The 5 Principles of Cinematic Depth | Cinematography 101
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No matter what kind of movie you're shooting, whether it's a drama, comedy, or horror -- a main aspect needing to be addressed by every cinematographer is Cinematic Depth - the carefully crafted layering of subject and background, all within a single shot. In this episode of 4 Minute Film School, Valentina Vee and guest cinematographer, Alissa Rooney, break down all the factors that contribute to Cinematic Depth.
Today, we're shooting a cinematic interview that you would normally see in a high-end documentary. First, we talk about how to compose your shot and where to place the subject in the room. Following the rule of thirds, we also make sure that the talent is sitting far enough away from the camera to get a nice depth compression, but also far away from the background to have the ability to light both parts of the frame separately.
Next, we discuss wardrobe options and what to look out for. You want to make sure that the color of the clothing matches the overall color scheme of the film, while also contrasting the colors of the background. Busy-looking patterns (such as too many stripes) are not recommended, as they are too distracting and can also cause moire in the image.
Finally, we go over the lighting setup, and how to make a subject stand out from the background. Separating your subject from the background is important because it’s how you achieve a good tonal range throughout your shot. Some of the ways that one can accomplish this include adding a hair light, negative fill, and practical lighting choices (lights that appear in-frame). This way, the space that you’re shooting in feels three-dimensional and well-balanced.
In this video, you will learn how to maximize your soft source using diffusion cloth, what negative fill is, and how you can use lights that are already at location to make a more cinematic frame.
0:00 - Introduction
0:50 - Location
1:08 - Composition
1:34 - Wardrobe
2:08 - Lighting
2:50 - Negative Fill
3:18 - Tonal Range
3:45 - Hair Light
4:20 - Practicals
4:47 - Background
5:29 - Recap
5:44 - Outro
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