What Class Should YOU Pick for Classic WoW? The Ultimate Guide to Picking a Class

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Hey guys, this video is my personalized guide on picking a class for Classic wow. Enjoy !

- Punkrat

what class should i play vanilla wow
what class should i play vanilla wow
what class should i play vanilla wow
what class should i play vanilla wow
what class should i play vanilla wow
what class should i play vanilla wow
WoW Classic Class Picking Guide
WoW Classic Class Picking Guide
WoW Classic Class Picking Guide
WoW Classic Class Picking Guide
WoW Classic Class Picking Guide
WoW Classic Class Picking Guide
WoW Classic Class Picking Guide
WoW Classic Class Picking Guide
Рекомендации по теме

Rogues | 0:34
Warriors | 4:23
Mage | 9:25
Paladin | 15:03
Warlock | 18:13
Priest | 20:53
Shamans | 24:50
Druids | 27:40
Hunter | 30:28


My 8yr old just came in and was like "Who is he? The creator of the game? Tellin everyone what to do." Lol


_When you want to decide your class so you watch one of these videos but it only makes your choice harder_


i like how you went over the downsides thoroughly. many other channels just go over how great every class is and dont really give too much insight as to the troubles you might face playing a certain class.


As a vanilla rogue main, obtaining gear and getting into guilds were such a pain. However, topping meters and pvp was so fun.


Shaman lvling should be atleast 3. You get a heartstone spell (astral recall) that can be used every 15min! That really helps with lvlin


Having a bunch of mages working together to feed the power of another mage is pretty badass. It seems like something mages would do.


Man, ive seen any "witch class should i pick" videos, and this is the f*cking first i agree nearly all words in this. 10/10 work mate. And the best thing i understand nearly all words without youtube help with my poor English, how u talk i just understand without any problem. really rare :D


Started playing in BC before BT dropped and always played a Warlock, including on vanilla private servers within the past year. Personally I think they deserved a 5/5 Spongebabs for levelling due to their ability to deal with multiple targets at a time. Dot 2 targets, pet tank one, fear juggle the other. Done properly and with some judicious life drain/tap, you have little downtime between pulls. If you're feeling adventurous enough, you dot three, pet tank one, juggle another and wand/drain the third.


This just made my decision harder thanks >:)


Why the hell am I watching these videos 3 months before classic releases? These just make me want to play so much.


rogues may have been popular back in vanilla, but with wow classic i guarantee you warriors will be most played class.


Got my heart set on a forsaken warrior, alchemy, herbalism and fishing for downtime, I was in the army for Vanilla so i'm looking forward to classic.


What to expect from each class.
Warrior: You're gear starved all the time, unless you pickup blacksmithing and go through tedium of farming 1500 mithril and 2400 thorium. Up until about lvl30 every 5th swing with your weapon is a miss. If you want to make it easier for yourself tanking get the talent tactical mastery and then you charge and change to defensive stance and keep your rage, quite handy for the first dungeons. You'll be wanted all the time for tanking. Finding a raid guild you can both dps and tank. Most seasoned, hardcore guilds usually have dedicated (no life) officers who play the tanks, so even if you want to tank at lvl60 it is more of a chance really you're going to dps.

Rogue: Levelling, you'll struggle to take down three mobs up until about lvl40. As for raid openings, its going to be as always the most played class so you're going to see some competition getting into raid groups as well as getting the pre-raid gear as most come from the lvl60 dungeons and 10-man raid. People usually play rogues for pvp servers so they can grief people levelling in redridge.

Druid: Level with feral is very easy and with entangling roots you can solo several outside elites on your own. You should spec feral instinct first in the feral talent tree, it increases your threat and bear is a very viable tank in vanilla. For raids you will be mostly expected to heal. Some goofy guilds will take you in as a bear tank, but most just have ferals for dps. Boomkin is even more rare to see in raids.

Hunter: Easiest character to level. You can kite dead elite mobs. You've got a very strong pet, spec beastmastery and you can kill most classes just by sending your pet on them up until lvl60. In raids there's always a slot for a few hunters as most bosses uses enrage and hunters gets a skill that dispels that. All around a nice utility dps class. AoE, slowing traps and average but well sustained ranged dps.

Mage: Once you're mid level 20's you can just start AoE levelling. Welcomed in every group for sheep and as a vending machine. The most viable spec is frost as its needed for the whole AoE levelling. You can go fire tho most people will wonder why. Probably the second most played class for pvp after rogue. As you can sheep players for all eternity you can grief lowbies by sheeping them for 5 minutes until they log out and whisper they reported you to gm.

Paladins: High survivability during levelling. You got close to no burst whatsoever and most classes dont really care for you in pvp as they can run away from you, sheep/fear/mana burn/disarm/vanish and reengage you. You can tank in dungeons but most people choose not to have palas tank because they have to drink in between every other fight. In raids you will be expected to heal, but there are also a few slots for retri paladins. Most are expected to have the axe Nightfall which can proc a debuff that increases spell damage on the target.

Priest: You just spec for 20% wand dmg and your levelling will be shadow word pain+renew+wand till its dead. You will receive whispers from people wanting you to heal in dungeons. No problem getting in raids. If you're new to vanilla healing, remember to use lower ranks of your heal spell and not always the highest rank as it will overheal your target and consume too much mana. Holy is fully viable in pvp, play it well and you can even use your staff to take down people. There's always a few slots for shadow priests in raid groups as well for their shadow dmg increase debuff. The warlocks best friend.

Warlock: This class is fun as hell as at lvl50 you will get an infernal which you can let loose and it will attack players of your own faction. So either you go and release it in goldshire and see it kill all lowbies or you can put it outside the gate where the new undead players exit their starting zone and see them cry and die. Soulstones for ressurection in the event of wipe in dungeon, healthstones (free hp potion) and people will actually whisper you and ask you to summon them. Your dps will be in the top in raids together with mages. You are highly wanted as warlocks are one of the classes not that many play up to level 60 and when people start out raiding a few warlocks is absolutely necessary for their crowd control.

Shaman: Enhancement is fun, you got a lot of dps but you're also a glass cannon, probably the most viable if not the only levelling spec. You can still gather some cloth or leather with intellect stats and change into that and heal in dungeons up to about mid level 40s. In raids you're mostly expected to heal, but enchancement dps is not that rare to see. Their class quests are really boring. Their main purpose is really just dropping nature and fire resist totems.


lisen up guys this guy "broke the mold"


Love the contrast between talking about Arms pvp--"the kings, I repeat, the kings!!!" and then all the energy getting sucked out of the room when he talks about the warrior leveling process


Hunter is one of the best classes for pvp hands down whether it’s wpvp, bgs or premades they are without a doubt 5 stars.


Which Class should you pick? simple whatever u like the most, its classic t


I spent what felt like a million hours in WSG. Thunderhorn server Druid named Desperado. (I NEED to get that name again).. With a even half decent premade WSG group and a skilled and geared druid. Games last less than 10 min. Unstoppable. Druid pvp set gives cheetah form the speed of a mount with no cast time. If you can get outside with the flag its all over but the crying for the other team. I hate/miss those endless hours of making figure 8's on WSG.


Ive had my hunter since the early days still my main, second is druid, i still use both and have allot of fun with, havnt gotten too far in classic yet with my paladin, i miss the golden days of wow good times
