Why I STILL Journal Better On iPads NOT Notebooks

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Today I'm talking about my iPad Air again and why I choose to journal on iPad with my Apple Pencil and why I find it better than journaling on paper notebooks. I've journaled for a long time and have tried paper journaling, digital journaling on my laptop, and recently I starting iPad journaling. What type of journaling do you prefer?

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So many people think digital means typing. I also hand write on my iPad. In fact I spend far more time hand writing than typing.


The important thing that I've learned about handwriting over typing is that it forces you to slow down and think. It takes practice because like you mention my thoughts come quicker than I can write, but that's the exact problem I'm trying to solve. Also I feel like handwriting makes different connections in my brain/soul than typing. I can't pinpoint exactly what's going on there, but it definitely feels more "permanent" and deliberate.


Tip: Make a Table of Contents, fill it out as you go by numbering each page as you go. This can be use for digital notes, but mostly for analog (hand written) journaling. Hope this helps someone 🖖🏽


I got my Ipad and I absolutely enjoying it! The thing with hand writing is exactly to slow down your tougts which gives you time to self reflect, emotional processing, deeper down your self awarenes. Probably many other benefits as well. I had the thing with my writing in the past that all of my journal end up being thrown away or lost. I definitely like how now I can just store everything in one place and keep it forever


I tried looking for videos to help me choose between digital note taking & the traditional note taking, I couldn't find what I was hoping to find, everything was just commericals & ads about some digital app. Im glad I found your video. Very simple, straight to the point & quick to help convince me in using goodnotes because I myself prefer tradional writing but I have that constant fear & worry about getting rid of my notes & I don't want that. With digital note writing, its for life. Thank you Nick.


I actually use a mix of mediums to journal - why limit yourself to just pen(cil), type, or stylus? Sometimes I want a good break from technology, so I write on paper. You can always scan and save a copy of it on your computer or cloud storage, and with the improvements in OCR they can also be searchable. Sometimes I’m at my computer already and want to type out some thoughts, so I create a note in Obsidian. Sometimes I want to use more pen colors than I have handy, so I use my iPad. Use what works for you in the moment that you need it.


I recommend Kindle Scribe or Remarkable tablets. Much more like a paper feel than an iPad.


Loved the video! Some really beautiful shots and great pacing! Thanks so much for making and sharing! :)


Great video. I switched to journaling in GoodNotes on my iPad. At first, it was cumbersome, but I added Paperlike screen protector to give the feeling when I journal on paper. Love it!


I experienced the same struggles as you, I used to journal a lot on notebooks, it feels nice to write on a paper, but all the accumulated journal notebooks stress me out when I'm moving from house to house, and needing to find somewhere to store them. Typing doesn't work for me too, it makes me feel like I'm working and I'm just typing because I NEED to journal, which is missing the whole purpose of me journaling. I bought an iPad just to try journaling with it, and it's definitely a life changer, like you said, I could store everything online, I could still customize, and most importantly, I still get to write. Thanks for the video! It felt nice to know someone out there went through something similar with me :)


I LOVE using Day One Journal for my particular needs, and have used each version of the app since November 2014. I was even able to meet the entire team in Summer 2018 and they are very passionate about what they do. I've used it to gradually import / abridge all of my past journaling have have managed to have a continuous journaling streak of 5, 670 days!

Thank you for this video and sharing your passion for journaling!


I use a paper journal and then later I will dictate it via voice recognition into my digital app. It doesn’t take long to dictate and rereading them a day or so later helps you reflect again. Then you still get the benefits of real paper and pen plus a digital record with the associated benefits.


Another great video 🙌🏻
I've always struggled with the consistency of journalling, so I have a bunch of random notes across different apps but also in different drawers and places at home 😅
I have found myself gravitating towards GoodNotes more for my journalling when I do feel like writing stuff down, especially now that it has the audio function like Notability!
But also I've been playing more with Freeform, I like the ability to just keep zooming out without being confined to one page. Means I can keep connecting my random thoughts with other stuff too.
Thank you for the food for thought around journalling 😊


Also if you use "Paperlike screen protector then it feels just like paper and your pen does not slip.


Fab video what template do use to journal?


I am with you ✍️🌚. I've been journaling since 2018. Until 2022, my journal entries were always digitally typed on Google Docs. However, when I started journaling by handwriting on my tablet, I realized how great it feels. I first used an Android device (Tab S6 Lite), but now I'm using an iPad with the Apple Pencil. I still use Google Docs, but only to import my exported images from "GoodNotes" and have a search system. Good video!


Great video! I have to admit, I love the idea of journaling and indeed tried it out several times when I was younger. I have tried returning to doing journaling as an adult and would really prefer handwriting (either digital or actually on paper), but I seem to cramp up in my wrist if I write more than a few pages at a time. Perhaps I should get that checked. Thing is, I type so much that I rarely ever handwrite anything these days. So I'm not sure if the cramping problem and overall discomfort handwriting for long periods is due to something like carpal tunnel or just not really being used to writing by hand a lot these days. Regardless, this video was marvelous and really has inspired me to seriously consider picking up journaling again--probably on my iPad with my Apple Pencil as well.


I've journaled on my iPhone, Mac, and iPad with the Pencil, and on paper. I can say paper beats them all. There even was a study done by Japanese scientists stating there is more connection when using pen and paper vs a stylus and a tablet. However, iPad is by far my favorite. It is the most practical and so damn convenient; I don't even use a screen protector on it. Type journaling just doesn't work for me, personally. I can totally see why you prefer the iPad.


As a left handed writer iPad has been a god send since I no longer smear graphite or ink. I also don’t have to turn my notebook to write in a non natural way to avoid smearing mediums on the page.


Amazing video! I’ve been struggling to choose between iPad mini or air, specially my main use will be journaling, notes taking, and ocasional media consumption.
I know this is not an iPad review video, but do you think iPad Air is more comfortable than mini for writhing down with the Apple Pencil? Thanks 🙌🏼
