The Darth Jar Jar Theory Just Got CRAZIER in 2024
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00:00 Intro
01:13 Fighting Skills
05:30 Political Power
11:01 Lucas’s storytelling
14:02 Clone Wars
19:51 Comic
20:21 Conclusion
The towering authority of Darth Vader, the omnipotent and omnipresent Darth sidious, and the unnerving and truly deadly Darth Maul, are all emblematic of the Sith's enduring influence in the star wars universe, collectively showcasing the complex nature and seductive power of the dark side. However, there is one who stands above the rest in power and deceit. A being so masterful in his ability to fool and mislead that even fans underestimate his true power. This sith holds only one name: Darth Jar Jar.
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It's been more than nine years since the intriguing theory of Binks potentially being a Sith surfaced. Thus a thorough reevaluation of this idea is long overdue, especially considering the fresh insights revealed in the clone wars and recent comic books. But first, let us reestablish the evidence from the prequels that support this captivating hypothesis.
Battlefield acumen
Jar Jar Binks, a character introduced in The Phantom Menace, has been widely criticized for his clumsy and bumbling persona.
However, a closer examination of his survival skills in conflict situations reveals a level of competence that starkly contrasts with his seemingly inept behavior.
Indeed, in the heat of battle Jar Jar displays an uncanny ability to survive and even thrive, which at first appears to be the result of sheer luck. During the Battle of Naboo he is seen stumbling into enemy lines, inadvertently causing destruction and chaos among the Trade Federation's droids.
Jar Jar's handling of the Gungan energy balls, or "boomas," during the battle also shows him inadvertently causing significant damage to the droid army. His seemingly random tosses result in the destruction of multiple battle droids and tanks. His interactions which lead to the droid tank's destruction at first appears to be a series of fortunate accidents. However, the efficiency with which these accidents occur hints at possible Force intuition guiding his actions, allowing him to be effective in combat despite his overt clumsiness, contributing significantly to the Gungan army's success.
This level of effectiveness in the frenzy of the battlefield aligns more with the calculated maneuvers of a trained operative than with the fortuitous accidents of a fool. Indeed, anaylsing jar jar during the battle reveals similarities to the ancient chinese combat style of zui guan, most commonly referred to as Drunken boxing and drunken fist. Fitting to its name, this style of martial arts is characterised by imitations of movements befitting those of the intoxicated. This kung fo style is renowned for incorporating a range of advanced combat techniques such as hitting, grappling, locking, dodging, feinting, ground and aerial fighting, and other sophisticated methods. Strikes and grabs are seamlessly combined, with hands alternately striking on extension and grabbing on retraction. Power for grabs is generated through techniques such as dropping the body, lifting the feet slightly off the ground, and stomping down with the weight of the entire body, or by falling to a prone position. These methods are seen throughout bink’s role in the battle of noobo.
Moreover, deception is a key focus of zui guan, with continuous bobbing and weaving, feigned instability, attacks from unusual angles, sudden changes of momentum, and the use of blind-spots and visual distractions. The style also involves changing game plans mid-fight and utilizing concealed or improvised weapons, perhaps a releveant point to jar jars use of the booma energy balls.
Vitally, these moments of survival and supposed accidental heroism are too consistent and impactful to be merely coincidental. Proponents suggest that Jar Jar is using a sophisticated form of deception, a common tactic among the Sith, to conceal his true capabilities. This deception extends to his physical agility. Indeed, jar jar demonstrates remarkable acrobatic skills, including high jumps and swift movements.
This was seen early in "The Phantom Menace" when Jar Jar encounters Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the swamps of Naboo. Despite his apparent clumsiness, he is able to leap incredible distances, a maneuver reminiscent of Force-enhanced jumps commonly used by Jedi. This ability was further demonstrated in what is referred to as the bridge scene, when Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenob and darth jar jar intervene to save queen padme. Let us look at the full scene now: . . . .
01:13 Fighting Skills
05:30 Political Power
11:01 Lucas’s storytelling
14:02 Clone Wars
19:51 Comic
20:21 Conclusion
The towering authority of Darth Vader, the omnipotent and omnipresent Darth sidious, and the unnerving and truly deadly Darth Maul, are all emblematic of the Sith's enduring influence in the star wars universe, collectively showcasing the complex nature and seductive power of the dark side. However, there is one who stands above the rest in power and deceit. A being so masterful in his ability to fool and mislead that even fans underestimate his true power. This sith holds only one name: Darth Jar Jar.
. . .
It's been more than nine years since the intriguing theory of Binks potentially being a Sith surfaced. Thus a thorough reevaluation of this idea is long overdue, especially considering the fresh insights revealed in the clone wars and recent comic books. But first, let us reestablish the evidence from the prequels that support this captivating hypothesis.
Battlefield acumen
Jar Jar Binks, a character introduced in The Phantom Menace, has been widely criticized for his clumsy and bumbling persona.
However, a closer examination of his survival skills in conflict situations reveals a level of competence that starkly contrasts with his seemingly inept behavior.
Indeed, in the heat of battle Jar Jar displays an uncanny ability to survive and even thrive, which at first appears to be the result of sheer luck. During the Battle of Naboo he is seen stumbling into enemy lines, inadvertently causing destruction and chaos among the Trade Federation's droids.
Jar Jar's handling of the Gungan energy balls, or "boomas," during the battle also shows him inadvertently causing significant damage to the droid army. His seemingly random tosses result in the destruction of multiple battle droids and tanks. His interactions which lead to the droid tank's destruction at first appears to be a series of fortunate accidents. However, the efficiency with which these accidents occur hints at possible Force intuition guiding his actions, allowing him to be effective in combat despite his overt clumsiness, contributing significantly to the Gungan army's success.
This level of effectiveness in the frenzy of the battlefield aligns more with the calculated maneuvers of a trained operative than with the fortuitous accidents of a fool. Indeed, anaylsing jar jar during the battle reveals similarities to the ancient chinese combat style of zui guan, most commonly referred to as Drunken boxing and drunken fist. Fitting to its name, this style of martial arts is characterised by imitations of movements befitting those of the intoxicated. This kung fo style is renowned for incorporating a range of advanced combat techniques such as hitting, grappling, locking, dodging, feinting, ground and aerial fighting, and other sophisticated methods. Strikes and grabs are seamlessly combined, with hands alternately striking on extension and grabbing on retraction. Power for grabs is generated through techniques such as dropping the body, lifting the feet slightly off the ground, and stomping down with the weight of the entire body, or by falling to a prone position. These methods are seen throughout bink’s role in the battle of noobo.
Moreover, deception is a key focus of zui guan, with continuous bobbing and weaving, feigned instability, attacks from unusual angles, sudden changes of momentum, and the use of blind-spots and visual distractions. The style also involves changing game plans mid-fight and utilizing concealed or improvised weapons, perhaps a releveant point to jar jars use of the booma energy balls.
Vitally, these moments of survival and supposed accidental heroism are too consistent and impactful to be merely coincidental. Proponents suggest that Jar Jar is using a sophisticated form of deception, a common tactic among the Sith, to conceal his true capabilities. This deception extends to his physical agility. Indeed, jar jar demonstrates remarkable acrobatic skills, including high jumps and swift movements.
This was seen early in "The Phantom Menace" when Jar Jar encounters Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the swamps of Naboo. Despite his apparent clumsiness, he is able to leap incredible distances, a maneuver reminiscent of Force-enhanced jumps commonly used by Jedi. This ability was further demonstrated in what is referred to as the bridge scene, when Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenob and darth jar jar intervene to save queen padme. Let us look at the full scene now: . . . .