Bible SCHOLARS Leave Christianity | MythVision Documentary

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In the realm of academia, a long-kept secret prevails: Bible scholars, after years of rigorous study, have quietly abandoned their Christian faith. Welcome to a groundbreaking documentary unveiling their intellectual and emotional journeys.

Within the confines of libraries and lecture halls, these scholars have grappled with their beliefs, ultimately concluding that Christianity, as they knew it, is not true. However, this revelation brings a profound crisis of faith, jeopardizing their careers, social standing, and relationships.

This documentary reveals the stories of renowned scholars like Dr. Bart Ehrman, Richard Miller, Dennis MacDonald, Robert Cargill, Matthew Monger, Kipp Davis, and others, who have transitioned from guardians of Christian knowledge to vocal skeptics. Their narratives exemplify the courage needed to challenge established beliefs and risk personal and professional consequences.

But they are not alone. We also hear from students of research who embarked on their own transformative journeys away from faith. Join us in exploring these profound narratives that challenge belief, unravel faith, and highlight the relentless pursuit of truth.

Prepare to be moved, enlightened, and perhaps even confronted in your own beliefs as we delve into the hearts and minds of those who dared to question the foundations of their faith. This is their story, their truth, and their journey into the unknown.



Dr. James Tabor's "Creating Jesus: Why Mark’s Gospel Was Forgotten?"

Dr. Robyn Faith Walsh's course "Paul's Legacy"

Dr. Robyn Faith Walsh's course "The Gospels Masterclass"

Dr. Kipp Davis Course "The Real Ancient Israelite Religions"

Dr. Richard Carrier's Course "New Testament Studies For Everyone."

Dr. M. David Litwa's course - "The Ancient Greek Mysteries & Christianity"

Sign up for Bart Ehrman's course Scribal Corruption of Scripture -

Dr. Bart D. Ehrman's Mark course "The Unknown Jesus"

Dr. Bart D. Ehrman's course – "Finding Moses"

Dr. Bart D. Ehrman's course - "Other Virgin Births In Antiquity"


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0:00 Intro
3:36 Dr. Richard C. Miller
40:00 Dr. Bart D. Ehrman
52:30 Dr. Matthew Monger
2:35:34 Dr. Dennis R. MacDonald
2:57:21 Dr. Robert Cargill
4:37:55 Dr. Kipp Davis
5:22:00 David Macdonald
6:25:26 Brady Goodwin
8:36:56 Tyler Vela

#mythvision #Christianity #Scholars
Рекомендации по теме

I was told in my evangelical “full-gospel” church growing up to never study religion in university or it will kill your faith. I studied theology and it led me to leave the church too. If I have to remain ignorant to believe then there’s a huge problem with the religion. It was the history of the Bible that did it for me.


I'm an 80 year old man. My church life began when I was a child. Through the years I've attended more than one denomination and non-denominational church. I have pursued religious teachings and also studied the bible academically. I've been exposed to the things that you and your guests talk about, including errors, inconsistencies, and contradictions. I also have abandoned organized religion. But, and here's the big BUT, I have not done it due to rebellion or a feeling of betrayal. I have done it because I feel I have attained a spiritual relationship to a higher power. It seems to me that you and your guests have a common thread. All have turned to academia as a justification for abandoning not only organized religion, but also the idea of a God/creator. My position is; doing one does not have to equate to the other. I would recommend seeking a very personal spiritual relationship with a creator. Stop allowing RELIGION to get in your way. Let organized religion go by the wayside. You don't have to throw out the baby with the bath water.


Born again atheist. Left the faith after 25 years of being a devout Baptist. To each their own, but life is much better, and my appreciation for the world around me has deepened since i left the faith.


Yes, sooner or later, once one realizes that ones faith is based on bronze / iron age myths, fables and superstitions invented by ignorant shamans, rabbis and priests it's pretty hard to stay committed to nonsense ! The wake up pill is hard to swallow !


I find it interesting that someone in a Masters or PhD program (even in a theological institute) would not have studied the development of the Hellenistic period, as well as Greek and Roman mythology, world religions, etc., at the undergrad level. This is why Humanities are so critical to a lifelong learning.


I have gone through a similar Journey to what these scholars are going through. Also arrived at many of the same conclusions. I am 82 years old. Born in 1941. My background was fundamental also but self-imposed fundamentalism. I sought it out. When I was 13 years old I was watching a Billy Graham Crusade on TV and when he made the alter call I said to myself these people walking down the aisle are going to be doing the same thing on Monday they were doing on Friday. This is not real! (The Crusade broadcast was on a Sunday.) Immediately after thinking that the little TV room I was in was filled with a Light that was/is indescribable. I can only describe it as pure warmth and love. A kind of Love that could never be described in human words. That is the experience that put me on a course of life-long seeking. It is as real to me in 2023 as it was in 1953. I never believed in speaking in tongues but 30 years later I was watching a TBN Broadcast and a group of pastors on stage broke into tongues. I said to myself, "OK God I don't believe in tongues but I don't think these men are faking speaking in them." Instantly I began to speak in them. They just bubbled up from deep within me. I said all that to say this. No matter how deeply we delve into the history and scholastics of Christianity there is something out there that is as real as the cutting of the umbilical cord that happened to each one of us. I am a poet and I have never been able to describe my Light Experience except to say it must almost be the same as Paul's Light Experience on the way to Damascus. I doubt anyone ever reads these comments but if they do I would like to say to them maybe we have this Christianity thing all wrong. but there is something we know little about going on and it is supernatural. I don't have the answers. No human being has the answers.


I started deconstructing at age 5, wanting to be a magician and scientist at 6, study non stop. With hardcore dad, I read 5 versions of the bible by age 21. It's never been accepted by my mind since 5... it's grown stronger every day since. These deconstruct stories sadden me, yet help my heart. If there was a Jesus, he knew these times were coming with enough education. Any amount of Gods belief is too much, but carving it down to one is at least a start. Silly human race. 100 billion of us have wasted this life on earth. Gr8! Peace ☮💜Love


I remain a Christian. But now i love questions, am comfortable with not knowing and with conflicting ideas. But boy, have i dumped churchianity and my old interpretation of scriptures.

Who ever said "love your enemies" was a genius. As far as i know, that was Jesus.

Combine this with loving our neighbour as ourselves, stops all co dependency, cult mentalty and narcissism.

The rest.. i am not so attached to.


I spent twenty five years in a Pentacostal oriented, non denominational church of 4000 people, 20 satellite churches worldwide, radio and television ministries, a grade school through high school campus, a college. I spent six years studying Theology full time.
I've kind of seen it all. I've seen guys like your first guest passionate about his faith, legalistic with his family, go through divorce, blame himself and his religion, walk away only to, say, 20 years later, come back to the faith saying "I was wrong. I was not completely honest with myself and everyone else because, deep inside, I knew that God was real".
The one evidence I can't dispute is experiential evidence. I can argue internal evidence all day long, showing alleged contradictions, manuscript variances, contextual misinterpretation, etc. I can argue external evidences all day long. The walls of Jericho, the ark in Turkey, carbon dating, etc.
I've learned it all, the pros, the cons, the in between. But one evidence I can never dispute is the evidence I've experienced in my own life. He can't dispute it either, which is why, like some other's I've seen, come back to the faith.
I could list all of the things I've experienced and witnessed first hand.
But I'm not here to argue. I'm sharing my own experience. I cannot leave the one I know. I happen to love Him.❤


I'm 80. I went to seminary for 3 years. I'm an atheist now. Religion was a first attempt to explain things without the scientific method. As people got smarter and learned the scientific method they changed their religious radicalism. People need something to soothe their emotional injuries etc. They make things up and get rigidified.


I grew up Anglican. My uncle was a minister, so I did the Sunday school thing and was confirmed. At the age of 13, in 1967, I died and had an NDE. I’ll summarize it as a region of light and intoxicating sound. There was a light being by my side as a guide, then the next moment I was back in my body. 12 years later I met that guide in the flesh and became an initiate. There is a passage in the gospel of John 9:5. Find that living poll, just like the disciples of Jesus did back then. Hint, no religion has the monopoly on that.


Any sane person that is not scared of being alienated will admit that there is no god, no such being or power that is described by all religions. It is just ridiculously illogical.


I left the Baptist church that I grew up in, when my baby was two weeks old. I walked into church like my mom and dad did with me and my siblings, but I was stopped at the door with my baby boy and told he couldn’t come in because he would make noise and they were broadcast on the radio. It broke my heart, and me. I could walk out my door and it was next door. I left the church after trying one other small church but it was a fire a brimstone preaching. I left‼️ Now my home, car, outside is my church, my garden is where I found my peace again.


"Stepping into the light" is how i refer to the epiphany of atheism. The light burns away all our misconceptions and is painful. but there is no where you'd rather be.


The Bible speaks about The Great Falling Away before Jesus Returns.


I watched this but I am only interested in my walk with god. I never went to church and never even had anyone tell me to go to church. I do care for others as I must and desire to do so. I have never put my faith in priests, pastors or humans. I have and do go to churches. It’s important to do so at times but only as my heart and what I think god would have or want me to do. Nothing more or less. I was driving a country road, I was not totally familiar with. I was going to meet a friend to fish a lake. I stopped at a small church that I did know…I do now but at that time, I did not. I opened the door and I have no idea why….nobody was inside and I just sat down. I sat for a half hour….no feelings, nothing. I decided to try and speak out loud to this supposed god. Nothing..but something told me, read the Bible. Ok……I started to do so a week later and have for many years. I belong to no….specific church but I do live for him and show his love. I have a peace and comfort I never had….I don’t listen to many other folks at all….my god is in the words, I read. I need no validation or confirmation. Everything I need or want is in the book I carry. I am sorry but it sounds like so many others that follow the big church factory… will get lost and lose yourself and your personal walk with god. Any judgment that we have will be between us and him. I am not going to be judged based on a pastor, or a priest, and what they did it’s about me and him. I wish you all the best. Love all of you. God bless you.


I really appreciated Doctor Cargill. One of the most annoying aspects of SOME evangalists is how mean spirited and judgemental they are. The kindest people I know are those who respect and love others as they are.


I am a fan of long videos. YouTube saves your spot. And there are show notes. I particularly like the long form for this discussion because it takes
Not only hours but years to recover from undue influence!

So happy all of you are free of theocracy!


I am so enjoying this discussion, and looking forward to moving through these interviews. What a gift, thank you.


A Pakistani man met me and it changed my life when he asked my religion, I answered Christianity, then he asked me! Have you ever read the Qur'an? I said no! He said read the Qur'an once in your life, you will know the truth and falsehood, so I did and found out that the Qur'an is the only book that guides you and will bring you to right path
