CMON Strikes, More Nova Games, GWT Goes South! Board Game News & Hotness | June 2022

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#LiegeOfGames #boardgames #boardgamenews

It's news day! Let's do this! Games that need to be on your radar and the things you need to know about what's going on in the last couple weeks in the board game scene!
Thanks for watching!

Time Stamp:
00:00 - News!!
00:24 - CMON Cyber(punk) Tuesday
02:39 - Zombicide takes on Roll & Write
03:18 - Terra Mystica streamlined
04:43 - Floe be flowing
05:50 - Tidal Blades
06:27 - Great (Southern Hemisphere) Trail
07:27 - Red Cathedral Expansion
08:18 - El Dorado Gets Another Expansion!
09:34 - Funko BUYS Mondo

10:21 - War of the Card Ring
11:41 - Star Wars Outer Rim Unfinished Business
12:28 - Castles of Super Deluxe Burgundy
14:00 - My Father’s Work
15:06 - Arcs
16:17 - Carnegie
17:10 - Pagan: Fate of Roanoke
18:31 - Final Ramble: Expensive month (not games but studio upgrades)

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Love your videos - keep up the good work!
Got to admit My Father's Work seems to have something about it that is calling to me. For some reason when I saw the title and box art I was immediately very interested, although I can't say quite why. Some subliminal advertising genius perhaps...


Carnegie is one of the best-looking games I've ever seen. It's also perhaps a "perfect" Euro. Dare I say...


I had so much fun with Carnegie and I can see why it's so highly rated. Really looking forward to some more plays!


I have received my copy of My Father’s Work and i have to say that it has one of the best quality components i’ve ever had in a board game. Still waiting for the app though


Completely understandable wanting to go for the cheaper version of Castles of Burgundy. That's a lot of money and definitely aimed at people who are already huge fans of the game


I wonder if Carnegie having so many ratings before delivering its Kickstarter is due to it being on Board Game Arena basically since the launch of the Kickstarter campaign. You've become my number 1 source of board game news. Thanks for doing these videos :)


"The person I tolerate from the channel I am OK with." Great line. Don't repeat that if it messes with your head. It would mess with mine after awhile.


Pagan + Carnegie <3 TOP TIER GAMES I really recomand them to everyone :D


“How miniature heavy is it going to be?” It’s CMON. Mini is in their name. They’ll have about three times the number of minis that they need


I canceled my CoB pledge. Have the first edition and love playing the game. Don't think the Deluxe would increase how often wr play it.


My Father's Work is nowhere near as heavy as a Mindclash game. I'd say it's closer to Architects or Lost Ruins but possibly even lighter than that. The basic gameplay mechanic is simple and straightforward and may repel fans of heavy euros, especially those who are theme adverse. There's really only one path to victory, with a few narrative "events" interspersed that can help you along the way and possibly decide the game. What will keep players coming back, at least in the short term, is the incorporation of new gameplay elements as a narrative unfolds, and the quality of those narrative elements. It's really a beautiful, thoughtful game with the feel of a campaign or legacy system without being either of those things.


Cynerpunk's pledge is $110 and the shipping is $60 (well 50 to 60 so.... 60). Think I'll pass on paying 50% of the base price in shipping.


CMON will not see my pledge until Cthulhu dmd season3.. meanwhile Remember to pledge the most important one.. clash of galliformes


I'm interested in Pagan: Fate of Roanoke. It looks interesting, although I'm not sure about a 2 player count.


Definitely not backing any CMON games ever again.


exited to see if they pulled off keeping the feel of a game in a distilled version, for both terra Nova and war of the ring card game.


Interested in Floe and the expansion for Red Cathedral.


I can tell your channel is growing Chris, since you're getting more and more of those comments with spurious links.

At least the CMON Cyberpunk game won't crash or have weird bugs! XD (Still not backing it though). Played the original RPG many years ago.

As someone who loathes Terra Mystica, even I agree that a simpler and streamlined version of the game certainly has a place in our hobby.

Floe looks neat. Definitely taking a look.

I canceled my ARCS pledge. Not that I think the game looks bad, but that if I'm going to bring a Leder game to a meetup, it's going to be Vast or Root. I still haven't played my copy of Oath, the one time I played was a friend's copy!

Pagan looks like it has potential. Debating on backing that one.

My Father's Work has a great theme but I didn't back it. A friend did though, so may well try it at a meetup soon.


4:43 I love Terra Mystica (even though I have only played it 1 time). I discovered Terra Mystica because of Catan. I was looking at the game in a Barnes & Noble store - and I saw the box - and the board looked very similar to Catan, even though I couldn’t see what was going on in the game at the time - it looked like there were a lot more elements than that Catan game and it was quite expensive. However, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. So eventually, I found the game online cheap - and so I had to pull the trigger.
Since then, I studied the game, by watching YouTube videos and reading the rulebook - to the point where I “know” the game (I am now doing the same with Dwellings of Eldervale).
I definitely think there is a place for a simpler version. In fact, I am looking forward to it very much - so that I can explain it to my family - and introduce them to that, before maybe slowly stepping it up to Terra Mystica.


I backed Pagan because of your weekly roundup. Thanks for shedding light on that and many other games. I will keep my eye on Cyber Punk but most likely will pass on it. It will be interesting to see if CMON anticipates a lot of $1 backers and tries to dissuade people from pledging that amount. I think the whole shipping fiasco will have a negative effect on this campaign.
