🔥🔥 Twin Flame: The ONE Reason Your ON/OFF Again TF Relationship Is Not Just ON #twinflame

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This totally makes sense. I did this for 3 years until we went into total separation. I feel better and I am loving myself. He messaged me that he missed me and will be moving back East in June after he's done with his training. Hopefully he has grown spiritually as I have. We will see.


When I first watched this when it was published I was all in ego thinking that “oh she’s has to be wrong at lease we get to speak to each other and be around each other at all. That has to be better than total separation” But now that we ARE in total separation and I’ve done all my work I have less of a hard time fighting my urge to send a text or reach out in anyway... I know that when we are both an energetic match and the world has turn its self right side up again he’ll come to me rather than me reaching out to him... I love him... and know we’ll get this right soon


This explains a lot and I’m not going to lie but I did get a bit of an ego boost being called a senior about to graduate😜 😂😂. I’ve been through the on/off and it’s only in the past few months where my higher self and sprit guides have been saying “no, give him space he needs it” we have an open line of physical communication but to react out now just feels wrong.
Thank you so much for shedding some light onto what was happening with the on/off dynamic 🙏
Peace and blessings to you 💚🙏🥰


Omg.... Now I understand
That's why I was feeling a tad insecure 😑... I was mirroring his insecurity of not being good enough



There is never ONE reason for anything. We have to learn effective ways to communicate w each other and we can only do this by practicing it everyday in all dimensions. The real work is in learning to communicate while having compassion for each other. How can total separation be a step ahead ? And union mean that everything is perfect ? It doesn’t work that way and it never will. No matter how often you connect there is always something to learn and more growth to experience !


I absolutely love your energy! thank you for your videos and book suggestions.


When I let him go he comes back. 😫 and we do the same thing over again. How do I change this? Your readings help so much thank you for sharing stay blessed beautiful soul.💜🙏💜


I am the twin flame that’s constantly in karmic relationships and my twin flame and I are on .. on n off because of that.. He comes in and goes.. I went through the dark night of soul already he doesn’t know how much I Iove him because obviously I’m in relationship but my karmic is so addictive n toxic now finally I start to realise this and totally no feelings for him but only my twin flame.. I keep thinking of my twin all time especially when my karmic treat’s me not right.. But I learned a lot with my karmic n now I’m ready to leave


I’m cutting ties with mine forever. I changed my phone number, deleted my other social media accounts, and I’m going to the last location, where we met in the physical realm, to burn a soul tie letter to her. Some TFs aren’t meant to ever come together.


I really had to laugh when you mentioned “Lucifer”. It is my favorite serie.

I said to a friend: Lucifer and Chloë, are like me and my dm.


I am so grateful for finding you 😍 I have been in and out 10 times the last year. I have trying to explain my DM about the journey, but she in her EGO mind. Every time we are in separation I grow another step up and right now we are in separation again.
Will it be a good idea to send her this video?
Love your video 😍 Mehdi from Denmark


Hi Michelle, first I just want to say that I am so grateful that I found your channel. Everything that I had experienced with this person that I met last year makes so much more sense now. Second, I have a question about on and off again relationships. My TF and I are currently in contact only as friends. I have given up on any type of romantic relationship until we both do the work we have to do and I make sure that, despite the fact that it’s a very deep friendship, things don’t get romantic Between us, at least until HIS circumstances change. Is this ok? We have been through 2 separations so far and I am trying to avoid another one.


You are amazing, thank you, it totale resonates with


Playing chicken 🐔
That’s perfect explanation
A lot of times I tell myself it’s because he’s 10 years younger.
I feel that “taking time” and the hermit energy
Thanks Michelle.


Maybe he's not my twin flame..cause the on and off again is too many times. We broken up several times and this last time he said what he said before that we are done..then contacts me but this time I blocked his phone and erase all from my phone. I'm better off at the same time..sometimes I'm angry cause this time thought we were really moving foward. But then I still love him..but he says he doesn't but when he comes back he says he does.. what a mess☹☹☹🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I think I will try to just meet other people to forget...


My goshy how do you get to know all this? Wowww.... 🙏💕🥰🌈


I like your videos, but this have not good energy for me. We have a long distance on/off. We dont see us, but we write whatsapp, sometimes romantic and sexuall. He ghosting also, but we grow up since 2012. I dont want a totaly seperation, we help us together. When we learned a new lection, we have contact again. This is my way and its feels good so. We met us in love, i can feel it. This video makes me a little bit sad, (


Your crazy 😜 lady lol 😂 just kidding you are speaking all facts!! I was addicted to the pain
They say pain is pleasure lol 😂🤣😇🍷🥰
