Sally Hemings Documentary - Biography of the life of Sally Hemings

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Sally Hemings, born in 1773 in Virginia, worked on the Monticello plantation of Thomas Jefferson. She was a nursemaid to his daughter Mary and traveled with the family to Paris. Though it was rumored that she had several children with Jefferson, both the family and historians denied the claim. Recent DNA testing has concluded however that Hemings’ children are connected to the Jefferson bloodline.
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Not y’all say saying “mistress” like Sally had a choice🫤 but ok


I appreciate that the producers of this video did not fall for the fallacies of Jefferson scholars, like Annette Gordon-Reed, and those who work for the Thomas Jefferson Foundation (Foundation). For 150 years historians denied that the sexual liaison between Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson. In the year 2000 the movie Sally Hemings was viewed by 20 million Americans on CBS. Leading historians and the Foundation partly capitulated. They recognized the liaison, but still denied that Tom was the son of either Hemings or Jefferson.
First the history then the DNA
Newsman James Callender wrote an article for a Richmond newspaper, Sept. 1, 1802. He wrote T.J. had a concubine named Sally. Sally had a son named Tom - 12 years old. Callender said that she had more children, but Callender never named them. Historians like Annette Gordon-Reed (Pulitzer Prize) say that the baby died soon after being born. Think about it. The baby was born in 1790 right after they returned from France. If the baby died, then why was Callender writing about him in 1802? Somebody has a bogus story. Also, in 1802 a man named Thomas Gibbons wrote a letter to a politician saying that T.J. and Sally gave birth to Tom, Hariot, and Beverly. If the baby died why was Gibbons writing about him in 1802? The newspapers never named the other two kids, so Gibbons had his own info. The 1870 U S census for Jackson Co. OH indicates that Thomas Woodson was born in 1790 in Virginia. He owned a 382-acre farm in Ohio; he and his wife Jemima raised 11 children including Sarah Jane, who was the first black American to teach at a historically black college or university. The Woodson family has never lost its history.
Fawn Brodie’s Jefferson biography sold 350, 000 copies in 1974; Barbara Chase -Riboud’s novel Sally Hemings sold over one million copies in 1979. The movie Jefferson in Paris was screened coast to coast in 1995. Historians such as Joseph Ellis started calling for DNA tests in 1997. Jefferson historians have never excepted the evidence in Brodie’s book. Those historians don’t like the historic record.
Byron Woodson was one of the DNA donors. He is a first-hand witness. Dr Foster, the testing organizer, promised the DNA donors that historians would be kept away from the DNA process. Historians had never handled the history honestly, so the donors wanted them kept away. The testing and laboratory work may have been perfect, but the reporting was hijacked by historian Joseph Ellis and others. Dr. Foster was distraught when he learned that he had lost control. After Woodson learned that things had gone astray, Foster answered Woodson's pointed questions honestly and never failed to answer the telephone. Foster did not know Ellis. When Ellis and news outlets, like U. S. News and World Report were preparing a media dump, Foster thought the DNA results were still secret. (B. Woodson, A President in the Family, 2001, 221-29) Ellis appeared as the star of a massive multi-media media dump, reporting the reputed DNA results Nov. 1st and 2nd 1998. Ellis appeared on PBS News Hour Nov. 2, 1998, announcing "...the scientific evidence that we have now generated." Again, DNA donors had been promised that historians would be kept away from the process, knowing of their untrustworthy track record. Foster sent a letter objecting the handling of the matter to Nature (magazine) and the Washington Post reported that Foster had issued a written objection. (Leef Smith, WAPO, 1/6/99) Foster told Woodson, "I don't know, " when his project was breached, thus Foster did not know if the Nature article reported the actual results or not.
Ellis was later embroiled in a scandal which forced him out of his teaching job for a year and caused him to admit that he is a habitual liar. (Cox, Chronicle of Higher Education, 7/13/2001) The Thomas Jefferson Foundation embraced a hijacked DNA report announced by an admitted habitual liar. Is that best practices?


Please stop making this seem like it’s normal. She was 14 and she didn’t have a choice. Y’all acting like it was a consensual relationship when it’s not. More than likely she got forced and it’s not right at all it’s sickening in fact all cos she looked like his wife who passed away. This is not love it’s ownership and imprisonment. It’s truly disgusting and I can’t imagine what she endured. She deserved so much better in life. Call this man what he is which is a human trafficker stop protecting him. I hate how people are protecting him and acting like this is normal that she got pregnant and kept having babies. He probs forced her to do like he forced his wife than she died. So in other words he just got what he wanted from this girl, abused then discarded her and got rid of her like she was nothing. Sick and gross. He needs to go where in the bin 🤮🤢💀😭🥴 like bye and stay gone, gone yuck man. I got to wash my eyes out with soap with this story


They need to make a biopic of sally and cast ZENDAYA as lead


Eugene Foster, a biologist & his team did dna tests in 1998 on all the claims & only Easton had Jefferson's Y chromosome no other direct matches..Easton could be Thomas Jefferson's son or Jefferson's brother or Jefferson's brother's son's..Who knows!


That's not her. Sally had straight red hair and was pale per descriptions .


I don’t want to learn about important history from a robot that’s insulting on so many levels!


bruh @famous Biographies really just liked WAP yikes she 14


This remind me of that show that' was on ABC scandal i was so ashamed of that show black woman being the presidents mistress and he got a wife😢
