Are Women Really Paid Less Than Men For the Same Work?

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Are Women Really Paid Less Than Men For the Same Work?

You've probably heard that men are paid more than women for the same work. But why is that? And is it even true?

The short answer is yes, men do earn more than women on average, but not that much more when they work the same job and they have similar experience and abilities.

Are Women Paid Less Than Men For the Same Work?




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I work on a crew where we all get paid the same. Only men get put in the truck to unload it, while women get to sort light weight stuff and relax. How is that fair?


"I'll tell you why -- because, in the unlikely event that we're both on the Titanic and it starts to sink, for some reason, you get to leave with the kids and I have to stay -- that's why I get the dollar more an hour." -Bill Burr


Having the same job and doing the same job are 2 different things. Where I work we have just as many if not more females hired for the same job but the quality and difficulty of the work preformed are not equal at all. The men are consistently called upon to do every job requiring tools, heavy lifting or anything considered icky. The men bust there ass while the women do paperwork and talk and plan birthday parties. They get paid what we do but are allowed to do less. Total BS. Now of course this is not true of EVERY woman & man but the majority.


Why in the world would an alarming amount of people think that they aren't payed the same amount of money for the same job? THAT'S SIMPLY ILLEGAL


It's crazy how women love to act oppressed and talk about wage gaps . I actually had a discussion about this with a co worker that females are actually treated better and promoted faster in the work place, especially if they're attracted young females. This guy I was talking to was with the company for almost 4 years and other then a little pay raise, he is in the same position, a mere cashier. There is a girl who has been a cashier for 6 months and is the front end supervisor now . This isn't just one separate, isolated case I'm talking here. I also had a different job where another young attractive girl who was also a supervisor and she hasn't worked there very long. All the guys who were in a higher managerial type of position, it took them years to get . I would not only go far as to say the wage gap for women is completely not true but I would even venture to say they even have advantages in the work place. Being an attractive young girl is a factor as well but, let's be honest here, there's more attractive girls then unattractive girls out there so if we do the math, then almost 60 percent of females get faster pay raises and faster promotions, yet they have the nerve to complain about a wage gap that isn't even there?? I don't get feminism and all that bs honestly. It makes no sense at all. To me women already have a lot of advantages and women in western society aren't oppressed in the least bit and they're "fighting" so to speak to get even more advantages.


Thank you so much for giving an objective look at this. It's very disheartening to think that so many people including the POTUS adhere to things when the facts can be brought to light in under three minutes.


Though the facts about men being paid more than women are twisted to make this point as described in this video, the fact not mentioned here is that women should be paid less because they work less. Women spend more than 23% of their time at work complaining and gossiping. Most women start the day updating each other on their personal life and relationships etc... Talk, talk, talk is what the do the most. Simply stated, if women want to be paid the same, the best thing for them to do is shut up and do the job.


Misogynist pigs!

Nah, just kidding. Great video!


if a man and a woman have the exact same job and the man still makes more at the end of the year then have a look at who put in more hours to get that paycheck before claiming gender wage gap.


The question worth asking is often - Why is labor in women dominated jobs often valued lower than labor in male dominated jobs?


I think this is an important video. 

It's no good shouting vitriolic buzz phrases like "equal pay for equal work" because it distracts and detracts from the real issue at hand.  Women aren't being encouraged enough to pursue mathematical career paths while men are stigmatized for perusing more personalable and nurturing career paths (Also please let's not pursue the argument path of why certain fields pay better than other because that is a totally separate Free Market discussion). When people say things like female doctors earn more than male doctors, it's true, but when you break it down per discipline (ie surgeon vs general practitioner), you'll find that the pay is the same. The difference lies in that for whatever sociological reasons men are more commonly in the higher paying areas of their industries. 

I think the solution to this issue is try to break down whatever barriers of entry women seem to come across when entering higher paying positions and industries by getting rid of stereotypes and giving them the respect they deserve. We also need to encourage men to feel validated for pursuing lower paying career paths such as social work. If men feel that they need to earn high salaries to have a sense of self-worth then even if there is an even distribution of women across industries and disciplines they will STILL occupy more of the lower paying jobs and less of the higher paying jobs by ratio because that's simply how fractions work, so this issue cannot be addressed without looking at gender inequality on both sides. Either way, providing information like this helps provide a platform for a more focussed discussion as to how to improve gender equality and gets away from deconstructive catchphrases.


There is almost no woman who won Noble Prize, what's wrong if they get paid less? Pay is not a favor -- we - business owners want to pay more to those whom want to keep with us more, so if women are paid less it means they are less useful for the businesses.


I literally know women who make more money from tips as a waiter at a local food joint than I do with my degree at $20 an hour in my profession. I worked so dam hard (years) for that degree and a $20 an hour pay, only for some waiter who dropped outta high school, that makes more than I do to complain about how some customers didn’t tip her well enough, and talk about how she thinks she’s entitled to bigger tips from every customer. I personally think these women that think there is a wage gap, grew up as a kid with an allowance from mommy and daddy, and never really learned the value of a dollar, and now today they think there is a wage gap that doesn’t exist.


What's causing this? Simple...FEMINISTS!!!!


A slightly biased and unsophisticated video. It forgets to mention that even when women work in the same job with the same number of hours and qualifications, they still get a lesser hourly wage.


any one who actually has a job knows that woman and men earn the same pay


Haha did you see my video on misleading statistics? Basically this :)


With this logic if Science goes too far and men can be able to give birth, worldwide men will be expected to give birth as women have already done it for too long, than should men be paid less?!!!


Women would be paid less if the male in question was more experienced so that's not sexism


The wage gap is stupid. Sinple logic disproves it!if businesses could pay 77% of what they pay men, WHY WOULD THEY HIRE MEN? Businesses thrive on profit.
