #sithlord #jarjarbinks #starwars #starwarslore
For years now, there has been a lot of speculation that this clumsy oaf is actually a Sith Lord. From George Lucas referring to Jar Jar as a key in the Skywalker saga to Ahmed best alluding to hidden meanings behind Jar Jar, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that Binks is indeed a Sith, both in universe and out. The most obvious piece of evidence is that he was the one to grant Palpatine his emergency powers that ultimately doomed the republic. Second, the gun gun was extremely lucky, taking out hordes of enemies through sheer clumsiness. And as Obi Wan says, there is no such thing as luck. There are also other details that support the Darth Jar Jar Theory, such as his habit of waving his hands about when he wants something, a possible use of a mind trick.
#darthjarjar #sith #sithlord #jarjarbinks #starwars #starwarslore
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