The Simple Way To Get Respect From Anyone | Jocko Willink

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Jocko Willink reveals a surprisingly simple way to get people to respect you.

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"Treat your soldiers as you would your beloved sons and they will follow you into the deepest valley." - Sun Tzu


My dad was a military field officer. Long after his death, one of the men in his command said that while serving with him there was no doubt who was in command, as long as everyone was doing their job it was like being on a camping trip with your favorite uncle.


People think leadership means power but leadership is service.


Napoleon taught a lot about this concept. Admonish in private, praise in public. Inspire greatness as well.


He's talking about charismatic leadership, the most powerful of all. People will obey a strong figure until he fails, but charismatic leaders inspire insane levels of devotion


When I was a supervisor, my manager would tell me to go out onto the production floor and "twist the arms" of the team and tell them OT was mandatory. I'd just ask them to do some OT, and they'd ask if it was mandatory, and I'd say "Kinda.", and they'd ask "What'll happen if I don't?" and I'd say "Nothing...well, I'll get in trouble." and they'd think about it for a moment and finally say "Ok, I'll do it."


"A team is not a team unless you give a damn about one another"- Best of the Best by James Earl Jones. Born in 80. Still a good movie.


100% and this creates a future generation of better leaders. It only takes 1 toxic leader to destroy a team.


This makes sense. I can think back to many awkward situations where not feeling cared about and not caring about the leadership caused chaos in the workplace


Respect must go both ways. Your subordinates aren’t stupid they will see right through you if you don’t care, respect them, or are a selfish individual.


Good leaders create a culture of trust and empathy where you focus on understanding what the organisation does and what your role is in it in context to others. That creates purpose, safety and support


In other words, to be a leader and to have authority over others, be liked and likable. That’s actually spot on I think


Its funny that the 4 unethical methods are exactly how military basic training operates. You are sleep deprived, isolated from your family except for mail and infrequent brief phone calls, made to feel guilty for failure while also constantly having failure induced, all while you are taught to respect your instructors as a hero who is using their experience to light your path to success.


I’m a 45 year old Mom to two grown daughters and I have always praised them in public & punished them in private. I worked in HR for a decade & treated my 198 employees the same way.


The idea that people will do more for you when they care about you resonates deeply with social exchange theory, where relationships are built on mutual benefit and emotional investment. I once worked with someone who found that when they shifted from trying to control their team to genuinely supporting them, their team responded with greater loyalty and effort. Your insight into how care creates authority within a team captures this dynamic perfectly. It’s such a valuable reminder that leadership is about connection, not command


The Tao Te Ching says that the worst leader is one of whine the people are afraid; next is one the people respect; better is one the people love; best is the one of whom the people are barely aware. I think these aren’t mutually exclusive, and Jocko’s nailing a description of someone who’s got 2 & 3 down and transcended into the last category, where the team already does what’s needed of them and more, often without even having to be asked.


I've found this works with psychologically stable people. For example, this won't work with narcissists, in my opinion


You win people. It's different to different people. My pastor once told me that it took him 10 years to win his wife. He said his wife thought he won her when she married him. He was talking about something deeper. When you have won a person, they will want to follow you. People have their own will. Even God chooses to win people. It's one thing to accept forgiveness. It's quite another to choose to deny your own will and follow someone else's will.


I'm so tired of toxic team leaders and toxic management here in cape town south africa...Bertrand from cape town south africa


This resonates strongly with being a highly effective math teacher. Unpacking how is too long to type in a comment. But the end result is that authentic and transparent teachers don't have discipline issues with students and students work hard to learn because it's requested of them to do so.

Thank you Jocko for outlining respect and leadership so clearly.
