Understanding The Way Men Think | Kingsley Okonkwo

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Join Kingsley Okonkwo as he shares 'The Way Men Think'
The difference between men and women goes beyond just the physique or attributes that we can see, men and women are different in so many other ways.
In our conversation with Toyin Poju-Oyemade, we go on a deep dive into the man's world, understanding his uniqueness, and how he thinks and processes things.
This conversation is based on his book, Manual (The Way Men Think). We encourage you to fasten your seat belts as we go on this ride because many things will blow you away.

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There's a king and a fool in every man. The one you talk to is the one that answers you 😮. Wow
Casual sex will always have casualties. This hits me so hard 😅. Every sexual encounter doesn't always leave you the same. Men don't treat all women the same. Men learn from you how to treat you. You set the standards for a man, if he likes you, he will rise to it if not he will go and that is good for you. Most women have no idea how gifted and powerful they are. Don't limit yourself. People change when they want to. Ladies don't compromise your values. Make your money, na who get the bag fit set standards. A man should take care of you not because he has to but because he wants to. Women have the tendency to look for trouble where there is none. A woman compares herself to the best while men compares themselves to the worst, making a women to have the perfectionist mentality. Hunt the good stuff ladies. Praise your man for the little things that he does. Don't focus on what is not working but focus on the good he is doing. Scripture, science and statistics. Men are more sexual than women. A woman enjoy multiple sex with the same partner while men enjoy sex with multiple partner. A man can cheat for fun but women cheat for attention and emotional needs. It takes discipline and the God factor for a man to not cheat. I feel bad for my brother's wife and pray that she heals from this kind of pain 💔. The average man will respect you until you start disrespecting yourself. Ladies, we are helpers, we make the world go round. Don't let a man devalue you. Learn to build yourself outside of a man. Have a life before looking for a life partner.


Can I just say that I really like the way the presenter presents. Kudos to her. And great insights shared by PK as always. Thank you.


This is so good! I do however hope and pray that men are equally invested in understanding women as much as we women are at understanding them. I believe that a happy home starts with both parties seeking to understand each other and being selfless.


My wife sent this video to me and i almost didn’t watch because i felt it is so long... but thank God i did watch...this is mind blowing. Thank you Pastor PK. God replenish you more abundantly


Wow... "The average man respects you until you start disrespecting yourself" Great insight man of God. Thanks a lot for sharing, please.


I pray that my future wife is listening to pastor Kingsley


There are so many gems here, I've enjoyed this session immensely, and sometimes I would rewind to grasp these points. However, this is where I disagree with you Pastor Okonkwo, and not only you but Pastors who reason the way you do concerning infidelity in these modern times, what you fail to understand is that things changed a long time ago. The way baby boomers used to withstand the crap their husbands used to dish them concerning adultery is not the way Xenials, millennials and Gen Zs will withstand. Now there are more women who can cheat reciprocating what their husbands do without being emotional, they're intellectually, physically and financially VERY empowered. More and more women don't care about or for marriage because they've been hurt or have seen other women close to them being mistreated. These women in these generations I've mentioned are built very different.

What you need to do is update your teachings, because when you tell these generations to pray for their husbands meanwhile the husband is busy enjoying different strokes, am afraid you're preaching to the crickets. That's why the word of God says the man is the high Priest, MEANING? He is the one to pray for his wife and family, but African preachers want to change what God has instructed man, and that's why the results never change -the man keeps on cheating no matter how many times the wife prays.

God hates adultery, in fact loathes it, that's why idolatry is compared to adultery. So many instances the Israelites committed adultery and they suffered excruciatingly for their promiscuity. Why was Hosea commanded to marry a prostitute?
God hates adultery, and because of this New age teaching that "men are sexual therefore can't stay with one woman" is NEW AGE WITCHCRAFT and it has destroyed Africa. Our men concentrate on being between women's legs more than concentrating on innovating, building families, creating new things, and changing the world progressively. They left that for the yt man and Asians. Stop it!
I wish you would concentrate more on empowering men on becoming what God desires the to be, women don't need to be taught how to be in their position, they adopt naturally when they're with a man who understand and knows his position.


Wooow....what really resonated with me is the part where he said men compare themselves to the worst while women compare themselves to the best.


When I start watching the video, I thought the duration was too long, but after few minutes into it, I wished it would last for 72 hours❤ this information is really going to help me in my marriage


Let's clap this amazing man of GOD for his wise knowledge about relationships and marriage👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. Thank you so much Pastor #KingsleyOkonkwo🙏🏾🙂


This one hits hard… knowledge is key. I stumbled upon this on IG reels and somehow it pricked me cos I’m seriously in a journey to healing but somehow God pointed me to becoming more like Him other than focusing on my husband. Thank you PK for this message. It’s so timely for me.


God doesn't talk to men emotionally, he speaks to them logically 🤔🤔 this right here makea a lot of sense


Pastor kingsley is so humble!!!! And this is so insightful !!?


A body of wisdom. A blessing to our generation.👏🏼👏🏼


I am mind blown 🤯
I thank God that i am able to learn all these things very early in my 20s. I think everyone on earth needs to study human beings so we know how to manage our differences and arrive at a middle ground
God help us o


Men are moved by respect and admiration.


OMG! Thank you so much for opening my eyes, I've been in different relationships looking for Mr right, not knowing I was Mrs Wrong myself. At least this video helped me understand how men works. Thank you so much.


Wow😮 " men need before they love and women love before they need"

I've always admire you from afar sir. The very first day I came across your video on YouTube was when I was searching for a particular video on YouTube, that day became my very journey with you till date.

God bless you sir and Chapters, God bless and increase you too for bringing him to the show..



Space replenishes the man, while companionship replenishes the woman.


How can I like this message more than once…this message is so powerful. I really learnt a lot…even if I thought I knew some of this things, but it just hits differently from another angle…Wow 🔥
