The Flipped Classroom Model

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The Flipped Classroom is a new method of teaching that is turning the traditional classroom on its head.

Every day, thousands of teachers deliver the exact same lesson in class to millions of students. Every night, millions of students sit over the exact same homework, trying to figure out how to solve it. The Flipped Classroom is turning this upside down.

Traditionally students listen to lectures and take tests in class and read textbooks and work on problem sets at home. In flip teaching, students first study the topic by themselves, typically using video lessons on YouTube and then apply the knowledge by solving problems and doing practical work in class.

Modern schools who flipped their classroom report many benefits: 1. It allows all students to learn at their own pace as videos can be watched again. 2. Its more efficient, as students enter the classroom prepared to contribute. 3. It enriches the lesson as more time can be spent on group work and projects. 4. Doing homework in class allows students to help each other, which benefits both the advanced and less advanced learners.
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As a student, I experienced Flipped classrooms during my second year at the university and I loved it! (Belgium)
We had to watch videos made by our teacher who was explaining the functions and VBA on Excel every week for the next week.
Then, in class, we had to solve exercices given by the teacher who was helping us if needed.

1) I have always had issues to focus in class when teachers explains things in class at his rhythm. I was very passive. With this method, I was listening the videos at 1.5 speed, and pausing or re-listening some parts when needed.
2) It felt good to be able to ask your question about an exercice directly to the teacher and being able to move forward once this question was solved.
3) I was never more focused during class than that year, it was amazing ! I got 17, 5/20 without studying for the exam, because I could remember all I learned during the year!
3) I don't agree with people who say it takes too much time to the teacher to record the lecture. And if you really want to try it, you could just film a real lecture given during the year to use it the next year, or record the video of the lecture the same day in the evening so you won't need to prepare it twice. It's just a transition and it's worth it!
5) I don't really see where the student could be lost because they can still ask their questions about the theory during the flipping classes.

Dujardin, best teacher ever!


I'm in two college courses like this, and it's trash. It more than doubled my at home workload, making it near impossible to do anything but schoolwork if I want to keep up with the class. We have homework due based on the reading/viewing, but there is no professor interactivity. The work in the class is rushed through, and impractical to have the teacher address every student.
One of my classes is a 400 student lecture, and all we do is fill out a worksheet while the professor talks at us about it.
This style may be applicable when you have all day with a student, but in a college atmosphere it introduces more headache than help.
At least, this has been my experience. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


This is a dream classroom for so many students and teachers. I feel like it is a blend between traditional and personal learning models. Where I teach would benefit greatly from this model. Thank you for this awesome video Sprouts Learning!


I did a hybrid history class in college that was like this... I enjoyed it. However, my favorite class in college was one that took this flipped model to the next level. Almost everything was online- the book, but also interactive materials. The class was chemistry, so the online software had models of molecules, word problems to solve, etc. So basically we learned the material online. When we went to class, the professor did quizzes with clickers to gauge retention and take attendance, answered any and all questions students had, and spent the rest of the time going over problems, so class time was dedicated to what a book couldn't do. Our tests were done with clickers as well. It was SO much better, because it was easy to see my own deficits, and also where the whole class was struggling.


wow, I didn't know this had a name... I didn't even know anyone else was doing this or even proposed this type of model... this is exactly the model I've come up with for modern teaching which I dream to implement one day when I can afford to start my own school... kudos! It's great to know that this is already getting some momentum!! :D


This type of teaching methods really helps second language student. So many Slang or phrase and different convention of expression appears on the important knowledge.


My teacher shared this video with the class and told us we'd be trying it out for a term. I am SOOO excited to learn like this as I believe it would be a more stimulating learning process that suits me better! (Although of course it's not going to work for everyone)


In my algebra class last year, our classroom was flipped as it was during a middle school elective block and only 35-40 minutes per day. Because we did not have much class time, our teacher had us watch a 15 minute video each night and take notes, then work on problems related to that video in class where the teacher could directly help us with those problems. For this class, flipping the classroom was a very good idea. It is also already used in many English classes as we will read the book at home then discuss the reading during class.


I am currently a course assistant for this style of teaching in an Intro class at my University; sadly a majority of the class are freshman, so they are still extremely used to the public education system and style of teaching. We put the class into groups or what we call "tribes" and basically ask that they read before class and also do 2 worksheets each week so that when we get to class on our 2nd meeting day, they can do group work and possibly have time for discussion within the entire class. Some students are able to catch on and will do what's expected of them beforehand, but many students come to class not knowing anything in advance. I think this style of teaching will work if many more classrooms and teachers/professors begin doing this within their classes.


im seeing a lot of comments on here and i am gaining insight, BUT i will say i believe this method does work for secondary. Especially now during covid.


I agree flipped classroom does work very well when doing English, Maths, and Afrikaans subject. I have my own resources made as well a having a video for each lesson. This helps to see if the learners understand the work.


This reminds me of Acton Academy, which has schools all over the world. There is a “guide” not a teacher in the “studio” (not classroom), and each student is responsible for his/her learning. The Socratic method is followed beyond 6-8 years old.


I'll be introducing my first flip lesson in January (2019) to highschool chemistry students. I am excited as I am always willing to try something new and in the best interest of the kids.


I am flipping my classroom to some degree. The only drawback is that some students do not have access to the technology or they have time limits on the tech time which they'd rather use for social media and video games. Patience while students adjust to this new methodology and direct communication with parents and students has helped a great deal. I like to load a YouTube video presented by an expert on the topic and provide a google doc for each student to use for note taking on Google Classroom. The opportunity to expose students to articulate experts in the field and the ability for them to pause and repeat part of instruction is beneficial. Give it a try, and don't give up too soon.


Suggestion for teachers, take the at-home flipped part to the next level. Watching a video, or reading a book at home may not be enough engagement for the learner, videos and books are passive learning by themselves. There is the 3 C's of eLearning: eLearning Interactivity happens when the eLearning module contains challenge, choice, and consequences. People learn best by doing, such as simulation. There is a way to make the content interactive for the home part of the assignment. The answer is to design interactive eLearning content using Articulate Storyline. Storyline will allow the learner to answer questions, experience branching, test their knowledge with quizzes. Content can be chunked, embedded video simulations can have hotspot buttons in real time with pause capability built-in, audio narration to support graphics and text, add reference material, and links for more info. SCORM and 508 compliant. Use good design and publish once/use many times. Update as needed.


Have done flipped classroom for all of my math courses pretty helpful because you learn it yourself


I teach adults but have taught grades 11 and 12 in high school. I think the point of this video is that the days of a teacher broadcasting from the front of the classroom for hours are gone. If a teacher is providing direction for 100% of the time then the student will go into the workplace expecting someone to spoon feed them. Its better for the teacher to frame up the lesson, pose a question to each group and set them free to find their own answers. When these students enter the workforce they are able to solve problems and think critically. Youth of today will hold future positions that we cant even describe today. An employee who works in cloud computing or internet law of today didn't learn it back in high school 25 years ago because those jobs didn't exist. Teaching critical thinking skills is paramount. Instead of being the sage on the stage be a guide on the side.


Very true; all the schoolwork ends up being homework and it's hard to practice or learn in a subject when the period is over just like that, and students had to listen most of the time. At the end of the day, understanding the work as the teacher gives it to you and practicing your knowledge over something, just ends up both matters being ruined, along with the noisy interruptions of the class. It all seems squeezed together. Students barely have any time to themselves after school because the work-load keeps some students busy to even the weekends. At the end of the day, it might've even been better for students to have stayed home in the first place, like in the lockdown since you could barely get our head around each task, and in the lockdown, it was much easier to work at your own time and still have time for your day and sunshine, once you got into it. maybe the people giving out the work don't realize what's happening. It drains students' encouragement to work, as well because so much unnecessary pressure is put on the kids. This Flip classroom would be great. It would lift a lot of learning issues, (That could've anyway been some easy things to solve) and improve a child's ability to learn and motivation to use those teachings in preparation for their future so much more.


I don't learn well this way. I pay good money to go to a school that allows me to show up, sit in a classroom and have an expert explain the concepts to me. That's how I learn best. I purposely do not attend an online school because I don't learn well self-studying or teaching myself information. In these instances, I get through the information, I complete the assignment, but I walk away with very little retention of the topic. I think there needs to be a balance. It can not be the entire basis of the classroom to operate this way.


This method is good to apply. The weakness is for students who cannot study independently and students who are not cared for by their families
