5 Common Mistakes in Your Resume and How To Correct Them

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Your resume serves to present your experience, skills and achievements to a company. It may be the reason you get hired or overlooked. If you want to know how to improve your chances of getting an interview and, therefore, a job, you can start by avoiding some of the most common mistakes on your resume, such as:

1. Writing professional objectives:
Writing professional objectives at the beginning of the curriculum has become obsolete. Now it is recommended to write a qualification summary, because what you want is to demonstrate that you have the skills they are looking for. The summary may include: years of experience, areas of specialization and key skills.

2. Not updating your resume:
Make sure you always tailor the resume for the position you’re applying for. It is essential to show that the position you are applying to is not only something you want to do, but you are also qualified to do it. For example, if a job requirement is to have three to five years experience in a certain area and you have four, add it to your qualifications summary so that you show that you are qualified for the position.

3. Focusing on tasks but not on achievements:
While it is important to list the things you are responsible for in your work, it is possibly more important to include your accomplishments. Listing your daily tasks and responsibilities is not as powerful as sharing the results of the work you do. For example, saying you’re the third most important salesperson on your team will get the recruiter’s attention faster than if you just wrote “sales manager.”

4. Not leaving enough blank space:
Most experts recommend doing the resume on one or two pages. With limited space, it can be difficult to adapt, especially if you have a lot of experience. And while it may be tempting to reduce the font size and widen the margins, don’t do it. You have to be concise and clear. Include only the information relevant to the job position.

5. Failing to follow instructions:
Even if it takes time, always read the entire job description carefully. Do not overlook any requirement, as ignoring one shows that you are not professional or do not pay attention to details. It is often the first impression the candidate gives to the employer.

In conclusion, companies want to hire people who show attention to detail, consistency, and a passion for the job. It is worth mentioning that it is essential to avoid any spelling mistake, so we suggest showing your resume to someone you trust who can give you feedback before sending it to the employer. By making sure you avoid these common mistakes, you’re setting yourself up for success.

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