Why Do People Hate Disney Star Wars?

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Fans have loved and hated parts of Star Wars since 1977, pick a film and someone, somewhere will have a strong opinion that differs from your own. But have you ever wondered why Disney Star Wars seemingly gets more hate than what came before? Is it warranted? Or are fans the problem? Well grab your salt-shaker and let's find out.

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The real question is: Why does Disney hate Star Wars?


The fight between Rey and Palpatine really came down to two kids on the playground going “I have all yhe bad guy powers” “oh yeah? Well I have all the good guy powers” i thought that was a fever dream but ive been too afraid yo actually look


''somehow, palpatine returned'' is the worse line spoken in the history of cinema.


God, that "I am all the Sith" "And I am all the Jedi" is kinder playground level dialogue.


The comparisons of reviews before and after the last jedi is hilarious


They did Finn dirty. Even shrinking him on the China poster, insult to injury.


mr. rogers told america that children are more understanding and capable than we treat them yet the majority of content for kids is as simple as possible. but if you ask adults what their favourite childhood shows were, the majority are shows that had complexity, and were written for adults as well as children. thats the reason his show existed


There are many fans, myself included, who didn't like any of the stories where Palpatine returns. But yeah, Rise of Skywalker does it horribly bad, because as the video says: Palpatines lineage won.
Which is a great metaphor for Disney - the dark side won, and they want you to think they are the light side.


Why Kathleen Kennedy is still employed is beyond me


I remember back when Disney first bought Star Wars and someone on a podcast said "Well they can't do any worse than Lucas did with the prequels." and even in that moment (maybe just because I disliked Disney already) I knew that that take wouldn't age well

Idk why I held out but it was Jack Pattillo during an RT Podcast that said it


You asked and I'll oblige: I saw it in theater in 1977 as a young kid. My grandmother took me, and she would for years after tell the story about about how star-struck I was, stunned by the opening blast and scroll out of silence, the Star Destroyer pass over, the entrance of Vader, the shiny gold robot with the cute beeping companion, the beautiful princess, I will never forget it. Another thing that people who weren't around then can't possibly understand was the scarcity. After it left theaters, there was no way to see any of it again. It just wasn't available, at all. It wasn't on TV. There was no video to buy or rent, no clips on demand. It was all only memory and imagination, save for an LP I had with the music and some limited dialog from the movie, and the toys. Even when Empire hit theaters in 1980, nobody had seen Episode IV again, it was not possible until after Empire closed when it was -finally- released on video. But most of us didn't even know that, and never saw it again until the Special Edition was released in 1994. That's right- my entire childhood revolved around Star Wars, agonizingly waiting for what came next, until 1994 when I finally saw the original film again. That one film created all of that for millions of kids like me, from nothing more than the memory of seeing it once or twice.
Today I am 53, and seeing what Disney has done makes me literally cry. I watch videos like this one for the solidarity, hoping that someday I can no longer care.


Dude, watching Mark throughout this all is heartbreaking


Lucas star wars felt like a man expressing his creative vision, no matter how flawed he may be. But through 6 films he tells a story about how a hero can fall to darkness, then come back from it in a last ditch effort to save his son, at the cost of his own life. It's a story of tragedy, triumph, but also the hero inspiring hope in one of the most evil men in the world and helping him see a better way when it was easier, more tempting to kill him.

Disney Star Wars feels like a corporation taking that same story, throwing it in the garbage, then making up a new story about their Mary Sue OC who gets whatever she wants and doesn't have to suffer nearly as much as Luke or Anakin did, and even gets to be stronger than both of them because girl power. Don't like it? Well, you must be sexist and hate strong female characters. I swear, if Disney had it their way, they would make us forget anything pre-Disney ever existed including the OT.


Technically, the Brothers Grimm stories were “made for children” but included witches trying to cook and eat children, evil stepmothers who abused their children, death, dismemberment, etc.


mark's response to people applauding rian not caring about the fans is very real to me


Yoda's Order 66 scene dropping his cane and reacting in distress to the awful live action show clips was absolute gold! Well done!


'In the EU, Skywalker win. In Disney Star Wars, the Skywalkers are dead and the Palpatines win.' Succinct and on the money. I really couldn't put it better.


I still CANNOT get over Mark Hammel saying that ‘I tried to tell him, you got to think about the fans and he said no’ and then complete imbeciles clapping and applauding while he puts his head in his hand.


Oh, I'm quite afraid Disney does give a subtle nod to the fans every once and awhile. They do it in the form of calling you names and killing your beloved characters.


What saved my love for Star Wars is when I decided for myself that anything post Disney acquisition is no longer SW.
