Set up FTP Utility for Konica Molita Scanner

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In this video we set up FTP Utily to share scan file to all user without use spicific authentication user

1.Set up FTP Utility Setup of Konica printer
I already installed FTP Untility

2.Share folder
-I shared folder on my file server named Sml_Scan
-and assign modify permission to all user

3.Configure FTP Utility, with this setting we can set such as

- TCP port 21: this port automatic addin TCP port as 21
- Add root folder (Shared folder, my folder share named Sml_Scan): This Root folder is Shared folder on File share
- Set FTP User (I am using Anonymous user)
- Click OK

4.Address Book FTP on Konia printer
-Access printer by Web: IP is IP of Konica printer
- Go to Store Address
-Click on New Regitration,But here i already have my regisstration and I just click on Edit
- On the adress book we can set up FTP such as
- Ip is IP of Pc that we install FTP Utility software on

Done!! and you can scan document form the Konica Scanner and those file scaned will store on folder shared through FTP Utility..

Enjoy and sucribe my chanel ;) :)
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