Impressions August '18 - Brass: Lancashire & Birmingham, Carson City: The Card game and 9 more!

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Here is my Impressions Vlog for August 2018!
Brass: Lancashire - 0:36
Brass: Birmingham - 6:02
Carson City: The Card Game - 13:10
Chivalry - 21:39
dude - 25:55
Everdell - 28:07
MetroX - 32:49
Polis - 39:08
Rialto - 47:48
Thunderstone Quest - 53:45
Trash Pandas - 59:20
War Chest - 1:03:28

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I had the exact same reaction to Brass. I had this one filed away as the type of Euro game that is just not for me. But I had a chance to play it and became completely obsessed by it. So much that I was able to get into the late Kickstarter pre-order and picked up Lancashire and Birmingham. Both are amazing games and look gorgeous on the table. I do find the games different enough to own both but if you only wanted one, Lancashire is the winner.

I did find my Brass obsession to be interrupted by Founders of Gloomhaven, which also has a route building, pick up and deliver mechanism. The way the resources build (pun intended) reminds me of a Civ tech tree and I love that. I am quickly becoming a Euro snob :-)


I was the same way with Brass. I backed then played the app and was like ehh not sure I am going to like this and then played Lancashire and loved it and then loved Birmingham even more. Birmingham wins it over for me because of the various goods u can sell and the entire beer aspect. It’s def a thinkier game, but I love the added complexity and decisions as well. This has jumped to my Top 5 fav games in 6 plays between the two. I keep wanting to play it as well. :)


played a lot of the original edition of brass with a group. Only tried Birmingham once so far but I did likethe varying values. It makes you rethink development. Instead of it being a given to develop if you are able to get a higher value you have the choice of which tile along a track makes the most sense to build. Points or income along the or maybe keeping a tile that won't score connection points if you have to place it in an area where you have 0 or 1 rail and everyone else would get points for your tile.


Very similar and wonderful experience with the Brass games; didn’t expect to love them nearly as much as I do.


I am exactly the same with the Brasses; I really don't want to play much else right now. I kickstarted both of them, and was pretty worried about how much I would even like them (the art and the lovely poker chips were extremely enticing - bought two extra sets). I think they're both phenomenal; I played Lancashire twice before trying Birmingham which has now been played three times. Birmingham is definitely the crunchier of the two, but doesn't feel too significantly different. These are definitely one of my biggest kickstarter success stories (my taste in games has been steadily trending heavier and heavier over the past year or two), and I can't imagine getting rid of either of them. Maybe I'll try and get Lancashire played again tonight.
Great video as always, Jon!


Ooh, love this idea. I'm always curious about rough impressions.


Good to hear you like Brass that much. I love it as well.


Econ gamss are my Jam. And i have never played Brass. Bought this and the iron clays, cant wait to play.


War Chest is a phenomenal game. Loving it. Production is top notch!


Interesting, other reviewers have stated almost exact opposite sentiments between Lancashire and Birmingham. Namely, that Birmingham is a smoother experience.


Another great VLOG. Thanks for the mention and I hope you enjoy War Chest.


You probably already know, but there is an epic variant for Thunderstone Quest that is fun after you have a couple plays the regular way under your belt.


Hope you do a full playthrough of Brass :-)


Now you'll just have to do a Brass Playthrough video then haha


Hey Jon, I was just wondering whether you have gotten a chance to play Brass: Lancashire again? If so, can you see a place for both Brass games in a collection - or should we just choose one? If we should choose one - what basis would you use to separate and decide which of the 2 Brass games are for us?


Are you going to do a full review of Brass?


Re: Polis. Colovini is SO underrated in America, esp. by the post-boom, generation of board gamers, i.e. the folks who eat up overproduced underdeveloped inelegant dreck like Everdell. (I know you had a positive response to that one, but having seen enough of your stuff, I trust you'll sour on it soon enough.)

Re: Rialto, I too LOVE the notion of drafting a full hand of cards with full knowledge of your opponents hand. Just wish there was a different game attached at the other end, as what's there doesn't turn my crank at all. Maybe it's just something silly like the graphic design that throws me...


Found Everdell incredibly mediocre trying to compensate with super overly produced, but impractical, components (Wood and Berries will roll out of the board)...


In the picture of Everdell, is that a tray of buffalo wings!? 😳


Hi Jon,

Just curious... have you decided? which is a better game? Brass Lancashire or Brimingham?
