Hidden Room of Thomas Jefferson's Mansion Solves 200 Year Old Mystery

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Hidden Room of Thomas Jefferson's Mansion Solves 200 Year Old Mystery
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Thomas Jefferson is often heralded as a wise and moral man who helped lay the foundations for American democracy. He was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States. We have memorials dedicated to him in the nation’s capitol, and his home in Virginia is a popular tourist destination. During some maintenance construction, workers came across a secret room. The room itself was one thing, but its location in the house was…peculiar, and raised some questions. The discovery reopened a controversy that had been swirling around the president’s legacy for over 200 years.

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Hidden Room of Thomas Jefferson's Mansion Solves 200 Year Old Mystery
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Get your damn facts
The woman in the painting shown at 6:23 is NOT that of Jeffersons wife Martha. It is a painting of his daughter Martha Jefferson Randolph.


Step one: turn off auto play
Step two: click here 17:22
Step three: click the replay circle on the video
Step four:enjoy without an ad every 40 seconds
Step five: thumbs up
Step six: try it on other videos


I find it soo annoying that this man doesn’t get right to the point


Thumbs down for too many ads. Y'all getting desperate. People hate constant ads.


Gentle Note: The photos of talented actress Thandie Newton, playing Sally Hemmings in the movie "Jefferson in Paris, " are used in the video. I enjoyed the video, just wanted to mention that.


This vid had more ads attached to it than information about Jefferson.


An extra 10 minutes and 22 seconds to say what could have been done in 7 minutes. Way to milk that ad revenue for all its worth.


Her sister Mary Hemings was also a slave who was purchased by a white merchant from Charlottesville named Thomas Bell, their story is actually a better one because they were genuinely in love, but their story is also sad. Thomas Bell was able to purchase her from Jefferson and he granted her freedom. Mary actually pleaded with Jefferson to let Bell purchase her and told Jefferson that Bell was her husband (it is presumed they had a secret ceremony with probably just the minister and a witness). They lived together as common law husband and wife because legally they were not allowed to marry because Mary was born a slave, but he made every attempt to make sure she was recognized as his wife, despite disapproval from society. They had 2 children together but Mary had 4 other children born as slaves before she met Thomas Bell. Thomas Bell tried to purchase all of Mary’s children (at least one believed to be by Thomas Jefferson) to free them so they could live together as one family, unfortunately, some of Thomas Jefferson’s relatives owned Mary’s children and would not let Thomas Bell purchase them because quite frankly they were horrible people. Thomas Bell formally adopted the 4 children and despite great public scandal for copulating with a slave he formally acknowledged they were his, even though they were not. When Thomas Bell died he left his estate to Mary and acknowledged that she was a free woman so the administrators could give her Bell’s great wealth, which included several fine houses, he also made arrangements with neighbors before he died to make sure Mary was treated as a free woman after he died and to make sure she was given everything in the will that was due to her, he also left portions of his wealth to their 2 children plus Mary’s other children who were never sold to him. Mary continued to visit her enslaved children but Jefferson’s daughter and sister would never allow Mary to purchase them despite her great wealth. In the end it was Thomas Bell’s dream that he and Mary and their 2 children, plus Mary’s 4 other children would live together as a family, which despite race is actually very admirable for any man to want to adopt his lover’s 4 children, but he and Mary were denied this dream because of the Jefferson family’s refusal to let Thomas Bell purchase the children. Fortunately their children were eventually able to purchase some of Mary’s other children and grandchildren, but around 20 years after Bell’s death. When Bell was alive he never stopped trying to get Mary’s other children out of slavery and he and Mary would try to lessen their burden by sending them money, presents, and clothes, which the Jefferson’s allowed. And they would visit them regularly. Eventually the Jefferson’s went into bankruptcy in the 1830s and Thomas’ daughter was able to buy many of her half siblings, their spouses, and their children since they were put up for sale and she and her husband took care of them, emancipation would eventually free all of them 30 years later.


God just get to the point. The nonsense talk is killing me


The recent discovery of the room is completely unrelated to the long-known children with Sally. And referring to a slave as the owner's "lover" is unforgiveable.


I heard this guys voice and I already knew from past experiences this would be some rambling. Then I looked at the time of over 17 minutes and I'm not going to waste my time.


A slave has no choice when entering in a relationship with a master....


Jefferson did not ever grant Sally Hemings her freedom. He did, however, grant their children their freedom. Can we please get the facts straight?


No window? Sure sounds like she really wanted to be there.


The alleged photographs of Sally Hemmings cannot be real since she died in 1835. Photography was just being invented and the earliest surviving portrait of that time is from 1839, four years later. By 1835, Hemmings was 62 years old and not the young woman shown in this video.


My family and I lived in a home that was a part of the underground railroad. There was a hidden room were the slaves hid until the next stop to freedom? My kids would sit in there and I would give them a history lesson.


They know he's all of her children father...


One of his African American great great grand sons looks just like him. Just dark skinned toned. Its crazy. No hiding that.


Rumors? Everyone knows that he traveled with Sally and that he had children with her. By the way, one of her decendents looks just like her.


Hey I just want you to know that there’s a video in your ads😂😂
