3 Ways to Make Friends | Alex Wilson

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LOVE that you readjusted your statement from the last video posted.. God bless you! ❤️✨


I just moved to California a year ago and I still haven't made any friends. I found a youth group and a great church, but watching this video made me realize that I was being too prideful. there are people but I haven't been nurturing or investing in these relationships. I have begun to invite some of them over and talk to them maybe three weeks ago. It's going well.


finding someone that is genuine and relates to you and loves Christ almost feels like finding a diamond in a rough at times but they are out there


1) Touch Grass (go outside) know what’s real.
2) Stop isolating
3) Step into the light

Side note: Associate with the lowly (examine if you’re operating in pride)

My side note: also notice if you’re operating in shame. Pride and shame are both ways to disconnect from ourselves and ultimately Christ. Isolation is typically caused by either one or the other or perhaps you oscillate between both. Between the two is authenticity, humility, light and freedom.


After over 10 years of self isolation and utter reclusiveness due to my father’s passing I have committed my life to God. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and found a church. Got a men’s study Bible and started surrounding myself with scripture, attended an after hours dinner event at church, reached out to join a church group, making myself vulnerable and falling in love with life again.
One small act of obedience has changed the trajectory of every aspect of my life. I will continue to make the effort to show others the same patience grace and understanding that I am just now realizing that God has shown me my entire life.


@1:56 “Wanted to push away the people in my life, before they had a chance to push me away.” I relate to that!


God has been transforming me. I should stop isolating myself.


Pushing away people first is definitely a defense mechanism of mine and it's so unhealthy. I'm a deep lover and I care deeply and genuinely so when someone takes that for granted it hurts me deeply.. and now I literally have a fear of being vulnerable and letting people close to me. But I want friends.. or at least 1 true friend


reminder to everyone:

just because you struggle with sin does not mean you are not a Christian. if you are actively trying to get better, that sin will not take you to hell. God is working in you constantly from the moment you receive Him to the day you die, because we can never be perfect in this life. strive for progress, not perfection. repentance is not always instant, many times it’s a process. ultimately it’s not your obedience that saves you, it’s your faith in Jesus that He died for your sins.


Last night I prayed to God about making friends as a christian then the next day bam I get a notification of this video thank you Alex


God has been a great friend to me and has still been there with me through it all and I thank him


God has been a friend to me by speaking to me, correcting me in love and by keeping me safe. He has also protected my friends and family.

By the grace of God, I am strengthened to do the same to the people around me as a sign of friendship.


God has been a friend to me by loving me and caring for me at my lowest...even when I did things that weren't loving to Him. I can befriend others by being less judgmental and more kind.


I have always kept faith and trust in you Lord Jesus. Even as I constantly struggle to provide groceries and basic necessities for my children both of my sons are autistic. Like most single parents things are hard on me. I’m constantly struggling to pay my rent struggling to buy groceries. I’m overwhelmed and now that I’m home schooling my sons, my hours to work are very limited. My health is also failing. I suffered a heart attack two years ago and battling lupus. Heavenly and merciful Father, I come in humble adoration please help me overcome my struggles. I have faith.


Honestly, God has been a good friend to me in more ways than I can count, but recently He has been a good friend to me by encouraging me in the truth of His Word. It had me going from feeling hopeless and damned to realizing the truth that through Christ I am Holy and saved! God is good indeed! Thanks Alex!


Jesus is an amazing Friend, I wish I could be better but that’s how He’s the greatest friend
Because He showers us in graces


I worked out of town for the last four years, and all my friends moved away in those years, and now I’m unemployed, so I’m all out of friends. My pastor told me that I need to spend time with people my age since all the people I know at church are retired. I needed this message today


I have a lot of friends at church but they're all married with kids and we never hang out outside of church. I'm 29 and single with no kids. I was in a 8 year long relationship so from 19-27 I was somewhat isolated from most of my friends I grew up with and never made new ones. I really struggle to find friends to hang out with outside of work, church, or Jiu Jitsu.


How has God been a friend to me? Well…. He listens to me all day everyday, He hangs out with me, He shows me how to do things, He encourages me to do good things, and, above all, He loves me so much. He cares so much about me that He, who is the God of the universe and can do whatever He wants, willingly chooses to spend all His time with me. He willingly chooses to take me in everyday and not criticize me but to show me his love and mercy. He’s like no other. I can’t describe it.


Wow, Alex. Proud of you being vulnerable, honest and transparent to share your story about the relationship between you and a friend. You’re sharing a lot more and I appreciate it. We know that we aren’t perfect so there’s no need to hide our flaws because it creates a false picture of who are we. Now we don’t dwell on them but we do remind ourselves and others that no man/woman is perfect. The only perfect is Christ. I love it. Thank you, brotha. ❤❤❤❤
