Aragorn's Ring

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Рекомендации по теме

I love how Aragorn giving the ring to Arwen symbolizes giving the ring back to the line of Finrod. Arwen was the granddaughter of Galadriel who was the sister of Finrod.


I have been reading and studying and obsessing over the works of J.R.R. Tolkien for over 40 years. This is the best, most complete, and most well thought out description of the Ring of Barahir, it’s lineage, and it’s connections across the ages of middle earth that I have ever heard. Thank you so much for this.


It is also worth noting that this is perhaps the only ring that Sauron feared. Whenever he picked a fight with it’s ring bearer, he eventually lost


The fact the movies included this ring, proves how much love and dedication went into their making.


I think the Ring of Barahir's role when Aragorn confronted Sauron via the Palantir was crucial as well. Beren was wearing that ring when he and Luthien and the hound of Valinor nearly killed Sauron in the First Age. Aragorn showed Sauron all the symbols of the family who had repeatedly beaten him over three ages. And that is what terrified Sauron into making the mistake of attacking Minas Tirith.


Finrod is my favorite Elf. He repaid his oath by sacrificing himself for Beren to escape.

One of the noblest Noldor ever, if not the most.


Yes, this ring and its history and significance is astonishing. Finrod, my favourite elf, gave the ring to humans and then proceeded to keep his word by helping Beren and saving him by my favourite and most heartbreaking, badass sacrifice (it does not get more crazy than fighting a werewolf barehanded after already being tortured by Sauron).

The road the ring goes on from there is so long and interesting. And for me the fact that it ends up with Aragorn, my favourite human in the books, is so fulfilling.

This ring gave Sauron chills as it represented the values and virtue that he was not capable of and that would always rise up against his evil intentions.


The more I learned about it, the more I became convinced that the ring of Barahir is one of the most interesting relics in the Legendarium, it has so many layers of history and meaning, it really is the perfect microcosm of how Tolkien worked these things into his world. This is by far the most in-depth exploration of this relic and it's themes that I've seen on youtube, thank you for this.


And each time I think there is nothing left to surprise me in the realms of Tolkien, you surprise me entirely. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.


The look of grief on Elrond’s face when Arwen said she chooses a mortal life makes so much more sense now. How devastating it must’ve been for him to never see her again for the rest of time. Thank you!


The more I learn about the book version of Elrond, the more I like him. The movies depicted him not unkindly, but a bit of a prick to Aragorn. The books by contrast paints him almost like a mentor to Aragorn. Not pushing him away, but doing what he could to help Aragorn pull himself up, if that makes sense.


My husband’s wedding ring is a replica of Aragorn’s, with real emeralds. Which works also because it’s my birthstone. ☺️ My wedding ring is reminiscent of Nenya. 😊


I still can't get over how perfect your voiceovers are. The commentaries are superb. Well done sir, well done.


I like how th ring of Barahir is also the antithesis of the One Ring

As one is powerfull the other is powerless
As one is always taken away by force, muder or trechary one is giving away as a gift.
As one is always trying to go to his master, the other is returned to it, by mere chance.
And as a one is a symbol of dominace, control and pride, the other one is a symbol of humbleness, protection and free will.


Whether or not Elrond thought his conditions for wedding Arwen were achievable, one has to grant that, unlike Thingol, Elrond supported and aided Aragorn to complete his task. And certainly didn't set him a task doomed to cause civil warn amongst elves if it was successful!
Personally, I see it as Elrond saying 'unless you rid Middle Earth of Sauron, it's not worth my daughter's eternal life to remain here because what kind of life would either of you have with Sauron as ring-powered lord of all?'. Get rid of Sauron, prove this by becoming King again, and Middle Earth becomes a place of safety and peace in which to have a marriage and family. At that point, he wont stand in their way, no matter the personal pain to him.


absolutely beautiful. I love your analysis. You're true to the deep essence of Tolkien through and through. Also, lovely attention to detail.


12:58 Fantastic poetry reading here! I was captivated, and Tolkien’s poetry isn’t simple to read. Well done!


9:27 "...someone we all know, Elendil." Of course, of course. (me who stumbled here randomly)


Yeah, I agree - Elrond’s hoop to bless the marriage of Aragorn and Arwen was a knowing “not until you’ve lived up to the destiny and potential I know you have - no slacking!” as opposed to Thingol’s hoop for Beren and Luthien which was “not until you complete this task I know to be impossible and I 100% expect to get you killed”.


Have you ever thought about making audiobooks for the lord of the rings or game of thrones, your voice is quite soothing and easy to listen to
