Sowing Seeds - Healing Thoughts From The Sermon Of William Branham - Visual Read Along

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16 Now, the Gospel, commonly believed, is the Word of God, and that is true in one sense. But the Word of God is not Gospel alone. The Word of God is the Seed that produces the Gospel. Jesus said a sower went forth and sowed seed. And some fell onto the stony places, and some fell by the wayside, and the fowls of the air devoured them. Some fell upon thorny thistle ground; some went over and brought a hundredfold. Now, the seed, you people here who are a farmers, every seed will produce if it’s in the right kind of a ground. And every Divine promise of God in the Bible will produce if It’s met in the right kind of a heart. It’ll produce the promise. If you have need of salvation, believe that He saves you and accept His sacrificial death, and you shall receive what you’ve asked for. If you’re weary and gloomy and feel like that everyone’s against you, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” That’s a seed. Accept it. And if you’re sick, “He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we’re healed.” Accept it. It’s a seed: will produce. 17 When you sow a seed, you don’t dig it up every morning to see if it’s come to pass. If you do, your seed will never come up. You got to plant it, commit it to the earth, and let it alone. It’s up to nature, God, to water it and to see that it produces. Is that true? So that’s the way you do the Word of God. Accept it in a good heart, already fertilized, and all the creepers, and the rocky places, and the stony doubts taken away, and in good rich soil of faith, and believe it, commit it to God, and walk away, testifying that you have received what God has promised you. And He’s the High Priest of your confession, to make right anything that you confessed that He has done. That’s the Gospel. Now, the Gospel isn’t only the Word. 18 Could you imagine people freezing to death, and I would paint them a picture of a fire. I’d say, “Look at the fire burning. Isn’t it warm? Look at the people standing around, warming.” But that’s only a picture of something that has been. You’d freeze just the same, looking at the picture. What it takes is that fire to be reproduced again for your warmth. And the Gospel that was in that day, it’s written in the Word as a history, a painted fire of what was. Accept the same seed that they accept, and it’ll be a living reality in you, that’ll bring you into the same experience that they had. Say, “Rev. Branham, is that the truth?” According to the writings of the Scripture, the great Saint Paul said, “The Gospel come to us not by Word only, but through power and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost.” And when Jesus commissioned the church to go into all the world and preach the Gospel: Mark 16, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not… And these signs shall follow them that believe…”
51-0727 - The Church Of The Living God

Regardless of all his critics and deniers, Rev. William Branham is the promised Prophet Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 who should come before the great and dreadful Day Of The LORD Jesus-Christ to turn the hearts of the children back to their father. This is neither a light statement nor an overstatement. The Ministry of the word and the gift of discernment as perfectly performed in the life of Bro William Branham will quickly confirm to you that Bro William Branham is the Elijah whom the LORD JESUS-CHRIST said that he truly shall come to RESTORE ALL THINGS. By the Holy Spirit and the Angel of the Lord that was constantly with Bro William Branham, God through Rev. William Branham could reveal the thoughts and intents of the hearts of the people as He did through the ministry of the Lord Jesus-Christ(Luke 9:47, John 4:17-19).

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God richly bless you.

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