OSHO: I Have Never Seen an Enlightened Yogi

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"I have been in search, looking in the Himalayas, and all over the country. They are perfect in their gymnastics -- they could have joined any circus and would have impressed the people with their performance -- but inside they are very ordinary, in the same ignorance, the same unawareness."
Osho, The Great Zen Master Ta Hui #21
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As a spiritual path, Yoga is perfectly valid. Pantajali Yoga Sutras are beautiful and reflect the words of an enlightened being.
In the Yoga Sutras, Pantajali mentions asanas only once. The focus is on meditation and samadhi.
The problem in the west is that people identify too much with the body and think yoga is about that, it isn't at all.
All paths lead to the same goal and are equally valid. I explored many of them.


"Life begins where fear ends"-Osho. Love yall <3


I love Osho so much... He is like a father to me.


"The outer is not essential, the outer is the shadow of the inner..."😮


What Osho probably means here is that one has to let go of something the moment the understanding is there.
So, if one understands the practice of Yog asana's then it's equally important to understand that one has to let go of that practice to get into the realm of liberation.
Unfortunately, when one stays in the practice, after the understanding, and not using it for further development and understanding, one keeps calling oneself a Yogi, identifying oneself with the practice of Yog, which should have been stopped with to, again, further development in the field.
Yog techniques are just there to remove obstacles in a dark room, to find the door-handle to another room; A room of liberation and watchfulness, with the limitations we have, being human beings, I should add, but definitely a room that fits our potential better.
Patanjali, in all his sutras, never talk about stretching the body(parts). Sutra 1: "Now starts the discipline of Yog."
I feel that's the discipline coming out of curiosity, not out of authority other then your own. The discipline here, I feel, lies in the letting go, after the understanding.


Osho was the greatest of all. He always spoke the absolute truth ♥️


Regular practice of yoga creates qualities of spiritual resilience mental illumination physical presence the energetic vehicle carries you to and is


I just started reaching Tantra: the supreme understanding from Osho, that and the art of living are extraordinary books.


Indeed - a still mind gets directly reflected in a still body! Any of us can experience that!🧘‍♂


If The INNER Changes...The OUTER Will Change...The OUTER FOLLOWS The INNER...OUTER Is Just A SHADOW Of The Is FUNDAMENTAL, ...PRIMARY...Thankyou Beloved


Osho said that yoga is very important and the effort is a must for the majority of people, than when the time come , effort must be dropped.


Deeply insightful. I always wondered about the yogi…. Now 👁 know.


In my knowledge and experience, Osho and Sadhguru both say the same thing. We are just taking one line out of their lifetime and finding contradictions in it, which is again ‘seeking’. But seekers should be aware that they both devoted their whole lives just to give us what they had, so we must not be too fast to let our minds make judgements.

Sadhguru also said “These are the only four ways you can get somewhere: either through karma, gnana, bhakthi or kriya – body, mind, emotion, or energy. These are the only four ways you can work with yourself. “No, no, no, I am on the path of faith. I don’t need to do anything else.” Is there anybody here who is only head - no heart, hands and energy? Is there anybody here who is only heart - not the other things? You’re a combination of these four things, isn’t it? It’s just that in one person the heart may be dominant, in another person the head may be dominant, in yet another person the hands may be dominant; but everybody is a combination of these four. So you need a combination of these four. It’s just that, only if it’s mixed in the right way for you, it works best for you. Only when it’s mixed in the right proportion it works for you. That’s why on the spiritual path there’s so much stress on a live Guru; he mixes the cocktail right for you, otherwise there’s no punch.”

What Guru Osho is pointing here is that he has not seen a person who is ONLY A YOGI, only involved in bodily practices, has become enlightened, because thats not possible without expanding your sadhana to inner dimensions. - ( mind, emotion and energy)

As I understand from both, Body being on a certain level of comfort and preparation is necessary for whoever wants to seek beyond it. There is so much more to everything they have said but if we analyze it fully, there are no contradictions, rather fascinating that they both never met and yet have so much similarities in their teachings, including the way they look. 🙏🏻😇 we are luck to have them in our lifetimes and be able to come in touch with their teachings.


My understanding of this is not that it is a negative towards yoga but that he is pointing to something else! Our inner state reflecting our outter state is easy to see in most people! I feel he is speaking from a place of belief! Yoga can to used as a tool to "get you to enlightenment" there is no getting too and there is no enlightenment, there is only now....


Yogi in this case means only tangling there body, yoga is a consequence of enlightenment


Inner transformation leads to outer glow, raising your frequency of vibration. People mistake this outer glow thinking it's outer transformation that leads to it and starts working on their body leaving behind the inner self. People should realise it doesn't work vice versa.
Yoga is a means to develop your focus and improve your concentration for better meditation. Yoga without meditation is like preparing for an exam and not writing it.
Here osho refers most yogis miss out the meditation/inner transformation part


i wish everyone should live a happy and peaceful life.


From my experience with consistent practice of classical hatha yoga i have brought a deep level of stillness to the body which has resulted in a deep stillness within me so i can’t agree with what Osho is saying here


I agree Osho

Thanks for this confirmation
