RISK & REAL Expense of Everest? Who REALLY Pays? #shorts #everest #mountains #podcast

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For Sherpa throughout the Khumbu Region of Nepal, the dangers of guiding climbers to the world’s highest peaks like Mount Everest, with the ever-present possibility of accidents, avalanches and the extremes of weather and altitude became no more evident than last month when a serac fall took the lives of three Sherpa in the Khumbu Icefall of Mount Everest. About one-third of the more than 300 fatalities on Everest over the past hundred years have been of Sherpa guides, according to the Himalayan Database, a mountaineering record-keeping body.


WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A SHERPA DIES ON A MOUNTAIN CLIMBING EXPEDITION? In 2014 after the tragic avalanche there that claimed the lives of 16 sherpa and high altitude porters, massive strikes in Base Camp and beyond forced the hand of the government to increase the life insurance on a death there to $15000….however, the strength of the Nepal rupee has significantly diminished and that amount is now worth far less since it is paid in rupees.
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Sherpas must be provided with large insurance funded by the climbers. There must be a government regulation to protect them and their families to this most dangerous job.


Climbing jobs have changed the lives of the Sherpa people. Climbers have also done a lot of good by funding schools, training, health clinics, etc. It's still an unfair system as the Sherpa climbers take most of the risks and do the hardest jobs.

The Nepali Government isn't going to step in on the mountain. Climbers could use Sherpa pay and working conditions as a means of choosing a company to hire. Of course, as Sherpa pay increases so too does the cost of the climb. As a climber do you value a fancy base camp and caviar at camp 3 or the safety of your Sherpa guides?


They should be giving life insurance to every member of the team on top of extra Hazard pay cuz these guys are the real heroes in this


I think they should forbid anybody getting on top of the mountain…. The reason they don’t is because it provides a lot of income to the villages around. …that’s my perspective of it.


There is no way that they’re being taken care of the way they are entitled too. The Mountain Travel Companies, and the climbers themselves do the minimum of what they can. There needs to be restrictions on how many climbers per year should climb, you need to provide proof of your experience, and a more substantial rate of money for the Sherpas should be agreed on before any climber hits Everest. Then you sign a contract, and 30% of the Sherpas rate is paid upfront, and the rest before they depart. It’s disgusting what they do to them, and what they are doing to the mountain.


I think even 50 ppl on the MT is too much. I think something needs to be done. I dont think sherpa are being treated fairly nor are they paid fairly. They carry everything and set up everything!! Just my OPINION you know what they say about opinions there like assholes we all have them.


Tbh when you have 8 or 9 billion of something, individuals are worth very little.
There's your reality check - none of us are with much at all


OMG. A man gotta do what a man gotta do. Damn bad boyz. I luv Sherpas. Tough guys.


Life Insurance paid by the climbers should also cover the sherpas & porters. How dare rich people KEEP putting poor people's lives in danger from your own selfish gains.


I still don’t understand what motivates these people to climb an icy mountain 🏔️. I wouldn’t put my foot on it. I can enjoy and accomplish many other things in life that would give me happiness .


They chose that career, like police, firemen and our military! We can't pay everyone what their worth.


Everyone makes a choice, knowing the dangers.


Have all supplies flew camp 2 that way you only have to go over falls 1 time they don't have to go over the worst part 1 time. !!!


Did they take the job knowing the risk.... Yes


2 cents for the rich to climb!!!! But it's the sherpa own fault!!!! Set the price accordingly!!!


Nepal government collects RS 470 million revenue from climbing permits. (New Business Age, 2022)

How much goes back to the morning families? Without Sherpas there will be no climbing tourism.


Just seems like bungee jumping, sky diving and any other thrill seekers risk, hard to understand how you could even ask someone to risk their life for for you to do it . For someone who has a high risk job ( cutting trees ) like I do I could never do seriously dangerous things for a hobby or what ever the reason behind it is. I guess if you never do dangerous things for a living you might need the adrenaline outlet but getting others involved just isn’t something I can wrap my head around. Trying not to sound condescending because I truly don’t understand putting yourself through that for a two minute view that you can pull up on your phone. If it had never been done it might be a little understandable, to each his own until others die because of you


Live by the Sword etc, life if full of choices, make a choice and live with it.
