Is Investing In Real Estate Worth It? Consider These Things

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Is Investing In Real Estate Worth It? Consider These Things

Real estate investing or buying rental properties can be an investment with returns far exceeding what you’d typically earn in the stock market. There are many benefits to buying rentals but is the potential for extra profit worth the risk and headache of being a landlord? How exactly does buying property compare to investing in the stock market? With huge variations in returns you could earn in addition to the amount of time spent on each investment choice, carefully consider the better place to put your hard earned money.
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I wasn't financial free until my 50’s and I’m still in my 50’s, bought my third house already, earn on a monthly through passive income, and got 4 out of 5 goals, just hope it encourages someone that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of them right now, you can start TODAY regardless your age INVEST and change your future! Investing in the financial market is a grand choice I made.


Real estate investors losing money is music to my ears. They are a major reason why the real estate market is the way that it is now.


I’m a small landlord/real estate investor.
3 properties.

Let me just say. They are a f***ing headache.
Tenants, repairs and managing them.
Repairs hurt the most.

The benefits of cash flow, principle pay down, appreciation, depreciation, equity what I’m after and the possibility of “financial freedom”

It’s well worth it but there’s a price to pay which the points are endless and I’m not going to get into.


Not in my experience. Finding a renter that actually pays their rent and doesn’t destroy your property (destroy is not an exaggeration) is akin to finding a family of unicorns.


I am new to the stock market. Every stock that I bought so far, I was out of luck because I bought them when they were expensive. I feel I missed out on all the stock opportunities so far for the tech stocks.I believe having 75K yearly income would be a good investment so I want to plug all my savings into the stock market. I know this sounds a bit dull but I would like to know if I should learn investing or let somebody else (more capable like a FA) do it for me? Please share your thoughts. I am kind of tired of searching for a good stock to buy and losing all the good opportunities


>>>>Zawsze dobrze jest posłuchać Twojej przemyślanej i logicznej analizy. 👌👌 Nie obchodzi mnie byczy lub niedźwiedzi rynek. Handluj niewielkim procentem swojego portfela, zamiast wchodzić i wychodzić co kilka tygodni, próbując ustalić czas, w którym rynek handlował płynnie, ponieważ byłem w stanie zebrać ponad 4, 8 BTC, kiedy zaczynałem z 0, 8 BTC w ciągu zaledwie kilku tygodni, wdrażając Znaki towarowe Brooks Harrison i codzienne wskazówki....


Beautiful and well explained. I have saved up a pretty decent amount and narrowed my investing options down to Stocks and Real Estates. Still having difficulties deciding which would be best given the time and where and how to go about this and would like a direct answer not a diplomatic one. A major deal breaker would be one which is less time intensive as I am a very busy person.


When you invest in rental property, your asset is somebody else's home. That's a huge responsibility, not just in terms of time and money (screening tenants, answering the 3 AM calls to fix the leaky toilet), but also emotionally. If, for example, your tenant loses their job and stops paying rent, how are you going to feel about that? You could give them a break and let them stay - at great cost to yourself - or you could harden your heart and kick them out, and carry that on your conscience.


I think I heard the word if 100 times lol. IF your bad at screening tenant's, bad at identifying a good rental property, and bad at business then yes buying rentals properties isn't for you. IF your good at those things then you will be financially independent well before stocks could ever!


I just am not a fit to dealing with people. Also, the laws consistently keep vilifying land lords (as if they are all greedy rich people) and taking away their rights and recourse options against people stealing from them or destroying their property.


With more government control over your property (rent control, eviction freezes) owning residential rentals is riskier than ever.


Great video!

My wife and I own 2 commercial rental properties (storefronts on the town square).

We paid both mortgages off in 2019 and both properties produce positive cash flow for us.


Is investing in real estate worth it?

The short answer is yes.

Like any investment, however, it has risks and it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a slow and steady process. Unless you have the ability to pay for a property with cash, don’t expect much cash flow (if any) for quite a while due to mortgage payments. Regardless if you have good or bad tenants, you will have to deal with maintenance from time to time.

Despite all of this, you’ll be building equity, learning new skills, and can even eventually hire a property manager to do most of the work. Once the property is paid for and is still being used as a rental, that will create pure cash flow.


But seriously you learn as you go, I wish I would have had someone to teach me I learned some hard lessons. Here are purchasing tips.
Don't buy a real estate owned property, especially without an independent inspector.
Plumbing, Electrical, Roof, Climate Control are generally the most expensive items, have your inspector check these carefully, then adjust your original offer based on those findings.
I bought a house with fuse box, iron pipe sewerage to the street, galvanized pipe to fixtures.
2k, 6k, 4k respectively.
In the long run you will come out ahead, sure it can be a pain sometimes but generally it's not too bad. You do have to deal with some stuff, but not a lot and that shouldn't deter you. I'm the next 2 years I will have 3 units paid for it took about 8 years to get here. I buy raised shotgun style houses doubles or single family, rather the single family but the double make more. I will look for more after these are paid off as it's too expensive to buy now. 10% isn't bad for a property manager, but don't have any right now. I look to make a certain amount if I can't I move on. For me it's how long to get my down payment back ROI, within 5 years, yes I will buy.


What do you think? Is buying real estate worth it or not?


Yes, as a former asset manager of some of NYC's biggest buildings working with a multitude of owners, YES, real estate is a great investment, but it does not come without intelligence, patience and more work than equities!


It depends a lot on the country where you live. In Australia for example, investing in Real Estate is a No-Brainer, especially in a Medium to Long Term.


Its tonally worth investing in real estate.


If cannot handle it, find a property management company to look after the property. If you can afford 30% down payment for rental property, don’t bother. The rental property is still associated to risk. Shopping for deal with patience unless you want to flip the house when market is hot up trend.


Thank you for steering some people away from buying investment properties....
My next purchase thanks you....
