Russia is Not the Soviet Union Anymore

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Father Josiah Trenham

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*Enduring Love: Laying the Christian Foundations for Marriage*

Patristic Nectar Publications presents a new resource by Fr. Josiah Trenham. This workbook, designed for engaged and married couples, singles aspiring to wed, and priests, includes 10 chapters on various topics, discussion questions, scenarios, and space for notes.

Foreword by Bishop Basil (Essey)
ISBN# 978-1735011653

God's Design for Marriage
Love and Expectations
Friendship and Goals
Communication and Conflict
Sex and Romance
Children and Parenting
Roles and Responsibilities
Spiritual Life
Enduring to the End
Appendix - The Orthodox Rite of Marriage

*Newest Lecture Series: "The Holy Trinity" by Fr. Thomas Hopko*

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Lecture Titles:

Jesus and the One God
How Does Jesus Relate to God?
Who Do People Say That I Am? (Part 1)
Who Do People Say That I Am? (Part 2)
Understanding Our Being in Regards to the Holy Trinity.
The Trinity and the Filioque.
Human Life in Imitation of God.
Living the Divine Life in This World.
If You Want to Be Saved.
Iconography Regarding the Trinity.

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Anyone that has ever read 19th century Russian literature could tell you how deep that culture is; they're an extraordinarily romantic culture that learned early on to embrace suffering and tragedy and to prosper the human spirit despite the atrocities visited upon them. Hearty, soulful, resilient, people. Their women are exemplars of intelligence, beauty, grace, and an uncommon stoicism.

I can't say enough about the Russian people. Truly remarkable.


The truth always comes to be known. Russia is no the Soviet Union anymore. Pray for Russia and Ukraine and the UOC. God bless


Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ ελέησον τόν κόσμο σου...+


They taught me in highschool that the last czar Nicholas was an antichrist. In addition l was never taught the horrors of the Bolsheviks. Only that they resisted the autocrat who was similar to the French monarch. And they headed a revolution which sprang another antichrist Joseph Stalin. I then read a rare book written by a Russian writer which described Czar Nicholas as a good and decent extremely religious man of Orthodox faith who was always God fearing and never wanted to ne Czar. A man who put his family God and his nation ahead of himself.
In addition he was surrounded by ill advisors who's evil motives and bad decision policies painted a very unfair picture of Russia's last Czar. Never mentioning the murder of thousands of Christians who would not hold rhe Bolsheviks in a higher regard than Jesus Christ. The atheistic agenda of the Bolsheviks desteoyed many churches in addition to killing many innocent civilians and peasants in addition to the entire Romanov clan. The same was done to all the other countries of the former iron curtain, especially the Orthodox Christians.


Let's not be deceived by the appearances of religious revival in Russia. I am from Poland, which experienced severe martyrdom not only from the communist Russia but also during their 123-year occupation of Poland (end of 18th till beg. of 20th cent.). I agree, the people of Russia may be religious, but the state itself is still anti-christian.


Christ died for all ❤if there is anywhere in the world that is causing evil to grow in the world-It is America


We aren’t stuck! We have become the communists.


I own a Russian hat that a sweet Russian artist made, which symbolizes to me the brotherhood/sisterhood that we share with the entire world.


And yet the soviet union is still celebrated as a patriotic figure.


Just ask people in the ex-Soviet Union countries like Ukraine about that subject. Even the Russian church supports that Soviet-style invasion.


Correct. However, it is still an extremely aggressive expansionist dictatorship who still uses many of the same strategies and structures utilized by the USSR...


Exactly... I have to make that point many times.


I don't think I get the point. What does the number of churches come in? Does it matter at all what kind of indoctrination the regime uses to keep power?


Faith is being restored through Russia I'm home at rocor


The Brzezinski doctrine continually comes back like a zombie. Let us pray that 'his plans perish'.


Well said Father. Our political leaders are children and can’t be expected to be rational. They need our prayers and the Lord’s mercy.


Its theur leadership that is the issue, but the people are cowed.


With love and respect to father Josiah, I'd say that he is in some sense wrong about what is happening here in Russia. I am from St. Petersburg and I can clearly say that the state, secular and postmodernist, uses the church in it's own agenda, funding the facade ( giving money to built more churches), but at the same time abusing the true faith with it's ideology, using the church hierarchs. Today's Russia is an extension of Soviet system, that uses postmodernist narratives to fuse it's components into very strange and decietful structure. The USA does it too, but in the other way.


The left hand does not know what the right hand does, but God does.


In this gospel, it teaches us to love and accept our enemies. Do not hold any hatred. Pray for the people who hurt you for He knows the right thing to do. Treat people the way you want to be treated — whether it's an ally or an enemy. Your kindness will be rewarded for you are doing what the Father desires
