What is a mortgage?

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When you first take out a mortgage you start on an initial interest rate, which usually lasts for one to five years, before moving on to the lender’s standard variable rate. You can choose either a fixed or variable-rate deal.

Which one you should choose depends on whether you think your income is likely to change, whether you prefer to know exactly what you will be paying each month, or if you could cope if your monthly payments went up.
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A mortgage is not a home loan these two things are often used interchangeably when the shouldn't be.A mortgage is any agreement that allows a borrower to use property as collateral to secure a loan.Mortgages are often used in home loans but a mortgage is the agreement that makes the home loan possible not the loan itself.


Mortage=loan. Your "home" isn't yours yet till you pay it all off ;therefore, you are "borrowing it"


In simpler terms, you buy a house by pawning it off.


I want to get a mortgage when I’m older to get an apartment


can a house be bought without mortgage


From my perspective as a mortgage loan officer, a mortgage is more than just a financial transaction; it's a pathway to homeownership. It's a loan secured by real estate, enabling individuals and families to achieve their dream of owning a home. It represents trust, responsibility, and opportunity. My role is to guide clients through the process, ensuring they understand the terms and empowering them to make informed decisions. Ultimately, a mortgage is the foundation for building stability, security, and wealth through homeownership.


Few evidently believe, as their Political Conclusions; their Political Ideology; that they are Greater Citizens of their Nation andor Lands, than other's whom were born and also made greater the Land, Humans, and Structures on the Land, in the same nation, merely because they had the *privilege* of fighting in a funded (not their own planning done, and if their own planning then arguably not done in the name of the Nation they concluded they were "Greater" in) and *privileged* position in The Armed and Unarmed Forces, and also chose and possibly continue to choose to thieve items from Citizens, of their Lands, without any necessity, and no National Need, but based on Foreign Ideology, and their own Want, not Law, and conclusively truly Sabotage andor continue Sabotaging their own Nation. They concluded, as part of a "Fiscal Policy" andor "Financial Politics" that "Mortgages" were a Strategy to limit "Lesser Citizens" to not truly own the Shelter they were paying andor paid for, and that "Lesser Citizens" were to be limited because they weren't "Virtuous" andor "Good" andor "Dutiful" enough, and therefore couldn't be trusted to own anything physical in the lands they themselves continued to make Greater. Truly, a "Mortgage" is a Foreign physical item, used mainly to do pain, and possibly a word with other usages, such as something used by a "Mortician", for Funerals. Today, these "More Virtuous" are sometimes found following "one-liners" like "Help Make America Great Again" (with the implied: "because some aren't and you're probably one of them"), andor "That's the problem with [...]", "they're sucking at society", "They're a drain on society", "They're using all society's [...]", and they also, conclude because of their "experiences", sometimes, they are *more than likely* "more mature", and "PTSD" isn't a problem, but created so "they would have a job when they came back", and "everyone else" are the job andor "problem", and "because of this realization" everyone else will "go through" seeing that "they're the problem" they may need to "seek help", thus furthering drug sales and "their (others) "chosen" markets", not truly chosen, ever. Few have taken my Land, Items, Shelter, completely lawfully earned money, and Full-Time jobs.
