How to Take a Japanese Bath
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In Japan, most homes are equipped with Japanese-style baths, but not necessarily showers. The art of getting clean in a Japanese bath (or _ofuro_) takes some getting used to for most foreigners.
Step 1: Fill the bath
Fill the ofuro with water heated to between 102 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit, which is much hotter than typical western bathwater.
Step 2: Rinse yourself
Rinse yourself thoroughly in the washing area outside of the ofuro before stepping into the bath.
The washing area outside the bath will typically include a hose shower. If it doesn't, remove water from the bath with a plastic bucket to rinse yourself.
Step 3: Enter the bath
Step slowly into the ofuro and make yourself comfortable. Savor the warmth of the bath.
Step 4: Exit the bath
Exit the ofuro when you have had enough or become too hot.
Dry yourself with a towel after exiting the ofuro, or wash yourself with soap prior to re-entering it. Rinse the soap off so you do not introduce any soap into the ofuro.
Step 5: Do not drain the bath water
Do not drain the water in the ofuro if others will be bathing after you. Japanese custom is that all members of a household use the same bath water.
Did You Know?
In Japan, bathing in a volcanic hot spring -- an onsen -- is considered a form of relaxation -- not a way to get clean.
In Japan, most homes are equipped with Japanese-style baths, but not necessarily showers. The art of getting clean in a Japanese bath (or _ofuro_) takes some getting used to for most foreigners.
Step 1: Fill the bath
Fill the ofuro with water heated to between 102 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit, which is much hotter than typical western bathwater.
Step 2: Rinse yourself
Rinse yourself thoroughly in the washing area outside of the ofuro before stepping into the bath.
The washing area outside the bath will typically include a hose shower. If it doesn't, remove water from the bath with a plastic bucket to rinse yourself.
Step 3: Enter the bath
Step slowly into the ofuro and make yourself comfortable. Savor the warmth of the bath.
Step 4: Exit the bath
Exit the ofuro when you have had enough or become too hot.
Dry yourself with a towel after exiting the ofuro, or wash yourself with soap prior to re-entering it. Rinse the soap off so you do not introduce any soap into the ofuro.
Step 5: Do not drain the bath water
Do not drain the water in the ofuro if others will be bathing after you. Japanese custom is that all members of a household use the same bath water.
Did You Know?
In Japan, bathing in a volcanic hot spring -- an onsen -- is considered a form of relaxation -- not a way to get clean.