Male Rhinoplasty Before & After #Shorts

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In the operating room with Dr. Buonassisi 👨‍⚕️

→ This wonderful rhinoplasty patient came to us with concerns about a prominent bump on his nose bridge and a drooping nose tip, which are highly common characteristics that many patients perceive to make the nose a distracting feature of the face.⁣

→ Dr. Buonassisi tailored a surgical plan for him that reshaped his nose just enough to be slightly smaller and more balanced with the rest of his face, while still maintaining a masculine look that gives an impactful but subtle result. He’s the same person, but with a little more confidence 🙌✨⁣

8 West Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Clinic
300-1788 W Broadway, Vancouver V6J 1Y1
(604) 733-1669


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