10 Lessons from Michael Corleone You NEED to Know... | Lessons from The Godfather

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10 Lessons from Michael Corleone You NEED to Know Before it's too late. Do NOT Make THIS Mistake...
Top 10 Lessons from Michael Corleone that Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

There’s 2 types of people..

There’s The ones who watch these films and enjoy this cinematic masterpiece and iconic piece of entertainment.
But there is a smaller group that likes to look deeper. They can see the similarities and lessons hidden within these films, and look to extract all the gems hidden deep within.
If you are watching this video, and part of the culture mafia chances are you know which group you fall into.

There is a reason behind why so many successful leaders, entrepreneurs and just high level and intelligent people in general love The Godfather films.

They speak to something deeper than the standard crime drama.

Its themes and the timeless tale of the struggle for power and influence speaks to something deeper.

And Who better to learn from than Michael Corleone himself.

He is an incredibly flawed character, yet those are the types of people we can learn the most from.

And to be completely honest with you, some of these are quite dark. NO one wants to talk about them. And those that use them, DO NOT want you to. It’s their unfair edge, reserved for the top echelons of players in the game of power. It’s what separates the 1% from the 99.

In this guide, we will give you the real, practical, no nonsense lessons that you could IMMEDIATELY start using, without breaking our code of honor.

In the Godfather 2, after Michael manages to escape from Havana, he then is told the distressing news that Frankie 5 angels, who was supposed to be dead, had actually been picked up by the authorities and had made a deal in turn for testifying against him.THIS Video WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Enjoy 🌹

Chapters 📖


Michael Corleone tried to WARN You...


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#thegodfather #mafia #alpacino
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♟Sonny let his temper run the game. Fredo let his emotions blind him. Michael? He saw the board before the pieces moved.

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⚔ Play the long game—or get played.


I always appreciated the line, “Women and children can be careless, but men never can.”


"Wise Men Learn From Their Mistakes, But Wiser Men Learn From The Mistakes Of Others."


I am an Irish American immigrant. Growing up in Dublin, most kids around me had horses. However, Irish society has limitations on how successful we can become. So, on New Year's Eve 1999 at the age of 19, I decided to leave my job and move to Boston. I was broke but knew that joining the military could provide me with an education, so I enlisted in the Army (MOS15U). My business degree has helped me so much, so don't study something you'll never use. In 2006, I completed my service, and soon after, I sold a departing gift I received from my uncle, shares in a no-name company, which then 😁 became known as Monster Energy drinks. With that money, I purchased a large parcel of land in Oklahoma, paying six figures for a property that was valued at over $3 million when real estate prices hit rock bottom.
I now own a working ranch where I breed heavy horses, such as Clydesdales, and my Flemish stallions are well-known in the breeding community across the U.S. and Ireland. My nine children have been home-schooled, and I am living the American dream. I suppose I unknowingly pursued what I wanted, much like Michael.
“Fight, fight, fight” like hell every day to reach your goals! Thank you to the American people for welcoming me into your country.


Michael was super cunning. Calling in Pantangeli’s brother from Sicily at the last moment to enforce the concept of omertà was brilliant.


Don't let anyone outside the family know what you think. Said first by Don Corleone, to Sonny in the first film.
Keep your mouth shut, listen, pause, think then say as little as possible, leaving them wanting more.
Thank you for your film! 💐🥂🍾✨🤗


"Honor is earned, loyalty is demonstrated, and hope is gained."


Michael Corleone would crush Tony Soprano without even trying. The Corleones make The Soprano crew look like wannabe children at a school yard


It was this channel that made realize that it was war hero Michael's military mind that gave him the edge over the other mob bosses.


Michael should have listened to Frankie Five Angels: “Your father worked with Hyman Roth. Your father respected Hyman Roth. But your father never trusted Hyman Roth!”

His military service probably taught Michael that nothing ever goes exactly according to plan. No plan survives contact with the enemy.


Michael always have purpose. Behind his action. And that's the key to achieving your goal purpose.


I definitely learned a lot of life lessons from The Godfather films


As a kid I never thought Michael Corleone was a villain because was always calm and respectful


This movie was masterfully done lessons that can live on for generations


Superlative analysis. Love it.

A few things I was musing in relation to these messages --

One of my favorite scenes in The Godfather is when Sonny butts in and asks Solozzo to verify that the Barzinis will match investment. Not only that he butts in, but he says it in a tone that implies Vito would be a fool to pass it up. What I love about that scene is the immediate reaction shots: Tom looks at Peter, Peter looks back at Tom. They are both silently acknowledging this was a BIG fumble that's going to cost them later. And they were right. If not for that one slip up, Solozzo may have well tried Jersey or possibly Chicago to set up, and saved all the families a LOT of trouble.

And about the stoicism.... I think of the scene in Vegas, when Mike is trying to buy out Moe. Moe immediately gets inflamed and starts running his mouth (as Michael surely knew was in store) and Michael raises his voice in response -- something Vito would NEVER do, no matter how bad someone provoked him -- but becomes taciturn and curt thereafter. It shows that while Michael is learning, he isn't quite there just yet.

And in Part II, by the time Michael gets to Havana, he feels he's solved the mystery... mostly. While he's fairly certain Hyman is behind the hit, he doesn't understand why. That why is huge -- because that why will determine if they can somehow work past this. So Michael stonewalls him about the investment... drawing things out, making Hyman more and more annoyed. Finally, when he (of all things) is in a sour mood because of his medical problem of painful urination, he finally spills the beans. He loses his composure (though not as bad as Moe) and reveals what the motive was: revenge. He knew Michael killed his protege, whom he loved. It was at that point Michael knew there was only one way: he or Roth had to die, there was no "fixing" this otherwise. And Roth may have lived longer if he didn't reveal this crucial secret in a moment of weakness.


As for planning, I like Eisenhower's quote - plans are useless but planning is essential...


The Stoic lessons in this video (and by proxy the films) are amazing…


I love that you mentioned Cesare Borgia in this video!!


It’s nice that this channel exists, I read and watched the godfather, so fun to hear more about the universe :)


One thing I noticed in the films I and II, is, Freddie and Mama Corleone never directly spoke to each other. In II, Tom sits next to Mama during Anthony's confirmation party.Tom speaks to Mama in Sicilian when they gossip about Freddie's wife. At Mama's funeral Freddie does cry when he sees Mama in her coffin.Even Connie had a direct conversation with Mama in II when she shows up late to Anthony's party. Also, Freddie never had a full conversation with Don Vito either.
