How Did Brett Cooper Meet Her Husband? | Brett Cooper

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“Falling in love with him and marrying him has felt so much like home” ❤


I don’t believe in love at first sight, except that it happened to me. We saw each other across a room and sought each other out. We had each found our fellow nerd. Both our families knew we would marry after the first family meetings. My husband took me home to meet his parents after 10 days. It was like coming home. 25yrs married 😊 and still crazy about each other.


Those small world stories are the best. I dated a girl while in university, and we found out our dads went to school together decades ago. When I told my dad about her he pulled up her dad's number on his phone.


I met my husband on my birthday, on Easter Sunday at church. I wasn't looking for a husband, I was just going to church. He never attended 2nd service, but decided to that day. The connection was instant. I knew he was the one that God had set aside for me right away.


I also had a “don’t date people you work with” policy. I saw so many relationships go wrong. Then I met my husband. I was attracted to him the moment I saw him and he said the same to me. I fought the attraction for almost a year. We would tell each other that we could never be. 20 years later, we are still together and married and happy. It was meant to be.


First date with my wife, we had dinner, saw a movie, walked in the park, fell asleep on a park bench, and then watched the sunrise together. We then went to have morning coffee and breakfast and talked for few hrs. It was saturday and niether of us had work or wanted to part ways. We ended up at her place and took showers (separately) and then sat on her couch talking and watching movies. Eventually her friends invited her to dinner and she asked me to come with her. When she introduced me they asked if I was her boyfriend and before I could respond she took my hand and said yeah. I ended up crashing at her place on the couch(no sexy times), and we went to church the next morning. At lunch we were talking about us. We confirmed we were dating, and at some point, I blurted out that I wanted to marry her, and she said yes! We got the marriage license a week later and had a very small ceremony with only about 25-30 people and moved into her place because it was bigger than mine. We've been married for 10 years and have 2 kids with another on the way.


I met my husband in high school and we started dating after college. We both had crushes on each other in high school, but it never worked out. Within a few months of dating, I knew I wanted to marry him. He is kind, has a good heart, has the best personality of anyone else I know, and always tries to do what is right even if it's difficult. He is a wonderful man to his core.


My husband and I were next door neighbors for 2ish years when we were 2-5 years old, lost contact for 12+years, literally knew nothing about each other (we did go to elementary together but opposite schedules & played in same sports leagues but never saw each other). He saw a Snapchat of me on his friends phone when we were 19, we went on a date & after that first date we knew we’d be married. 7 years later of marriage, we have two kids & are the happiest we’ve ever been. My life felt like it started when we met each other again.


My fiance and I grew up circling each other for years but never directly meeting. He went through a health crisis, met God, starting going to church. Then I started going to a new church and we met on my first day there.


Only girl that made me feel that way about them, the “that one” thing, was a girl I met in high school. She passed away in 2010. Not every one is so lucky. Now 33, single and struggling to find someone. Was the girl of my dreams.


That line about falling in love with her huband feeeling like home was so beautiful. I bet her husband feels so loved by her. God bless this young couple.


So similar to my love, 37 yrs later...he is still my best friend and my HOME. He takes care of me and I can't imagine my life without him.


When I first saw my husband, The Holy Spirit of God said "this is him". That was two weeks after I prayed to the Lord to send the right guy to me.

We've been married for 10 yrs. Marriage takes work but with God you can love, trust and buiod each other up.


This is an amazing feeling.. I knew right away that she was the one. We raised the kids and it was her and I alone and finally able to live life . We had our first grandson and life was great... then, she got breast cancer so we started treatment she beat cancer and a week later went into a coma and later died as a reaction to the medicine used to best the cancer isn't fair and I miss her everyday .. never thought I'd be alone and a widow at 41 😢 spent half of my life with her and now I'm lost .. I love you momma Gee gee


The most cocky guys are the MOST insecure guys. Cocky types try to tear their wives and others down in hidden competition to make themselves feel ABOVE others. Confidence in an open way, TOTALLY DIFFERENT. So glad you found a man secure enough in himself to be kind and unthreatened by a successful you can cheerlead for each other and support united dreams as a team. Congrats!! Secure men are heaven!


Describing him as "going home" is absolutely beautiful. 💯 I love that and wish them all of tbr happiness ❤


It must be nice to meet someone you want, and have them reciprocate.
Haven't had that since my twenties


I’m so glad Shapiro got on with the programme and is a happy young woman now..


My husband and I had a lot of connections before we ever met. My dad went to his grandparent's bakery as a kid, then my dad served a religious mission with my husband's dad. When I was 16 I used to hang out with his brother and a big group of similar friends. We grew up in the same city and had similar backgrounds. When we did finally meet, we were both single and it felt like the stars aligned. Within 3 weeks of dating, I knew I wanted to marry him. We've been together 11 years now, married for 8! He's my best friend in the entire world and I'm so grateful to have him in my life.


"Love at first sight" is pure attraction. The show stated, "Love is Blind." Maybe so, but attraction isn't. You walk into a room with 10 different people in it, you will be drawn to someone more so than others right from the jump.
