George Harrison Hated John Lennon For A Long Time

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George Harrison Hated John Lennon For A Long Time
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George was asked once if it bothered him that no matter what he did it would always be overshadowed by something he did in his twenties. He replied, "If it's my destiny to be remembered as a member of a band I'm glad I was in The Beatles."


George didn't hate anyone. To characterize it that way ? Shame on all media that does that...


Hate is a very strong word. I don’t believe any of the Beatles hated each other at all. Maybe they would be annoyed with each other once in a while as most humans are with anyone they’re sharing life with. I can’t even imagine the pressures of being in the Beatles & the strain that would put on any relationship. If you could ask each of them how they felt about each other, I’m sure they would all say they loved each other deeply in the long run.


I don’t think George hated John or Paul, and vice versa.


If George was only allowed 2 songs per album and he had a huge backlog of songs, there was no reason why he couldn’t make solo albums, while being in the Beatles.


George used to wear purple to annoy Yoko who hated the colour.


He never "hated" john. He was a little pissed because in 1974, George was doing a HUGE tour. He was a little sick and it was going badly so he asked John to do a show with him and John, who was with May Pang, wouldn't. John showed up backstage at the L.A. show and George yelled at him "I stood by you thru EVERYTHING"! "Thru all the Apple business, I went along with YOU". John had sunglasses on and George said "I want to see your eyes John" and George ripped his glasses off. John did nothing. Said nothing. This encounter was written about by May Pang in her book "Loving John".


He wasn't particularly fond of Paul either in the early 70s. But yea the famous incident of George publicly freaking out on John pretty much sums up all the pent up frustration they all felt at this time.


<3 I'm a long time Beatles fan. 60s, I have loved each and all of them from the early 60s. George Harrison was my favorite Beatle back in the 1960s. I came to appreciate each Beatles music. RIP George and John. <3


I clicked on this and yet never once did I hear or see Harrison say he hated or doesn’t really miss Lennon.

Nice click bait, guy. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


In Johns final interview with Playboy magazine the day before his death he was very scathing of George's book 'I me mine' for George not mentioning Johns contributions to his songs. Even before that the two had a falling out going back to 1971 and Johns non-appearance at the Bangladesh charity concert in New York which George felt John owed to him. So it would be fair to say the two weren't on the best terms in the 1970s. But who knows had John lived they might have made up.


Interesting and insightful. He had an amazing journey. Comes across as serious, thoughtful, sober and wise. Clearly had a great sense of humour too which would have liked to see more of...


To me l look upon The Beatles as though they were brothers. They had their shares of ups and downs. I feel that what they hated (apart from being prisoners of their own fame) was what happened to the group towards the end. But l feel that George never hated John. That is complete nonsense.


The whole issue about Lennon and McCartney looking down on George is one of the reasons why he's my favorite of the four Beatles. It's not just that he was such a good musician. The underdog mentality resonates with me it's also a reason why founding Chicago guitar player Terry Kath is one of my favorite musicians he was a splendid guitarist, singer and composer, but he ended up getting squashed by the commercialization of the band the usage of the Chicago logo for anonymity that had the double-edged outcome of obscuring him as a musician and the eventual turn of events that led to Peter Cetera singing ballads that became the biggest hits. It might have been a self-inflicted, accidental gunshot wound that finished Terry off, but it was adjunct to all the difficulties he was living with, difficulties that weren't helped by him indulging in drugs and alcohol.


I HATE your Clickbait title! Don’t do this!!!


John and Paul never helped George shape his song writing style, in George's words they were to busy being Lennon and McCarney.


Lennon and Harrison, often portrayed themselves as victims, while Paul and Ringo seemed to rise above that particular mentality. George whined and moaned about being oppressed by J & P, but he could've left the band at any time during their run.
He seemed to not fully appreciate, (despite his genius contribution as a guitarist and innovator) that it was those Lennon/McCartney songs that paid for his houses, clothes, drugs, and cars and also funded his side projects during and after the Beatles. Not to say Harrison didn't deserve it but J & P could've easily put him on a salary and not have shared in their wealth to the extent that they did for him and Richie.


Lennon treated a lot of people - especially those close to him, like shit.


George was the underdog of the group.. All Things Must Pass is a brilliant album can’t believe they rejected all of those songs.


Shocking that Harrison was also almost murdered by some nut. Apparently that
p o s served only a little time in prison. Criminal justice has never been strong in the UK.
