7 Reasons You Are Chosen To Be A 🔥Twin Flame🔥

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🔥 Dive deep into the mystical journey of twin flames with "Inner Sphere" as we explore the profound reasons behind being chosen for this extraordinary connection. From divine timing to healing and growth, each reason unravels the mysteries of destiny, love, and the evolution of consciousness. Join us on a journey that will ignite your soul and lead you closer to understanding the sacred bond of twin flames.

#TwinFlames #DivineLove #SpiritualJourney #InnerAwakening #Consciousness #SoulConnection #Healing #Spirituality #Destiny #LoveAndLight 🔮

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I made it!!
Bliss, i am living Heaven on earth 🌎 ❤!!


In your video it all looks beautiful and romantic - perfect bodies, perfect hair, perfect nature.
This journey is so intense. At times on the edge of the amount of pain that can be endured.
A person will roll on the floor with pain of separation asking why they can't be together, or the pain of ego when it is fractured. They will face all their fears and insecurities.
At some point I was asking why it is not possible to be together but then I realised it was the greatest mercy. In the other person you feel this energy you want so badly but the person may have addictions, bad habits, mental problems, manipulate and control you and be toxic in other ways. It is not until they both get enlightened that they can be together. But at this point they do not need it so badly any more - they are past jealousy, , insecurities, completely at peace, feeling whole and not needing another person to fill their gaps.
Please do not romantisise and asvertise this. People who do not have it planned for this life, , will not be initiated, but those who have it planned will have to go through all this washing machine with the spin cycle and all that.


Yes the twin flame journey isn't all rainbows and unicorns.
It's one of the most difficult yet expanding learning journeys you can take.
Many complain that it's painful and horrible. This is because those have not yet done the inner work on themselves and are still learning. They still project fears and anxieties and therefore are still not ready for the complete union.


The best thing you can do as twin flame is just balance your energy, and live it universe do their work.


A twin flame is someone's you can talk about anything. And be yourself and share the same spiritual journey with. And like a mirror 🪞 of your self the other half. THE universe God put you together .❤


A lot of people in the comments seem to be talking about false twin flames. My ex has a huge ego that I couldn’t penetrate, toxic, abusive but a true twin flame is love. Yes, it causes you to work on yourself because your false twin wouldn’t allow you to work on yourself or grow due to their ego. Your true twin wants to see you happy and fulfilled even if it’s not with them. If yall come into union unhealed it’s possible for things to turn toxic but it seems a lot of ppl confuse a false twin for a real twin and that is a part of the false twin’s purpose is to make you believe that they are your twin.


The movie "Dragonfly" comes to mind. It has TF elements: a married couple in the same career path where the wife was compelled to travel abroad to aid indigenous tribes. Although the husband was against it, he made peace with her pursuing her mission. The movie was definitely moving as they were energetically connected throughout the movie. I love happy endings ❤


Beautiful 🤩 Just beautiful 😍 Moved me to tear …it touches my soul this truth, journey, & blessing.


The twin flame experience is beautiful I have become the best version of myself. It took me years ago by surprise never knew any such thing existed.


I feel like I’m a twin flame and know who he is. I feel him so strongly. He comes to me at my darkest moments and helps guide me back to light. There is someone trying to keep us apart and torments me.


Me 70 she 24. She just got married but our connection is alive inside of me she feels me like o feel her. I am happy she is now with someone she loves. She is decent polite and sensitive enough to not want to hurt my feelings. But also not wanting to disconnect. We watch each other from afar and send messages to one another in subtle ways. I am madly in love with this girl. I don’t see myself as 70 yr old. My entire being is rejuvenated


I'll have to disagree with the notion that you are not whole without your twin. You and they have always been whole. Their coming in is icing on the cake, not a missing piece of you.


It's not an easy journey. But I'm in it and I belive every thing is exactely as it should be. Blessings❤❤❤


I feel blessed to be in a twin flame journey where me b my Devine CounterpartA❤️AAmen🙏💐❤️have grown n evolved from our lessons learned in our own individual way n have been a best of us by self discovery n love of both of us . This TfF journey experience is beautiful in its own way with all ups n down n twist n turn constantly. We are blessed to be in this twin flame journeyA❤️AAmen🙏💐❤️
Thank you Universe for all the blessings n protection A❤️AAmen🙏💐❤️Keep us blessed n protected always A❤️AAmen🙏💐❤️




🤔😂🤣👏👏 It's apparent that you have "Not", been on, this journey, "yourself?.
I mean the first month or two, was something"like", (it )no movie or romance novel, could "ever", capture 😔 🥀 even if you, "don't know, or "never met", in the 3-D.(It's a powerfully, enchanting dance, with a "euphoria and energy"that is blinding"!.💥
The intensity"!
It's like every cell, every nerve", inside you, is awoken.🌟😹
Not only, are you connected to each other", but you're energy, is connected to everything?!(don't know if, it makes sense?)
And still I don't think I know how, to explain it? 😞
I remember thinking this is just(one "hell, of) a dream, "how, why", is this person?.(Surpassed "anything"and "so very, important"!)
So Raw", Real" and Intense"?.😱
I was talking to him, I noticed something strange", he looked" at me and I", him, and this "strange feeling", look", occured between us?.(I knew, something was wrong? not possible?)🤯
(Which in time, "I saw again" the same look, on his face, on his page", when he went, to dinner with his Italian paisano's(buddy's)👀🤔(scary, I could feel" him, and confirm)
The rest is just a downward spiral into the depths of the most horrifying, Hell!.. 🔥
You can, be abandoned in!..
Outside of brain chemicals, "I don't" believe, in love! (I guess because I "never felt" it!)(always called 🥶)
Now I know why", even Michaelangelo, "couldn't chisel this guys ego"(with a sledge hammer!) ⚒️
It builds you, you do, glow Up!.
But sometimes your stuck" with a Judas, and "even", Jesus"knew he would be denied!!...(And falsely accused!.
Nope!, definitely", Not" an enjoyable Journey, no 🦄's, no heartwarming, fuzzy 🐇's ( And, I would "probably", "slug🥊 him", for what he's, put me through!)
Probably" not the best, way, to say I love you?or) start a relationship 🤔🤨😲
I would "not", wish this pain, on anyone!.☠️👀 It "Really"hurts!!!...🥺🤮 Well "times up" therapy's over, thanks for listening"!.. God bless 🙏 and for"All", of you"enjoy", your Journey!.🤨 😬(hope it's "better", then mine!.. 🙏 )


This jouney has me feeling ky own and my counterparts as well. Kinda like my own childrens energy. This is not for the weak


Sacred mission.... Sorry God but this all is overwhelming to me. I was safe in my cocoon then all this happened. I understand your Plan, God but help me be stronger. Had to brk my bones to find my TF was magical. Im def have a TF. UPLIFT HUMANITY SOUNDS SO AWESOME!💜🙏💜🌌


I don’t know about chosen. I think we chose this experience to awaken. I think others choose other ways to awaken such as having a disease, losing a loved one especially someone very close, there are so many journeys of awakening. We all have twin souls.


If we romanticise it, we may take wrong decisions - like abandoning a family with kids and a soul mate husband for this veautifully described partner. But until they are both awakened or enlightened this will be a disaster - if they get together, they won't go through all the stages and their life may be ruined and they will end up with a toxic, manipulative person with additions (unawakened dms are inclined to all this since they need to transmute this for the collective) . In my case I was not allowed to make wrong decisions and I am so thankful for it. Divine energies control you all the time.
