BEST MELEE DPS IN CLASSIC WOW *RANKED* | Which DPS Class Should You Play? DPS & Leveling In Vanilla

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World of Warcraft Classic / Vanilla Beta Best Melee DPS ranking video. This video provides basic information about each melee DPS class and ranks them based on DPS logs (overall & recent in Molten Core) and leveling speeds in WoW Classic.

This video covers Druid, Paladin, Warrior, Rogue & Shaman DPS abilities, basic rotations and what makes them strong/weak in high-end raiding.

Classic footage used:


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Makes me want to play priest/paly more just so I can help all the warriors level with heals and dispells! Quick and easy way to make friends


Been a fury main for quite a while and when classic was announced I was super happy to start my first journey from the very beginning this time


I probably should have been more defining on *viable* vs *optimal* MC is not a hard raid and a lot of guild will clear it with a lot of different comps. This video kinda looks at DPS that can top the charts with relative ease. In Classic that is only possible if you get the right buffs and utility classes are very important. If you want to play a "support" DPS and bring more than just DPS to the table, please do so. I make disclaimers in all my ranking videos and I guess I should have added to this, *playing the class that you enjoy* > *looking great on meters*


Nice Vid mate, would love to see Ranged DPS Ranking <3


Warriors levelling- oh no I’m dead AGAIN
Warriors at 60- “all the mobs just run away instantly”


So there actually is a huge mis conception about the enhancement shaman!

1) Enhancment shamanas can actually be viable dps throughout the whole game. During MC/BWL/ZG you will want to get all the gear you can with Agi=criti > Stre = attack power> and int. There is actually alot of pieces of gear in the first three raids with those stats. And with axe specialization with orcs you only need to get 6 percent hit rating from gear (which is super easy). There are alot of hunter off pieces that drop in raids that enh shamans can use (that hunters don't need since they only use 8/8 t1 or 8/8 t2). It's very imporantant to get to as close to 33.33 percent crit to have 100 percent flurry up time. Once AQ 40 hits, enhcnament shamans have probably the best t2.5 set in the game for all classes because its perfectly stated for Enh. At this time there is alot tons of gear with hybrid stats on it (mixture of stre, agi, int, spell damage, spell crit and melee crit). There are als alot of 2h in the game that are completely ignored, like spinal reaver and hand of rag is bis for the whole xpac for enh.

3) Enh shamans with this build are one of the only few classes who can utilize both melee and spell caster consumables and use flask of supreme spell power (which is the only dps flask). They also fully utilize all world buffs that give a mixture of attack power, spell crit and melee crit. The only downside is that you have to have mana pots and demonic ruins at all times to keep up with the demand for mana!


Good list, just a few things are incorrect. While feral, ret and enhance are not optimal, they are still viable, it just takes a lot more work to make thoses perform at a near level of rogues and warriors.

Secondly, resto shamans cant use Nightfall well, because heals interrupt the swing timer. Also totem twisting is commonly done by enhance. Lastly 2 handers are not commonly used by warrior so ret paladins can usually snag one.


I was guild top DPS back in vanilla wow with Arms spec, pure crit build and last patches when deep wounds from multiple crits stacked, not so frequent but much more heavy hits did more overall dps that almost all fury warriors in guild.


All this ranking is nice and all, but don't people remember how incredibly easy the first raids were? (Going with the 2 raids mentioned here, MC and BWL) In my first MC raid back then, we had 1/3 of the raid basically afking and we still easily cleared it, we didn't care about classes or specs. Same with BWL, that one was a bit harder but we still reached Nef way before everyone had cloaks.

Granted doing the same raids (and AQ40/Naxx) with people that weren't afk all the time (still no one cared about classes) was a huge difference and actually made the raids an absolute joke.


If you're going heavy melee (7+ rogues, 6+ warriors), one of the off tanks can use nightfall, but you can put Annihilator on a Paladin or Shaman. -600 defense is insane if more than 1/2 your raid dps is melee.


You forgot to mention that as a feral you will need to learn to powershift, without powershifting feral DPS is garbage but with powershifting it can be okay.


8:17 Feral Druid tanks beat warriors in TPS. You are mistaken. However, what warriors have over Feral is reliability to break fear. There also better AoE tanks outside of 3 mobs. They also have cooldowns where Druids don’t. They can also use items, where bears don’t have thumbs and can’t really use engineering and other neat tank consumables.


Just want to point out that if you want totem twisting in your raid a Enhancement shaman would better suit this than a resto shaman because of the mana cost of twisting.


Dude nice video but if there is one thing I've noticed on Classic its that we've come along way, specs considered pointless or unviable Before are actually working pretty well now that people are playing them at a decent skill level.

Several unviable dps and tank specs are actually functioning now that people have some 10 years of experiance. Shocking.

Also, please dont make videos about stuff not released in the Classic beta yet, Private Servers are extremely unreliable :P


just started watching this, whatever class is top...a huge majority of people will be rolling it


There isnt really that big competition on 2handed weapons. No warrior use arms in raids and hunters are just nightfall wielder or use those for stat.


The thing is in vanilla classes weren't only taken for there dps but also utility and rolling a class just cause they presume to do top dps is just going to make it harder to get into raids cause there will be so many of that class.. when it comes down to it play what you enjoy


You're making a mistake. Seal of command isn't used in pve and neither are 2 hands for ret paladins.


I switched to rogue from warrior and I really enjoy it


ferals can be good dps, but you have to prepare berore raid way more time then warriors and rogues
