Manual The Way Men Think - Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo

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PLS NOTE they were only WOMEN in this hall (about 2000 of them) so the message was for women, we also speak to men, the male version was held a week after and had thousands of men too (titled MANDATE ) message also available on the website so pls don't come and say what of the men.... And if you still want to know why we kind of address women more it's simple- women are the ones affected more by bad relationships, women are the ones that feel used when sex is involved, women get pregnant, women abort or stay with the baby, women deal with the shame so that's why we try to protect women.

Oh and by the way I agree that more should be done to mentor men and we are already working on different things to achieve that.

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I want to purchase the mandate but I can't really figure out the exact one


Pls what's the title of this message, I need to get it from ldm store


Pastor is not free, we pay, do all the sweet things financially, materially, etc nor be freeeooo


Please sir where and how can I get this book: Manual
